Minutes of the meeting heldat Donneybrook House on Friday 11thSeptember 2015 at 2.00pm.


Lynne Wilkinson (Practice Manager)

Helen Evanson

Anne Hopley

Irene Eccles

June Goodwin

Eric Evanson (Chair)

Apologies: Irene Goodyer, Lynne Batkin, Helen Burke and Louise Brady

The meeting was opened at 2.05pm.

Item 1. Confirm minutes of the previous meeting:Confirmed.

Outstanding from previous meeting:-

  • Following Anne’s problem with her “Diabetes Blood Test Equipment” . She reported that this had now been resolved.
  • Another G.P. has now started at the surgery, Dr. Munir, he will be working all day Wednesdays and Thursday morning.
  • Lynne stated that they now have a part time Pharmacist (Tuesday all day and Thursday afternoon), Humaira Ahmed, helping with updates and advice on patient’s medication. She is proving a great asset to the G.P.’s and the surgery in general.
  • Lynne stated that she is still trying to recruit another nurse, although this appears to be “slow going”.
  • Following our discussion on the “Minor Ailments Scheme” it was agreed that a notice would be a good idea to encourage patients to consult a Pharmacist in the first instance.
  • Eric reported that he had received an e-mail from a lady, (Helen Burke), who is interested in contributing to the work of the Patient Participation Group. Although she cannot guarantee to attend all meetings Eric will include her on the minutes distribution list to enable her to follow our progress and make comments where required.

This also applies to any other patients who wish to make a contribution to our work.

  • Regarding contacting the surgery for appointments, a “stacking system” is to be installed for a trial period. In addition, all available staff will be manning the phones during the busy period between 8am to 8.30am.

A “Texting System” is being tried, reminding patients of appointments via mobile ‘phones. It was also suggested that a monthly notice should be re-introduced on the notice board showing the number of missed appointments and possibly the “wasted” G.P.’s time.

  • Lynne stated that a “Book in Advance Clinic” was available between the hours of 3.30pm and 5.30pm, Monday to Thursday.

Item 2. Newsletter: No up to date newsletter done as yet:-

Item 3. Donneybrook Web Site: Following the update of the Donneybrook Web-Site Eric and Anne have recently checked out the site which is much improved. Some further updates may be required regarding new staff at the surgery.

Item 4. Update on Building Work: Lynne reported that the work was nearing completion with the following still required:-

  • New seating to be installed, seats will have arms to comply with latest requirements.
  • Baby changing facilities to be installed.
  • Blood Pressure machine to be installed
  • A second monitor screen to be installed.

All present agreed that the reception area appeared a lot lighter and more welcoming.

Item 5. Any Other Business: The following questions were raised:-

  • Could we place the PPG minutes on the Surgery web-site? Lynne stated that this was possible if the minutes were sent to her electronically. This is already done.
  • Could we place the minutes of the GP Locality Meeting on the web-site? For confidentiality reasons this should not be done.
  • Eric asked for a volunteer to stand in for him at the Hyde Patient Locality Group meetings. June stated that she would be prepared to do this.

Item 6. Date of next meeting: Friday 13th November 2015 at 2pm.

Meeting closed at 3.35pm

c.c: Lynne Wilkinson (Practice Manager), Helen Evanson, Anne Hopley, Irene Eccles, June Goodwin, Irene Goodyer, Lynne Batkin, Helen Burke, Louise Brady, Roy Stone, Shalima Bibby

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