Telltales was launched in October 2008 with the goal of drawing together, developing and maintaining a strong creative writing community in Cornwall. We host monthly reading nights to showcase the region’s writing talent; gathering submissions on a theme and then programming the evening to ensure that the audience and the readers come away inspired.

Whether it’s new writers sharing their words in public for the first time, or accomplished authors eager to reach a new audience, Telltales represents talent from across the writing spectrum, programming everyone on an equal footing with the aim of building aspiration, achievement and enthusiasm for words in contemporary community culture.

Growing from this ethos of aspiration and literary development, the idea behind The Parabola Project is a simple one. Often, hearing work from the talented array of writers based in our region isn’t enough. We would like to continue Telltales’ good work in print and online: showcasing the talent of Cornwall’s writing scene in a beautiful, evocative and collectable publication; The Parabola Project.

To deepen the meaning, value and experience for our readers we would like to invite image makers to get involved in the publication too and help us make The Parabola Project something truly beautiful.

The first issue of The Parabola Project will be themed Origins so we are asking the county’s illustrators and photographers to submit images of any kind that play with the theme in some way. The only rule is that it must be an original piece of work by the submitting artist and it must use the theme Origins in some way.

Every submitted image will be considered alongside the submitted creative writing pieces and combinations will be pulled together to offer the publication’s readers a thought-provoking, rich and visually stunning reading experience.

Scheduled for publication at the end of October 2010, we’re ready to accept submissions from photographers and illustrators now. So if you are keen to showcase your talent and get your work published in print and online what are you waiting for?


The theme for the first issue of The Parabola Project is Origins.

Origins can be a starting point, or an end point, a blessing or a curse, a home or a destiny, an explanation or a cause.Imagemakers are asked to submit photography or illustration based images which play with this theme in some way.

We’ll accept any images at all, from digital photographs to lomography, from mixed media pieces to line drawings. The only rule is that it has to be an original piece of work created by the submitting artist.

Submissions should be sent as low resolution jpegs or PDFS by email to or uploaded through our website clearly marked THE PARABOLA PROJECT.

Please only submit up to five images per artist.

Along with your image submission please provide contact details and a short explanation of how your image plays with the theme Origins.

Submissions close on the 27 July 2010.

The Telltales team will pour over all submissions in August and successful imagemakers will be contacted in early September for further information, the correct image formats for publishing and to discuss other potential profile-raising opportunities in the build up to publication.

Any questions or further information contact The Parabola Project’s creative directorZander Grinfeld;

Good Luck.