CDTA strives to provide a work environment free from harassment and intimidation based on personal characteristics. Any form of harassment related to an individuals sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, veterans status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, citizenship status or other protected characteristic will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. With respect to non-employees, management will act appropriately to remedy violations, with guidance from executive staff. This policy complies with the state laws, federal laws, our Equal Employment Opportunity policy, and CDTA’s expectation that individuals will respect others’ dignity while conducting business for or with the CDTA and while participating in any company-sponsored event.

Recognizing harassment in the workplace: Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct which is verbal (including but not limited to offensive language, jokes and degrading comments), physical, or visual, and which is based on an individual’s sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, veterans status, disability, pregnancy, citizenship status or other protected characteristic.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests or pressure for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when:

·  Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment, or

·  Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision, such as promotion, transfer, or termination of an individual, or

·  Such conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

It is a violation of this policy to display objects, pictures or posters in the workplace, including calendars and screen savers which are sexual in nature and/or which malign protected characteristics.

It is not harassment or a violation of this policy for supervisors to require employees to perform their jobs competently and in a timely manner.

All levels of management are required to report all incidents of harassment as per company procedure on reporting complaints of harassment.

Any employee who observes harassment is required to immediately report the conduct to any supervisor or the Director of Training and Staff Development, or the Director of Human Resources and Safety. All employees are required to cooperate with an investigation of any type of harassment. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

If you work at CDTA, and you believe you have been harassed by a manager, supervisor, co-worker, or third-party doing business with CDTA, you must make a complaint. Contact Mike Collins, Director of Human Resources and Safety, at 437-8380 or Sarah Viola, Manager of Training and Staff Development at 437-8388. Both have offices at 110 Watervliet Avenue. If you believe that you have been harassed by someone other than a manager, you must notify either your Superintendent, Department Head, or Mike Collins or Sarah Viola. Appropriate action will be taken to address all complaints in a confidential manner insofar as possible. Putting your complaint in writing soon after it arises will help CDTA to correct the situation. A complaint form is available for your use from your department head, superintendent, Mike Collins or Sarah Viola.

The findings on any complaint warranting disciplinary action will be reported to the Executive Director. Absent any unanticipated circumstances, any investigation will be completed within 10 business days. If it appears from the complaint that immediate action is necessary due to an imminent safety threat, interim action will be taken pending the outcome of the investigation. Confidentiality of both the complainant and accused will be maintained as far as practicable.

Retaliation against someone for complaining is also illegal and is considered a new basis for complaint and disciplinary action. The making of false complaints will serve as grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Employees violating this policy will be charged with misconduct and will be subject to discipline which could include suspension or dismissal. Any questions should be directed to Mike Collins or Sarah Viola at the above location. All employees are required to cooperate in carrying out this policy so that our workplace is comfortable for everyone and offensive to none.


Raymond J. Melleady Updated: December 14, 2007

Executive Director