CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTCUSTOMER CARE(ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.2 and 7.2.3)


Meeting Customer requirements is the principal objective of the Organization. Their needs must be fully understood and agreed and the Organization must establish that it is in a position to meet these requirements in an effective manner.


The nature of the business is such that it designs and supplies software for parametric analysis and project management. It also provides consulting services and training related to these software products and related cost analysis, project/program management and cost research activities.

The scope of this procedure includes:

Identification and documentation of the Customer requirements.

Review of these requirements.

Methods of communication with the Customer.

Outline planning of the work.


It is the responsibility of the Vice President of Business Development, Business Development Managers and Customer Service Managers (for software products and training) and the Vice President/Director of Professional Services (for consulting services) to ensure that:

All verbal or written enquiries, orders and contracts are reviewed to ensure that the requirements together with any changes are adequately defined and understood by both parties.

These requirements together with any changes are adequately documented.

Adequate planning is carried out to ensure that the Organization has or can obtain the necessary resources to fulfil the order or contract.

Effective lines of communication are set up between the Customer and the Organization.

Sufficient records are kept to show that the above requirements have been achieved.

4.0Procedure - Screenshots

1. 4.1General

4.1.1Customer requirements will be dealt with in three stages:A phone call will be generated via the Microsoft CRM on a quarterly basis for the Business Development Manager and the Services Personnel for each Account/Contact. Each Account will receive a phone call twice a quarter:

To find YOUR Open Activities:

  • Log in to CRM
  • Go to the Workplace
  • Click on Activities
  • Be sure on the Activities Drop down, it says MY ACTIVITIES
  • The Start date for all your calls each quarter will be the same, so the list will have everyone down to start calling on the same date.
  • Please make your initial calls within 2 weeks.
  • Click on the Subject line of the first Phone Call to make.

Receipt and understanding of the customer requirements.

Review of the Organization’s capability to meet these requirements.

Confirmation of acceptance to the Customer.

42. .1.2Enquiries, requests for proposal and orders are generally received by Telephone, Letter, E-mail or Customer Order.The Business Development Manager or Services Personnel will review the Closed Activities for the Account/Contact before making the phone call:

  • Once the Call record is open, Click on the Recipients name to open their record.
  • Click on Closed Activities button (in the left navigation area)
  • Review their recently Closed Activities.
  • When you’re done, go to their Open Activities by clicking on Activities (in the left navigation area)
  • Click on their Customer Care Call Record
  • Pull up your Script File to work from during the call.
  • You should probably have a blank Master version of this saved on your system to keep pulling up.

43. .1.3Records related to dealing with Customer enquires and orders will be kept in the Goldmine Microsoft CRM computer systemThe Business Development Manager or Services Personnel will make their scheduled call.

The average call will take 15 minutes.

There are 3 scenarios that may happen when you make your call.

Please see them below:


4.1.4If the Contact answers the call, Where the Organization is unable to meet the Customers requirements they will be advised accordingly.the caller will utilize their respective script for the phone call. The caller will make any notes about the call in the Script document, save it accordingly and
attach it to the phone call record in the Microsoft CRM.

  • To attach the script file:
  • Click Attach File from top navigation bar
  • Denote the Renewal Likeliness at the bottom of the phone record:
  • Click Mark Complete (at top)


4.1.5The Organization’s products and services are described on the company web-site, via trade shows and the company promotional literature.If you have to leave a message when making this call:

  • DO NOT Mark the Customer Care Campaign Call Complete.
  • Push the Due Date out
  • Save & Close it


  • Create a New Phone call record for that Contact to note the message left
  • Be sure you’re on the Contact’s record
  • Click on the dropdown at the NEW ACTIVITY Button (on top) and select Phone Call
  • In the Subject line, write: Left Message in regard to Customer Care Call <Quarter # & Year>

  • Set the Due Date to the day’s date
  • Regard the Call to the Customer Care campaign for the Quarter:
  • Click the Find Icon to the right of the field
  • In the Look Up Record Window, choose Campaign Activity in the “Look For:” dropdown
  • Then Select the correct Campaign Activity
  • For BD it will simply be the Customer Care Call (Q1 – BD), etc.
  • For Services, it will be the Services one with YOUR initials at the end
  • In this example, I choose Ton Dekkers.
  • Click OK
  • MARK Complete this phone call

This will show up in the Closed Activities and you will have a record of a call attempted, but it will leave the actual Customer Care Call open until the contact is reached and a conversation is had with notes.


If you decide while on the phone with the Contact that it makes sense for you to set up another call or a recurring call in support of the Campaign:

  • Contact the Operations Manager, Business Development to enter it in the CRM so that all Campaign connections are made accordingly and any other adjustments to the normal recurring quarterly calls schedule within the CRM can be made.

4. Opportunities Derived from Customer Care Calls:

  • Any Opportunity derived from a Customer Care Call will be managed by the Business Development Manager with support from the appropriate Services employee.
  • If an Opportunity arises during a Service rep’s call, the Service rep will tell the appropriate Business Dev. Manager so that they can create the Opportunity.
  • If an Opportunity is derived from the phone call, a new Opportunity will be created and denoted as being derived from a Customer Care call in the appropriate form field in the Microsoft CRM.

5. Services Personnel and Business Development Managers will identify and submit new POC Contact names to the Sr. Coordinator, Business Development to be added to the Customer Care list as necessary.

4.2Customer Requirements. (Receipt)

4.2.1All enquiries, requests for proposal or orders which are related to software products and/or training will be handled by Business Development Manager or Customer Service Manager. All enquiries, requests for proposal or orders for consulting services will be handled by the Vice President/Director of Professional Services, in coordination with the Business Development Manager and/or VP of Business Development.

4.2.2Consulting and training requests for proposal and orders will be identified by a unique engagement number which is recorded in the Engagement Log (04.005) which is stored in an Outlook public folder.

4.2.3Each enquiry, request for a proposal or order for software products must be identified by customer name and assigned a quote number and the quote put into PDF format by the Customer Service Manager. The details will be recorded in the Goldmine Microsoft CRM system through the Opportunity Manager in accordance with the Galorath Goldmine Microsoft CRM Users Manual (04.006) and must include:

Customer/Contact name, address, email, and telephone number.

Details of requirement (products/editions required).

Delivery details.

Date of enquiry or order.

Customer supplied documents specification etc.

Supporting services required.

Regulatory or legislative requirements.

Any special requirements for product validation or verification.

Type of industry Organization.

Any quotes that deviate from the published Price Sheet must be approved via email or in writing by the Vice President of Business Development.

4.3Customer Requirements. (Review)

4.3.1When the details of the Customers requirements have been clearly identified, the Organization’s ability to carry out the work must be formally reviewed by Business Development Manager and/or VP/Director of Professional Services. This must be based on the documents or other information provided by the Customer or the Organization’s own documentation defining the requirements.

4.3.2The review of the Organization’s capability of carrying out the work must address the following:

Can the Organization carry out the work in accordance with the Customer’s requirements without any additional resources or changes to the normal Organization operations?

Is the order from a new or existing Customer?

Are any additional resources required?

Is there a need for additional investigation or research?

Is any additional staff training needed?

What goods, materials or services need to be obtained from outside suppliers?

Does the work involve any special process not usually carried out by the Organization?

Are there any special legal , regulatory or security requirements?

Are any support services required not specifically called for?

Can the design requirements be met?

Is any specific documentation needed?

4.3.3Where any queries or discrepancies are found during this review process they must be resolved with the Customer by the VP of Business Development, the Business Development Manager or VP/Director of Professional Services.

4.3.4Where the enquiry or order is from a new Customer their details will be added to the Goldmine Microsoft CRM computer system.

4.3.5Confirmation that the Organization can meet the Customers requirements will be in the form of a verbal or written acknowledgement.


4.4.1Clear lines of communication must be established and maintained between the Customer and the Organization. This will be by means of telephone, fax, written communication and e-mail.

4.4.2Quotes or proposals will be prepared using standard templates unless Customer has specified a format to be used. Quotes or Proposals for software products and/or training (04.001 or 04.002) will be in writing and will be signed by the Business Development Manager to confirm that they have been formally reviewed. Quotes or Proposals for service engagements (04.003 & 04.004) will be in writing and will be signed by the VP/Director of Professional Services (or other specifically delegated employee) to confirm that they have been formally reviewed. Electronic communications with the customer will generally be in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

4.4.3The Customer Service Manager/Director of Professional Services will deal with all orders. They must be checked to ensure that they agree with any proposal or previous agreements. Any differences must be resolved.

4.4.4Order acknowledgements may be verbal or written.

4.4.5Communication within the Organization will be by means of meetings, phone and e-mail.

4.4.6All communications that could significantly affect the Organization’s ability to fulfil the order or contact must be recorded in the Goldmine Microsoft CRM system.

4.4.7Any Customer Complaints must be dealt with in accordance with Procedure PM09 and PM10.


4.5.1As part of the process of review of the Customer’s requirements the Customer Service Manager, Director of Professional Services or the Vice President of Product Development (dependent on the nature of the requirement) must plan how the work is to be carried out to ensure that sufficient resources are available to achieve the specified requirements and quality.

4.5.2Planning will take into account:

The Customer’s delivery or other critical dates.

Any specific product verification or checking requirements.

Availability of resources including staff, plant and equipment.

4.5.3Any longer term planning will be dealt with at the Management Review. The Quality Representative will provide feedback where problems have arisen with a view to improvement in the quality system.

The method of checking or verifying that the product meets the specified requirements will be defined by either the Serialization form (05.001), Services Proposal (04.003 & 04.004), Statement of Work, Customer Purchase Order or Software Development Concept Document / Project Plan (11.001 / 11.002) dependent on the nature of the project.

Associated Documents
Form number / Description
04.001 / Quote form
04.002a / SEER-SEM Proposal Template
04.002b / SEER-H Proposal Template
04.002c / SEER-DFM MFG Proposal Template
04 002d / SEER-IT Proposal Template
04.003 / Services Proposal Template
04.004 / Services Cost Proposal (detailed)
04.005 / Engagement Log
04.006 / Galorath Goldmine Microsoft CRM User’s Manual

Organization Key Process Customer Enquiry (KP 04-1)

Organization Key Process Customer Enquiry (KP 04-1)

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Organization Key Process Customer Enquiry (KP 04-1)

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