Sunday, March 27, 2016
NURSERY:AM Susan Ten Napel, Jorja ZomermaandPamela Fedders, Kalena Dekkers
PM No Worship ServiceTammy Sieck, Kennedy Vander Windt
USHERS:Brady Koopmans, Mike Kramer, Scott MiedemaDon Mulder, Kelly Noteboom, Gerald Postma
Arlin & Marlene De Weerd(4 doz cookies)Les & Ruth Dorhout
Art & Phyllis Hamming (4 doz cookies)Lyle & Pam De Wit
ORGANIST / PIANIST: AM Celia Ten Napel Mikayla Vos
PM No Worship Service Sara Hulshof
LIBRARIAN:AM Patsy Bootsma
OFFERING:AM Building Fun (Roof) Christian Education
PMNo Worship ServiceChristian Education
• Bob Eisma who is recovering from leg surgery.
- Gilbert, Jason, Tim and Sylvia, Kory, Megan, Deb and all the elderly.
- Our sympathy to Chris Schouten in the passing of her sister-in-law, Cora Broek
--YPS SELLING SUBS / SANDWICHES - It is that time of year for YPS selling Subs/Sandwiches. We will be selling them through April 3. If you do not get contacted and would like some subs/sandwiches please let Angie Zomermaand/Sara Hulshof know. We will be making and delivering them on April 20.
--NEWSLETTER ITEMS - Please have items for the newsletter to Pam De Wit ()
by Tuesday,March 29. Thank You.
--BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:Please put any bulletin announcements in Pam De Wit’s Church mailbox or via email () by NOON on Thursday, March 31. Thank You.
--THE NORTHWEST IOWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAwill present its annual Guest Concert on Friday, April 1, with a performance by The Rose Ensemble, Slavic Wonders, at 7:30 p.m. in the BJ Haan Auditorium on the campus of Dordt College.NISO, in conjunction with the Sioux Center Recreation and Arts Council, invites you to visit ancient Russia, Bohemia, Poland, and more, where mysterious chants, joyful hymns, and magnificent choral works are mingled with tales of folk heroes. Advance tickets are available at True Vine in Sioux Center and Dove Christian Bookstore in Orange City. Tickets are also available at the door the night of the concert. For more information, contact the NISO office at 712-722-6230 or .
--BLUEGRASS CONCERT - Ireton Christian School presents their 18th annual Bluegrass Concert.
Saturday, April 2 shows at 2:30 pm and 7:00 pm, at B.J. Haan Auditorium, Dordt College. Featuring The Benson Family and Highway Home, Tickets are $15 in advance or at the door, can also be purchased at Ireton Christian School.
--BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER!!Jim and Angela Dekkers are having a fundraiser on Saturday, April 2 at the All Season Center from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in Sioux Center.We will have a booth at the Craft and Vendor Expo selling craft items and baked goods.If you would like to contribute to the Fundraiser, please have your items in the church kitchenby 12:00 noon this comingFriday, April 1.We would love for you to come check us out on April 2nd. Thank you, Thank you SO MUCH for all your prayers and support thus far in our adoption journey.
--SUNDAY MORNING DRIVERS WANTED - Check the back table –If you signup—please call Chris on Saturday night. THANKS! To everyone who has helped already!!
--THE NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) SUPPORT GROUP will meet in the Fireside Room of Central Reformed Church in Sioux Center from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5. Andrea Miedema is a Peer Support Specialist trainer, and she will discuss that program. Individuals and family members coping with mental illness are invited to join us. For information call Shirley Matheis 722-4462.
--IRETON COMMUNITY VSB SUPPER AND BAKE SALE will be April 6 from 5- 7:30 pm at the Ireton Community Center.We are in need of donated bake sale items, which need to be dropped off at the Community Center by 3pm that day. Join us for a free will supper of Pork loin sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, salad and
ice cream! All funds raised will be used towards this year’s Community VBS, which is July 18-21, 2016 at
St Paul’s Lutheran church. This year we will be going on a CAVE QUEST to follow Jesus’s light!!!
--OREO SALADS NEEDED FOR VBS - Ireton CRC is in charge of donating all of the Oreo Salad for the VBS Supper Fundraiser. If you are willing to make a salad, please sign up on the sheet in the back of church
or contact Pamela Fedders. Oreo salad recipe will be provided.
--SIOUXLAND HABITAT FOR HUMANITYis accepting partner family applications for our homeownership program for a home to be rehabbed in Ireton. Our program is a 'hand up' to familiesin need of a safe, decent and affordable place to live.Application forms are available at the Ireton City Office, our Rock Valley office, and online at Completed applications will be accepted until April 6 or position is filled and may be sent to Siouxland Habitat for Humanity, 1335 Valley Drive, Rock Valley, IA 51247. If you have questions, please contact Kurt Franje,712-476-2804or .
--HOPE HAVEN, INC. ANNUAL BENEFIT AUCTION will be on Friday evening, April 8at
Te Slaa Trucking (corner of Hwys 75 & 18). Help support the local and global ministries of
Hope Haven through this exciting evening of fun and fellowship. The evening’s schedule is: doors
open at4:30 PM; food booth and buy-it-now table opens at 5:00 PM; the live auction begins at
5:30 PM.Visit our website for a list of items that will be auctioned off: The
whole family is invited to this community event!
--NISYO SPRING CONCERT -- Come to the B.J. Haan Auditorium on the campus of Dordt College on Saturday, April 9 at 4:30 pm for the Spring Concert presented by the Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra. This concert will feature works by Bach, Handel, Nelhybel, Strauss, and more. Directed by Dr. Bradley Miedema, NISYO consists of middle and high school string students from the surrounding area.Don’t miss this exciting FREE concert!
--CORNERSTONE PRISON CHURCH COUNCIL, BOARD AND CONGREGATIONwould like to invite you to the10th Annual Benefit BanquetMonday, April 11 at Trinity Christian Reformed Church in
Rock Valley at 6:30 p.m.Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.Save your spot by April 3by calling Trinity CRC at
712-476-5292 orgo to the website
--CORNERSTONE PRISON CHURCH - Faith Fellowship WeekendFriday, April 15 – 6:00-8:00pm & April 16 & 17 – 7:15am-4:00pm each day. The theme for the weekend is “Testimony” based on 1 Peter 3:15b
“Always be prepared to give an answerto everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hopethat you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect.”Join us for worship, large group talks and small group discussions.
The deadline for signing up is Monday, March 28.We would be happy to have you join us for part of the weekend or all of it.If you would like more information or to sign up,please contact us r call 605-496-8152.
April 39:30AMPastor Kevin Muyskens
6:00PMPastor Kevin Muyskens
April 109:30AMStan Vander Stall
6:00PMGale Tien
April 179:30AM
6:00PMIreton Community Worship Event, featuring Jill Miller
April 249:30AMCarl Klompien
6:00 PMCarl Klompien
PMSiouxland Women’s Chorus
May 15 (Pentecost), July 10, Sept 11 & Nov 27 (1st Sunday of Advent).
Sunday, March 277:00 AMEaster Sunrise Service
8:00 AMEaster Breakfast
9:30 AMEaster Worship Service
10:45 AMSunday School / Catechism
6:00 PMNo Worship Service