Department of Economics Spring 2012

Siena College Professor Olney

Learning Styles Inventory: due at the beginning of class on Monday January 23

For Monday January 23, complete the learning styles inventory, “Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire,” developed by Barbara A. Soloman and Richard M. Felder of NC State. The inventory is at Print out your results. At the bottom of your results page, click on the link “Learning Style Descriptions.” Read that page. Reflect on your individual results and the learning/study strategies suggested for you.

And now, write a 1-2 page paper in which you

  • Summarize in one paragraph your personal results of the learning styles inventory. If you quote the website, be sure to use quotation marks and properly cite your source(s). To do otherwise is to plagiarize, which is a violation of academic integrity.
  • In a second paragraph, discuss whether you agree with your individual results of the learning style inventory. Do you think it characterized you well? Adequately? Poorly? Explain.
  • Discuss the learning and study strategies suggested for you on “Learning Style Descriptions.” Indicate which study strategies you have tried in the past (and whether they have been successful), and which study strategies you are willing to try this semester.
  • Conclude by discussing what changes, if any, will you make to your studying based on having taken the learning styles inventory.

Specifications: Double space. 10-11-12 pt font. 1” margins on all sides. Your name and the date in the top right corner. Number your pages at the bottom of the page.

Grading Rubric (8 points possible):

Timeliness of submission / On-time submission = +1 point
Late submission = 0 point
(No papers accepted after January 26)
Writing quality / Well-written (no spelling or grammar errors, paragraphs organized around a point, sentences clear and sensible) = + 2 points
Adequately written (a mix of well-written & poorly written characteristics) = + 1 point
Poorly written (spelling or grammar errors, poor use of paragraphs, writing lacks clarity) = 0 points
Reflection quality / Well-thought out (discusses whether inventory results make sense for you, and which study strategies you have & will try) = + 2 points
Adequately thought out (a mix of well-thought out and poorly thought out) = +1 point
Poorly thought out (simply copies or rewrites without reflection the results of the printout, with no reflection) = 0 points
Picking up graded paper / Pick up your own graded paper during Prof. Olney’s office hours* on January 25, 26, or 27 = + 3 points
Send a friend to pick up the paper, or wait to receive it in class on Friday January 27 = 0 points
*If you have a conflict with all office hours, then you need to send Prof. Olney an email and make an appointment to pick up your paper