Sandy Creek Homeowners Association Meeting
Date:April 16th, 2015
Location: EmmausChurch
Board Attendees:
Mark Anderson, President
Denise Lee, Vice President, Secretary
Pat Lee, Treasurer
Home Owner Attendees:
James & GailSeaboch
Dee Caruso
Mike & Michelle Murray
Charles Cabana
Old Business:
1)Mark sent our attorney Brandon Berg an email regarding the legality of only using one garbage service in the community, still no response back.
2) Denise will send 2nd letter to owner of Country Club and Par property on removing the dead tree. The Seaboch’s agreed that they would pick up the dead tree limbs on Par and the large pile of yard trash on Raintree for $75.00 which will be paid on their monthly yard service check.
3) Denise continues to send out letters to the offending home owners on any covenant and /or by-law violations. The community for the most part is responding well.
4) Trash cleanup project was completed last week on Raintree cut off and Lakeview Village. HOA paid company $325.00 to clean up these areas. Denise will send out a letter to each individual who lives at these properties on keeping their portion of the neighborhood tidy.
5) Mark will be sending the Berg’s a letter with code enforcement information and rule attached, this letter will be sent to the Berg’s attorney.
New Business:
1) Denise made a nomination to have Michelle Murray be the new board Secretary, Mark seconded the motion, and motion carries. Denise will have information changed on the website as well as on Sunbiz.
2)Michelle had an idea of putting the trash rates in the HOA dues; Mark wants to use Nate’s if able to have only one company. Nate’s charges $28.00 month.
3) Mark will write a letter to the homeowners recommending they vote YES on the road project with the county. Michelle agreed to send it once the letter is complete. Denise will get envelopes and print labels for Michelle.
4) We will put in the next newsletter which will be written by Michelle that any persons caught driving on the easements or other peoples properties will be reported to the law and prosecuted to the fullest. All ATV’s are not to be driven in the neighborhood at all by any on without a valid license; which means no children, NO exceptions.
5) Invite Brian D’Isernia to the next meeting.
Beautification Committee:
It was recognized that Mustard Seed did a great job of cutting back brush on the Raintree cutoff. Denise made a motion to bring in a 30 yard roll off dumpster for spring cleaning, Pat 2nd the motion, motion carries. The dumpster will be location at old clubhouse and may be used by the homeowners for yard trash, and spring cleaning.
Mustard Seed was paid $950.00 for services rendered in the month of April. Pat Lee Treasurer presented financial information for YTD.
Architectural Committee:
Code Enforcement Committee:
Denise will continue to send out offender letters and follow up on
the progress.
Roads Committee:
Denise made motion to purchase milled asphalt for the larger holes in the roads, Mark 2nd the motion, and the motion carries.
Five tons for $399.38 will be paid to Triangle Asphalt to deliver.
Meeting adjourned @ 8:30pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Denise Lee, Vice President
Its spring time and that means blooming trees, flowers, birds singing and of course fast growing grass. Your HOA will be handing out a $20.00 Wal-Mart gift card each month starting in May for the best kept yard. You will also have a brag sign placed in your yard for the entire neighborhood to see.