2016 Falls Prevention Awareness Day Proclamation
(Note: Edit the yellow highlights as needed for your state. National numbers in the proclamation template are cited. As needed, states can add citations for their state-specific data.)
Whereas, it is estimated that ___ percent of (State) citizens are 65 years of age or older, the fastest-growing segment of the state’s population;
Whereas 1 out of 3 adults over age 65 in the United States falls each year;1
Whereas falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults in the United States;2
Whereas, falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among (State) citizens 65 and older, leading to ___deaths, ___hospitalizations, and ___ emergency department visits in (year);
Whereas, falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) among (State) citizens 65 years of age and older;
Whereas, falls and the fear of falling can lead to depression and hopelessness, loss of mobility, and loss of functional independence;
Whereas, the average hospitalization charge for an unintentional fall among (State) residents ages 65 and older was $___ in (year);
Whereas, in 2013, the total direct medical cost of fall-related injuries for older adults nationally, adjusted for inflation, was $34,000,000,000;3
Whereas if the rate of increase in falls is not slowed, the annual cost of fall injuries nationally will reach $67,700,000,000 by 2020;4
Whereas, injuries from falls are largely a preventable community health problem;
Whereas, evidence-based programs reduce falls by utilizing cost-effective strategies such as exercise programs to improve balance and strength, medication management, vision improvement, reduction of home hazards, and fall prevention education;5
Whereas, the (State) Falls Prevention Coalition, including more than (number) organizations from across the state, is working to increase awareness of this issue, promote multidisciplinary strategies to prevent falls, and encourage (State) citizens to take steps to protect those who are at increased risk of falling;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, (Governor’s Name), Governor of the State of (State), do hereby proclaim September 22, 2016 as “Falls Prevention Awareness Day” in (State) and urge our citizens to commend its observance.
Tromp, A.M., Pluijm, S.M.F., Smit, J.H., et al. (2001). Fall-risk screening test: a prospective study on predictors for falls
in community-dwelling elderly. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 54(8), 837–844.
2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Injury Prevention &
Control: Data & Statistics (WISQARSTM). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/ (2013, August 15). ].
3 Stevens, J.A., Corso, P.S., Finkelstein, E.A., Miller, T.R. (2006). The costs of fatal and nonfatal falls among older
adults. Injury Prevention, 12, 290–295..
4 Englander F., Hodson T.J., Terregrossa R.A. (1996) Economic dimensions of slip and fall injuries. Journal of Forensic Science, 41(5):733–46.
5 Carande-Kulis, V.G., Stevens, J.A., Florence, C.S. Beattie, B.L., and Arias, I. (2015) A cost-benefit analysis of three older adult fall prevention interventions. Journal of Safety Research, 52, 65-70.