Name of Organisation / Type of service / Name &/or description of service / Contact details / Cost
Anglicare Counselling / Counselling / Couple, family and individual counselling (generic counselling). No male counsellors.
Will counsel men who are victims of family violence but “men only” is not their focus. Does not use perpetrator/victim model. / Penrith & Rooty Hill:
4731 6467
Moss Vale and Wollongong:
4228 9612
Also, Ashfield & Campbelltown
Dianne Pridham, Co-ordinator / Fee according to income.
(from $20 - $110)
Anglicare Fathers & Children Program / Fathers / Works with men one-on-one, groups, courses or workshops in the Blacktown/Penrith/Hawkesbury/Blue Mountains areas. / Dale Williams & Ken Henderson
9832 2300
20 Westminster St, Rooty Hill
/ No cost
Burnside (Uniting Care) / Fathers / ‘Kids Needs Dads Who’ –a range of programs that offer support to dads in certain areas of NSW. / 9768 6866 / May be some minor cost but usually no charges.
Centacare (Catholic
Community Services) / Anger
Domestic violence
Counselling (Suicidal/trauma) / ‘Pit Stop Anger Workshop’(see brochure attached) –5 week psycho-social educational group program for men experiencing difficulties regulating their emotions.
U-Turn DV Perpetrator Program’(see brochure attached)–20 week, psycho-educational and therapeutic group for men who perpetrate violence in their intimate realtionships
Hey Dad!Group program for fathers, exploring themes of parenting, relationships with their children and their former partners.
MilestoneAn 8-week group program for separated/divorced fathers focusing on their relationships with their children and their former partners.
Lifelinks for MenA counselling and support service for men aged 18 or over who are suicidal, self-harming or otherwise traumatised. / Steve Sutton 9725 7077,
Level 2, 8 Jacobs Street, Bankstown.

9725 7077, Suit 4, Level 2, ChaseCommercialTower, 25Smart St, Fairfield
9725 7077
Various venues
9390 5369
Various venues
9390 5366 – SydneyCity
9545 1544 - Sutherland
Stephen Kilkeary, Specialist Men’s Counsellor – ph: 9390 5366

/ Fee structure (for services in general):
Costs vary but most services are linked to an income-based, sliding fee scale. The minimum fee for counselling, for example, is $15 per session (this fee applies to health card holders)
Interrelate / Anger
Counselling / ‘Manage Anger Now’ (MAN) - Anger Management Program
‘Mates’ – groups for men
‘Fatherhood’ – courses
‘Step Dads’
‘Staying connected” – for separated fathers
‘Men at work’ –balance, stress, etc.
Specifically for men – work, stress, health, anger, relationships, masculinity / Toll free: 1300 736 966
Head office – Burwood: 9745 5544
website: / The programs are partially funded by the Federal Government and do incur a fee. Ring for specific details about the cost.
Mensline / Counselling / 24 hour, 7 days a week, telephone counselling service for men. / 1300 78 99 78 / Free
Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia- Family Skills Program / Anger, aggression / ‘Taking Responsibility’ is a program for men who have been aggressive, intimidating or abusive towards their female partners. This often includes physical violence but not always.
25 weekly sessions of 2½ hours each.
Groups for Men:
Focus on Fathering – 4 weeks), for fathers to explore their role with children and building on family relationships.
Fathering after Separation – 8 weeks, opportunities to talk to other dads.
Growing Together – Dads and Kids – Family Camp. Fun weekend for single Dads and kids.
Men & Relationships – 8 weeks – for men who want to get more out of their relationships with family and friends.
Groups for Parents, Groups for Kids,
Groups for Women, Groups for families / 9806 3299
1300 364 277 (for enquiries about any of the services)
340 High Street, Penrith 2750 Phone: 47284800; email:
/ Free introductory session 6-7:00pm every second Monday.
Fee involved but this is discussed on an individual basis at the introductory session.
Groups: $40-80
Seminars: $20
Family camps: $100
(concessions available)
Riverlands Family Therapy Service / Anger / Richard Elms (Psychologist)
Runs anger management groups for men.
Richard also works with Dale Williams (Anglicare) / 8805 0922 (direct)
9832 2300
(Relationships Australia Office, 56 Woodriff Street, Penrith / 10 men per group
$20 per evening
Salvation Army
Counselling Service / Counselling / Two male counsellors who work with individuals / 4731 1554 / $?
Unifam: Counselling and Mediation Service
(funded by AG’s, DOCS, & UnitingChurch) / Domestic violence / ‘Men’s matters’ – new solutions for men.
Will counsel men who are victims of family violence. Does not use perpetrator model. / Campbelltown: (Amanda)
4628 1577(ph);
Parramatta: 98911628
4229 9863(ph);
Offices in: Gosford, Campbelltown, Wollongong, Penrith, Ultimo
/ Sliding scale used based on income

Disclaimer:MHIRC is not responsible for the philosophy or practices of these organisations. MHIRC provides this list as a convenience, and the inclusion of an organisation or website does not imply endorsement by MHIRC.

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Do you have a short fuse where you tend to angrily overreact to minor problems?

Do you tend to bottle up your feelings and then eventually blow up like a volcano?

Are you often moody and irritable whereby others (family, friends, fellow workers, etc) are generally edgy around you?

Do you tend to be rigid in your beliefs and opinions and easily get frustrated, upset, irritable and angry with others who think differently?

Do you often perceive others to be unfair and disrespectful, and easily get hurt, resentful and angry about this?

Do you tend to expect and pressure others to behave in ways that ensure you don’t get upset and lose it?

Do you often feel distrustful or jealous about your partner’s activities, causing you to check up and interrogate her?

Do you have a regular pattern of the behaviours mentioned above which suggest “chronic anger” rather than the normal occasional angry outburst of most people?


Learn the difference between feeling angry and acting it out destructively.

Learn how underlying feelings can fuel your anger.

Understand how the habit of bottling up all kinds of emotions can lead to chronic anger.

Understand how reducing chronic anger requires us to learn how to deal with the full range of emotions and not just how to “control anger”.

Learn how to identify high-risk situations, tension build-up, triggers and self talk.

Understand how negative, irrational self-talk is fueled by self-defeating perceptions, attitudes and beliefs.

Learn how to own personal responsibility for working through painful feelings rather then expecting others to act differently.

Learn how to develop assertiveness skills to stand up for yourself while equally attempting to understand and be sensitive and respectful to the needs and beliefs of others.

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