Cincinnati Christian University James A. Snyder
TTH 311-Denominations and Cults Office/Study #8
Semester-Fall 2009 Phone 244-8153
This survey style course is designed to familiarize the student with the denominations and cults that are currently prominent in the United States. The rationale behind this is in a word, relevance. Upon graduation from this institution our graduates will be in an environment of religious diversity. Within the plurality of views that will be encountered are denominations and cults. Those involved in ministry today, in whatever capacity, need to be familiar with what these denominations and cults are teaching. Such knowledge is indispensable in our attempt to further the Kingdom as we present sound Biblical teaching.
COURSE OBJECTIVES The student who successfully completes this course should be able to:
1) have a clearer understanding of theological development and distinctives of the major denominations and cults currently in the United States.
2) evaluate and critique the particular theological viewpoints of the various denominations and cults examined in light of sound Bible doctrine.
3) identify and discuss the doctrines and beliefs of the denominations and cults examined with a view to entering into dialogue with those outside of the Restoration Movement while defending the integrity of sound Bible doctrine.
4) develop a deeper appreciation for the truth, beauty, and heritage of solid, Bible-based theology.
The content of the course is as follows:
A. Cults to be examined
a) Mormons
b) Seventh-Day Adventists
c) Jehovah’s Witnesses
d) Christian Science and Other Metaphysical Cults
e) Scientology
f) The Way International
g) Unification Church
B. Denominations to be examined
a) Roman Catholicism
b) Eastern Orthodoxy
c) Lutheran Churches
d) Presbyterian and Reformed Churches
e) Episcopalian Churches n) The Church of God
f) Mennonite Churches o) Pentecostal Churches
g) Amish Churches p) The Church of the Nazarene
h) Baptist Churches q) Plymouth Brethren Churches
i) Quakers r) Christian and Missionary Alliance
j) German Brethren s) The United Church of Christ
k) Moravians t) Unitarians
l) Methodist Churches
m) The Salvation Army
C. Data given the most attention
a) The historical background of each denomination and cult studied
b) The authoritative writings of each denomination and cult studied
c) The beliefs and practices of each denomination and cult studied
Required Textbook
Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults. Minneapolis: Bethany House, rev. ed., 1985.
Optional Textbook
Meade, Frank. Handbook of Denominations in the United States. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 10th edition., 1995.
1. The student will write an 8-10 page research paper (this paper should have at least ten sources) on the Christology of either the Mormons or the Jehovah Witnesses.
The paper is to be written as follows:
The first half of the paper will present the Christology of the cult and the second half of the paper will refute the view presented in the first half of the paper.
All papers should conform to the traditional style for writing term papers.
The paper should include a title page with the following information:
1. The title of the paper
2. The course name (TTH 311 Denominations and Cults)
3. The professor’s name (Mr. Snyder)
4. The semester and year (Fall, 2009)
5. Your name and mailbox number
This paper will be due on September 25, 2009.
2. The student will write a 5-7 page research paper on a distinctive belief or practice found within one of the denominations examined. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
Adoration of Mary Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Amish dress Closed communion
Amish simplicity Creeds
Apostolic succession Footwashing
Banning and shunning Icons
Baptism by sprinkling or pouring Infant baptism
Irresistible grace Quaker inner light
Limited atonement Sabbath-worship
Love feasts Salvation by faith only
Monthly or quarterly Lord’s Supper Shrine and relics
Pacifism Speaking in tongues
Penance Total depravity
Perfectionism Transubstantiation
Perseverance of the saints Unconditional election
Prayer to the saints Universalism
Your goal within the paper is to:
1. Provide a clear explanation of what your topic refers to
2. Present the key arguments that are used to defend this idea
3. Give your assessment of this idea based upon your knowledge of the Bible
The paper is to conform to the guidelines listed above.
This paper will be due on November 6, 2009.
NOTE: Assignments that are handed in partially done will receive the grade of 0%.
Failure to complete all assignments will result in the failure of the course
There will be four examinations given in this course. The first exam will cover the Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The second examination will cover the rest of the cults studied. The third exam will cover the first eleven denominations studied and the fourth test will cover the second ten denominations studied.
There will be five quizzes given over assigned chapters of Martin’s book. The date for each quiz will be given in class. If you are not here for a quiz you cannot take it.
Late Policy
No late work will be accepted.
Attendance Policy
See student handbook for absences allowed. If you miss more than the amount permitted you will receive an FA (failure due to absence). If you are habitually late, it will hurt your grade.
Martin quizzes 10%
Christology paper 15%
Denomination belief/practice paper 15%
Test #1 15%
Test #2 15%
Test #3 15%
Test #4 15%
Grading Scale
A=95-100 B-=83-85 D+=71-73
A-=92-94 C+=80-82 D=68-70
B+=89-91 C=77-79 D-=65-67
B=86-88 C-=74-76 F=0-64
NOTE: The professor reserves the right to change or amend any part of this course plan as deemed necessary.
DO: *come prepared and on time DO NOT: *sleep
*take notes *be late
*pass notes
*do work for other classes