Santa Claus Park and Recreation Department

Agenda for Monthly Meeting- January16th, 2018

ATTENDANCE/ROLL CALL: Bill Mattingly, Melissa Brockman, Melissa Leuken, Tyler Dilger

*Pete Linne not present.

Guests: Joel Cosby


January 3rd, 2018

No motion was made to accept the minutes because Park Board President Linne was not present and couldn’t sign the minutes.

Next Meeting: February 19th, 2018 at 6:00pm CST at Santa Claus Community Center

Comments from the floor:

Joel Cosby from MarTek was at the meeting to explain his quote for 2 additional cameras. We talked about where we wanted the cameras to be placed and we agreed that after 30 days the cameras would “purge” itself and delete all recordings after 30 days to save space for new recordings. Park Board Vice President Mattingly made a motion to accept MarTek’s quote for the 2 additional cameras. Park Board Member Brockman second the motion. The quote was below the $1500 limit for purchases.

Park Business:

Budget Update

Park Director Dilger updated the Park Board members of the monthly expenses for the park and compared them to the park budget at this time last year. Park Director Dilger also showed some projections for utilities to be able to estimate how much we would be spending on utilities based on an average of the past 2 years. Park Board member Brockman brought a projections sheet from the Visitor’s Bureau to show Park Director Dilger how her organization is able to project expenses. ACTION: Park Director Dilger is to work on getting a better expense projections sheet for the next meeting. Park Board Member Brockman also suggested looking into taking some Excel workshops or classes.

Santa Statue

There is no update at this time.

2018 Tournaments

There is no update at this time.

Yellig Park License Agreement

Park Director Dilger met with Kevin Patmore to discuss update to the Yellig Park Agreement, Concessionaire Agreement and the Community Center rental Agreement. They discussed all the changes previously discussed at the January 3rd Special Meeting. Kevin said he would send Park Director Dilger all the adjustments once he was done. Park Director Dilger also talked to Kevin about the deposit amount for reserving the fields at Yellig Park for tournaments. The Park Board has made a recommendation to the Town Council to drop the deposit amount from $500 to $250. Kevin would work on updating the ordinance and bring it to the Town Council for them to approve.

Drone Fest

No update at this time.

Field 2- Sod

ACTION: Park Director Dilger is to contact all interested business about getting bids turned in for installation of new sod on Field 2 at Yellig Park. Bids will need to be turned in by the February 12 Park Board meeting and we will accept a bid at that time.

Volunteer Roster

Park Director Dilger brought the Volunteer Roster to the meeting to see if any additions or subtractions needed to be made. The Park Board reviewed the list and agreed that no changes needed to be made.

Park Employees

Park Director Dilger said he will start advertising for summer help in February.

Park Equipment Serviced

The mowers have been serviced by All Season's in Dale and returned already. Park Director Dilgerhas dropped off the Gator to be serviced at Dennis Dilger's garage and he will be doing a service on it as well.

Community Center Business:

Budget Update

Park Director Dilger updated the Park Board members of the monthly expenses for the Community Center and compared them to the park budget at this time last year.

Community Center Bathrooms

Park Director Dilger has tried contacting Ron Smith multiple times about helping with the spec sheet for the bathrooms to see if anything was missing or if anything needed to be added. Ron hasn’t gotten back with him yet. Park Director Dilger will continue to try to contact him.

Community Center Sign

Park Director Dilger sent the Park Boardan email he received from Hank Signs with an email attachment of the mock design on what the sign would look like. Park Board Vice President Mattingly wanted to wait until Park Board President Linne was at the meeting to approve the purchase. According to Hank, the Holistic Massage sign would be removable. Their sign would run $100 and the Community Center sign and the vinyl posts and framing, along with installation would run $700. ACTION: Park Director Dilger was to let Hank know that we are interested but we would wait until the February meeting to purchase it.

Spin Class

Ann Dauby, from Holistic Healing Massage, and MeghanOrgas, who works at the gym, were talking and they both said how popular the spin class at the high school was. Apparently, the high school hosts a spin class/ bicycle instructor led class at 4:30 in the morning. Both Meghan and Ann have offered to teach the class if we buy the bikes. Park Director Dilger has already looked into prices for the spin bikes and they run about $150 a piece. They had brought the idea to Park Director Dilger to bring to the Park Board’s attention. They were thinking of about 10 or 13 bikes. Park Director Dilgerthought if they liked the idea he could get a sheet out at the Community Center and possibly a survey on Facebook to see how many people would be interested. We're not sure where we could hold the class though. There was an idea of doing it in the small personal area with the big stretch machine between the cardio room and the weight room and then just turning that room into the permanent spin class room. Another idea was hosting it in the big room but then we would have to move the bikes in and out every time we use them and then finding a place to store them all. Another idea was hosting it in small rental room but then we run into the same problem of finding a place to store them and moving them around after each class. Park Board Member Brockman said she would like to see the projected budget for 2018 to see if we would have enough money to buy the bikes first then go from there.

Women’s Fitness Class

Lacy Bumm texted Park Director Dilger and let him know that she would be cancelling her Women’s Fitness class at the Community Center because she wasn’t getting the numbers she was expecting.

Shelter House at Community Center

Park Director Dilger has been in contact with Sexton Equipment, the same people who removed the boat from the Park, to see if they can move the shelter house on the side of the Community Center down to the park for us. They are going to be calling back to schedule a time to come look at it to see what kind of equipment they will need to move it.

24 Hour Access

All aspects of making the gym 24 hour accessible have been completed. Cameras have all been installed as well as the door access with key fob entry. The key fobs have been going really fast and no issues have come up. Everyone seems to be happy with the decision to do this. Park Director Dilger said him and his staff have been limiting the key fobs to 1 per family due to how expensive the fobs are. The key fobs are $6/fob so Park Director Dilger suggesting charging an amount to buy an extra one, or get a replacement one if their card gets lost, stolen, or damaged. Park Board Vice President Mattingly suggested making an extra key $12 for a replacement or extra fob. Park Board Vice President Mattingly made a motion to charge $12 for a replacement fob. Park Board Member Brockman second the motion. Motion carries.

Wi-Fi Increase/Switch TV Service to PSC

Park Director Dilger has looked into getting the our TV service switched from DirecTV to PSC and bundling TV, Internet, and Phone service. Park Director Dilger has talked to Dave at PSC and they talked about increasing our Wi-Fi speed as well and seeing if there was a reduced rate for businesses. Dave told Park Director Dilger that he could offer a 25% discount after doubling our speed. Park Director Dilger brought a paper with some math he did showing how much we would be saving per month. He says right now we’re paying approximately $213/month for TV, Internet, and Phone service. If we switch to PSC and bundle everything, as well as double our Wi-Fi speed, we would be paying approximately $190/month. ACTION: Park Board Member Brockman wants Park Director to check to see if there is a cancellation fee first. Park Board Vice President Mattingly made a motion to switch to PSC and bundle. Park Board Member Brockman second the motion. Motion carries.

Community Center Rental Agreement

All adjustments discussed with Kevin Patmore and Park Director Dilger are being updated.


Park Director Dilger updated the Park Board on the roof leakage at the Community Center. He has talked to TJ Montgomery, who installed the roof about 5 years earlier. He said with all the ice and snow we had, it clogged up the gutters and when the snow started to melt before the ice could thaw, the water from the melted snow started coming in through the frame. He guaranteed Park Director Dilger that there was no damage to the roof and that there was nothing that could be done until the ice thawed out. ACTION: The Park Board told Park Director Dilger to fill out an incident report with our insurance company and send it to them, so they have notice of it. They also want TJ Montgomery to come check out the roof to make sure there isn’t any damage.

Vending Machine

Park Director Dilger along with the Park Board has been informed that there is no record of the vending machines at the Community Center having gone through the correct process to be there. Park Director Dilger said that the vending machines have been there since before he got there 2 years before and he also sent a copy of the agreement that was signed by the person who stocks the vending machines. The issue came up when the person who owns the vending machines paid Park Director Dilger the 15% that was agreed upon originally. Park Director Dilger put the money in his cash reconciliation report that he turns in every Friday for the Community Center deposit and noted it on there about the vending machine money that was turned in. ACTION: Park Director Dilger is to follow up with the Town Attorney Kevin Patmore about what is the next step.

New Gym Equipment

Park Director Dilger let the Park Board know that one of the ellipticals is no longer usable. Park Director Dilger has had 2 different companies come look at it to see if there was anything that could be done to get the elliptical usable again, but both said it would be very expensive and suggested that it wouldn’t be worth it. Park Director Dilger said they suggested to keep it and store it for parts on the other 2 identical ones like the broken down one. He has been in contact with Fitness and Exercise Solutions about getting a used/refurbished elliptical to replace it. They sent back a quote for a used elliptical for $1499. Park Board Vice President Mattingly made a motion to purchase the elliptical. Park Board Member Brockman second the motion. Motion carries.

Grant Update

Park Director followed up his email to Ron with a phone call on Friday to see where he stood on getting him a price estimate, so he can finish up the grant for the Community Center Foundation grant for the bathrooms. He said with labor and material included he estimates around $23,000-$26,000 total for both bathrooms. Park Director Dilger has filled in everything on the Spencer County Community Foundation Grant website and submitted the request.


Vouchers in the amounts of $455.74, $161.03, $1,813.72, and $4,222.72 were reviewed and Park Board Member Lueken made a motion to pay the vouchers. Park Board Vice President Mattingly seconded the motion. Motion carries.

Meeting Adjourn

Park Board Member Brockman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:09pm. Park Board Member Lueken second the motion. Motion Carries.

Next meeting scheduled for February 19th, 2018 at 6:00pm CST


Pete Linne, PresidentBill Mattingly, Vice President


Melissa BrockmanMelissa Lueken