Hike list: January, February, March - 2015

Saturday, January 3, Bass Lake to Cone Manor Loop: 5 miles, 3 hrs. Rated easy. This pretty

hike goes along Bass Lake, climbs through woods up to the Cone manor house and then winds

back down to Bass Lake, making a beautiful loop. May add the Apple Barn on the way up. Meet

at Bass Lake parking area off Rte. 221 in Blowing Rock. No dogs. Call Roger Bodo at


Monday, January 5, Bass Lake to Cone Manor Loop, Meet at Bass Lake, off Rt. 221

just west of Blowing Rock, at lower parking area next to the lake, 9:30 AM. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, January 7, Valle Crucis Conference Center Valle Crucis Trails, from the Valle Crucis Conference Center to Orchard Creek Falls and beyond. Easy to moderate hike to beautiful waterfall and then hike up to ridge top. No dogs. Contact hike leader Larry Mallett at 828-260-1675 or .

Saturday, January 10, MST near Singecat Overlook: 5 mile hike, rated moderate with a few

switchbacks, but no water crossings. This part of the MST begins at milepost 344 on the BRP,

crosses over the Twin Tunnelsand has nice views of Mt. Mitchell and the Black Mtns. Meet at

Dan & Susan's cabin at 10:00 AM. Bring hiking sticks, water, lunch/snack. Call hike leader Susan

Smith at 828-675-1827 for directions to the cabin. We will carpool to the trailhead from there.

Monday, January 12, The Maze and Apple Barn at Cone Manor. Meet at Bass Lake

lower parking area off Rt. 221 just west of Blowing Rock at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, January 14, Trout Lake to Fire Tower, Approximately 7 miles, rated moderate, on Cone Manor carriage trails with approximately 650 ft. elevation gain. Meet at Trout Lake parking area. No dogs. Contact hike leader Eva Rand: 301-758-4375 or

Saturday, January 17, Storyteller to Flat Rock - From Boone Fork Parking area at Milepost

299.9 on the BRP, the hike will follow the Nuwati Trail to Storyteller Rock with the return trip via

the Cragway, Daniel Boone Scout and Tanawha Trails. Storyteller and Flat Rock afford beautiful

vistas of the Boone Bowl and beyond. Approx. 7 mi., some parts strenuous and rocky. No dogs.

Call hike leader Bob Heath at 828-773-0471.

Monday, January 19, Rich Mountain: Meet at Trout Lake parking lot at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no

dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, January 21, Spence Ridge Trail, Linville River Gorge, Meet at Christa’s on Hwy 181 at 9:15 and leave Christa’s at 9:30 to carpool to trailhead. The trailhead is the first trailhead on left after you pass the Hawksbill trailhead. Approx. 5 mile hike round trip down to Linville River to the old footbridge that was washed out 3 years ago. Moderate hike. Email Ken Pruitt at or just show up at Christa’s. No Dogs

Saturday, January 24, Elk Knob: 3.6 mi. round trip, with 980 ft. gain in elevation. Spectacular views at the summit. The trails are mostly moderate, but steady incline; steep in some places.2½ - 3 hrs. No dogs. Hike leader, Roger Bodo, 828-260-2019.

Monday, January 26, Price Lake Plus Meet at Boat ramp parking area, BRP MP 297, at 9:30.

Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, January 28, Flat Rock Ridge Trail, This wonderful 5 mile downhill hike with some ups is part of the Doughton Park Trails. The start is at the Basin Cove Overlook MP 244.7 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Car spotting will be necessary. The pace will be relaxed and slow. No dogs. Call hike leader Allmuth "Curly" Perzel 336-982-8591.

Saturday, January 31, Mountains-to-Sea Trail, We will hike north from 421 to Elk Mountain

Overlook, and back. About 4-5 miles. Moderate. No dogs. Contact hike leader,

Pam Hoffman, 828-262-9779.

Monday, February 2, Green Knob Trail, Meet at Sims Pond Overlook, BRP MP 295.9 at 9:30.

Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, Feb 4, Tanawha Trail from Holloway Mountain Road: We will hike south toward Grandfather Mountain on the Tanawha trail to the foot bridge over the Boone Fork creek and return. About 7.7 miles, moderate. No dogs. Hike Leader, Juin Adams,828-295-9607

Saturday, February, 7, Tanawha and Boone Fork Trails from Holloway Mtn. Rd. Parking:Hike the Tanawha from Holloway Mtn. road east to the Boone Fork Trail, then connect with the Boone Fork Trail 5 mile loop back to the Tanawha and Holloway Mtn. Rd. Rated easy tomoderate. 7 mi. round trip. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Larry Mallett, 828-260-1675 or

Monday, February 9, Flat Top Observation Tower. Meet in front of the Carriage

House by Cone Manor, BRP MP 294.1. at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, Feb 11, Exploring Boone, We will do two short hikes in and around Boone. View

the progress of the new Middle Fork Trail hike/bikeway and also hike part of the way up Howard

Knob. Easy, short hikes. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Pam Hoffman, 828-262-9779.

Saturday, February 14, Glen Burney Trail, Blowing Rock: Hike down New Year’s Creek and

view the falls from three lookouts. 3 miles, moderate to strenuous. Soup at Juin’s house after the

hike. No dogs. Hike Leader, Juin Adams, 828-295-9607.

Monday, February 16, Old John’s River Road to Boone Fork. Meet at Sim’s Pond Overlook, BRP MP 295.9 at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, Feb 18, Valle Crucis Conference Center, Valle Crucis Trails, from the Valle Crucis Conference Center to Orchard Creek Falls and beyond. Easy to moderate hike to beautiful waterfall and then hike up to ridge top. No dogs. Contact hike leader Eva Rand: 301-758-4375 or

Saturday, February 21, Beacon Heights to Rough Ridge - 4.5 mi. rated moderate with some

rough, rocky areas. Hike through one of the most spectacular sections of the Tanawha Trail

through the Viaduct Visitor Center (which will be closed), then on to Rough Ridge. Meet at Rough

Ridge Parking area on the BRP, mile marker 305, and we will carpool to Beacon Hgts. No dogs.

Call hike leader Bob Heath at 828-773-0471.

Monday, February, 23, Boone Fork Trail Meet at Price Park Picnic Grounds near the restrooms BRP MP 294 at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, February 25, Mountains-to-Sea Trail, We will begin at Highway 421 and hike

south on the MST past Wildcat Road to the Parkway and return. 4-plus miles. Moderate. No

dogs. Contact hike leader, Pam Hoffman, 828-262-9779.

Saturday, Feb 28, Upper Thunderhole Trail to China Creek Trail Loop, 6-7 miles, moderate to strenuous. Includes some rock scrambling and significant elevation gain on the second half of the loop. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Pam Hoffman, 828-262-9779.

Monday, March 2, Tanawha Trail to Holloway Mountain Road. Meet at boat ramp

parking at Price Lake, BRP MP 297 at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, March 4, Leader’s Choice No dogs. Contact hike leader Gloria Marquez at 828-262-0357.

Saturday, March 7, Rich Mountain to Sims Pond; We will go up Rich Mountain, and then on

the way down, pick up the MST, cross over Shull Mills and then conclude by picking up Old

Johns River Trail, back to the Parkway at Sims Pond. Meet at Simsp Pond and carpool toTrout

Lake. 5.6 miles, rated moderate. Bring lunch, hiking sticks and no dogs. Contact Skip Rackmill

at 828 355-9303 or .

Monday, March 9, Old John’s River Road to Price Lake. Meet at Sim’s Pond Overlook, BRP MP 295.9 at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, March 11, Caudill Cabin Hike Basin Creek, (Allegheny/Ashe Co.). 9.6 miles, all-day hike. Rated moderate to strenuous. Elevation gain of l560 ft. 34 stream crossings, mostly by rock-hopping. Streams are not deep or wide. Chimneys are left standing from cabins washed away in the terrible flood of l9l6. The Caudill cabin, however, is newly restored. Dress for the weather, bring 2 quarts of water, flashlight, hiking sticks for stream hopping, a small towel, and lunch. No dogs allowed. Call hike leader Allmuth "Curly" Perzel 336-982-8591.

Saturday, March 14, Quarterly Meeting indoors at the Golf Clubhouse, Linville Land Harbor

11:00 AM. Bring a dish to share. No need to reserve. Questions? - Contact hosts: Eva Rand,301-758-4375 or , or Roger Bodo, 828-260-2019 or

Monday, March 16, Carriage House to Old Catawba Rd: Meet in front of the

Carriage House by Cone Manor, BRP, MP 294.1 at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, March 18, Seats Road/Todd Island Park , Easy 4 miles hike. No dogs. Contact hike leader Tom Goodwin at 336-877-2449 or

Saturday, March 21, Glen Burney The trail starts at Annie Cannon Gardens parking lot on

Laurel Lane in Blowing Rock. The trail meanders down through a gorge past 3 waterfalls on

New Years Creek. It is 3.2 miles total. Easy going down but the 700 foot elevation change is a

good workout coming back up. No dogs. Call hike leader Barb Pleasants at 828-430-8491.

Monday, March 23, Mountain-to-Sea Trail to 321. Meet at Thunder Hill Overlook, first overlook on BRP north of 321, MP 290.4 at 9:30. Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.

Wednesday, March 25, Colbert’s Ridge, We will hike Colbert's Ridge off Highway 80on the way to Mt. Mitchell. The hike is 4 miles long and rated strenuous. There are beautiful views of the Black Mountains and a unique view of Grandfather Mountain. Bring hiking sticks--no water crossings, but the trail is steep in some places. Also bring water and lunch. No dogs. Plan to meet at the trail head at 10:30 AM. Call Susan Smith for directions and to sign up--828-675-1827.

Saturday, March 28, Calloway Peak via D. B. Scout Trail

Hike from Boone Fork Parking area on the BRP. 5 - 6 hrs., approximately 7 mi. round trip. Steady

uphill trail with some parts near the top strenuous and rocky with ladders. Elevation gain 2,060 ft

Enjoy beautiful long range views to 3 states from the top of Calloway. No dogs. Call hike leader

Bob Heath at 828-773-0471.

Monday, March 30, Trout Lake to Carriage House: Meet at the Trout Lake parking lot at 9:30.

Relaxed pace, no dogs, done by noon.