Millbrook School Friday Newsletter 4th July2014


Dear Parents,

Applications for Free School Meals
Children who currently receive Free School Meals will continue to do so next year unless their financial circumstances have changed. You will not need to renew your application. If you have a younger child joining the Reception class (even though they will get a free dinner) in order to claim the free milk you will need to contact the Free School Meal team on 0300 123 4043 to let them know.

Year 5
Year 5 have made a couple of visits to Cheshunt Secondary School. They have had two very productive days and have been invited to visit again on Tuesday 8th July. On this day the children will leave school promptly at 8:45am so please make sure that your child is in school by 8:30am.They should be back at Millbrook before 3:15pm. They will need to take a packed lunch. We will not be sending out separate letters for this visit, but if you do not wish for your child to attend please let Mrs Vincent in the school office know.

Open Evening
On Monday 21st July the school will be open from 3.30pm until 6pm for parents to have a look at their children’s work and the displays around school.

Years 5 and 6 Production
The children in Years 5 and 6 will be performing their end of year play, The Complete History of the World (abridged) Wednesday 16th July. There will be two performances, one at 2pm and one at 6:30pm. Children will not be allowed into the hall to watch the play and a crèche will be provided in the Nursery. Two tickets per family will be allocated for each performance please complete and return the form below, indicating if you require places in the crèche. Children will not be allowed in the crèche unless a place has been booked.Any spare tickets will be released on Tuesday 15th July at 9:00am. For the evening performance the children will need to be back at school for 6pm please.

School Payments
Please can parents make sure that all dinner money, breakfast club money, milk money and outstanding swimming money is fully paid by Tuesday 22nd July.

After School Clubs
Next week will be the last week for after school clubs as the hall will have the stage set up for the year 5 and year 6 play.

Lemon Jelly
As Tuesday 8th July is the last Lemon Jelly session the children will be putting on a small show for their parents. The show will start at 4 o’clock.

One Hundred Club

Congratulations to Carolyn Robinson and Michael Tucker who won the Hundred Club draw for June and July. A cheque for £20 is on its way to each of you.

Positive Person / SEAL
Reception / Ashley Reece / Destiny Wiseman
Year one / Luca Ciuffa / Hayleigh Parchment
Year two / Hannah Paterson / Rebecca Reece
Year three / Wiktor Taworski / Heyden Sookaree
Year four / Maria Reece / Mahnoor Awan
Year five / Callum Jones / Tajae Powis-Smith
Year six / Joshua Rainbow / Lisa Yu

Dates for next Academic Term
Tuesday 2nd September – Children return to school
Friday 24th October – INSET DAY – School closed for staff training
Monday 27th – Friday 31st October - School closed for Half Term
Monday 3rd November – Children return to school.
Friday 19th December – Last day of Term.
Monday 22nd – Friday 2nd January 2015 - School closed for Christmas.
Monday 5th January – INSET DAY – School closed for staff training.
Tuesday 6th January – Children return to school.

Yours sincerely



The Complete History of the World (abridged)
I would like ______ticket(s) for the 2pm performance on Wednesday 16th July

I would like ______ticket(s) for the 6:30pm performance on Wednesday 16th July

I would like to reserve ___ places in the afternoon crèche.
I would like to reserve ____ places in the evening crèche
Child’s name ______Signed ______(parent/guardian)

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