Glenwood City Area Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Executive Committee MEMBERS PRESENT: Joan Bartz, Kristen Curvello, Terri Swanepoel, Luke Wolf, and Shawn DeWitt


1.  Call To Order: President Joan Bartz called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.

2.  Approval of the Agenda and Meeting Minutes: motion was made to approve the agenda by Luke Wolf, second by Terri Swanepoel, and October minutes by Terri Swanepoel, second by Luke Wolf, motion carried.

3.  Treasurer’s Report: Terri presented her report – not many changes – we have a decent balance currently. Motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Kristen Curvello, second by Luke Wolf, motion carried.

4.  Reoccurring Business/Updates:

a.  Economic Update: the Marketing and Business Development & Attraction committees have been continuing to meet. Carrie Steger has been trying to open a salon on main street but has been able to obtain a business loan. Have her check into a BD Resource fund, or check with other local businesses like Pete Johnston for financial help. The old Ford Dealership has been purchase by Doug Doornink and sons – they will possibly have metal fabrication, vehicle repair, and/or auto sales.

b.  Membership: Luke revised the membership form and made them more of an invoice tailored to each business/individual/organization. He will email or mail to all. Instead of having a Chamber meeting in December, Joan will host an Open House for chamber members to come and have coffee or treats, turn in member dues and get in a drawing for some Chamber Bucks – December 15th from 7:30-9:00am.

c.  Rustic Lore: nothing new at this time

d.  Lunch & Learn/Business After 5: we will look at scheduling for 2017 at the next meeting

e.  Historical Mural Restoration – on going agenda item until completed: mural is sealed and complete. The total for everything is $13,700. The plaque is $348 – funds are $948 short so Joan is checking with Hiawatha to see if they would be willing to donate. This can be removed from the agenda going forward.

5.  New Business: I left the following on as we didn’t really discuss as Dave was absent… next meeting add to the agenda Budgets. It was also brought up that the current Exec Committee will need to change roles – President, VP, past President. Dave will hopefully step up into the President role, Luke to be VP? Terri and Kristen to continue as their roles?

6.  Adjournment: Joan Bartz moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 a.m. by unanimous consent.

Respectfully Submitted by

Kristen Curvello, Recording Secretary