MODULE TITLE : POL1009 British Politics

Module Provider (AoU): / Politics / Subject (3 letters): / POL1009
Level: / 1 / Number of Credits: / 20
Module Co-ordinator: / Tereza Capelos


Unit(s) of Assessment / Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)
Critical Review (2000 words) / 30%
Research Proposal (1000 words) / 20%
Final Exam (2hrs) / 50%




In this class, we will survey the major areas in the field of British Politics. Many of the fundamental assumptions about British Politics have been questioned recently by theoretical and empirical arguments. Examples of these are: Where does power reside in British Politics, The nature of British Economy, How do British voters think and feel about politics, The role of the Media in British Politics, The central features of British Foreign Policy, What is the UK’s future role in Europe and in the world? The readings of the course were selected to provide you with a foundation in this topic focusing on the recent theoretical and empirical developments. We will also design and implement a short online survey during class time. You will use the survey materials for your research proposal.


Purpose of this module is to familiarize you with the political scene in Britain, and expand your ability to discuss current issues involving British Politics. Some of the puzzles we will explore are: the New Labour, the role of political parties in British politics, the role of the press and television on British public opinion, Britain's relationship to Europe and the United States. To investigate these and other theoretical puzzles in the field, we will review current research and we will put together a simple public opinion survey. This will give you experience with one of the most frequently used means of data collection in this research area. The readings are very interesting and stimulate discussion, and you are expected to read all assignments with care and be prepared to talk about them.


Knowledge and understanding
  • Identify the major debates in the field of British Politics
  • Analyse the interrelationship between the discussed theories and paradigms in the understanding of political phenomena
  • Apply the relevant concepts and methodological approaches to your own research proposal
  • Critically evaluate dominant theories in the field
Transferable and Practical Skills
  • Apply self organisation and organize workload to meet deadlines
  • Employ relevant research and evaluation skills to investigate politics - or policy-related areas.
  • Construct a short survey on British Politics


Introduction to British Politics: developments, debates, observations
The British political system and processes: The British Constitution and its Reform, The Monarchy
The Mechanics of Government: The British Parliament – Commons and the Lords, The Political Parties, The Prime Minister
Media politics: The Media, British Election Campaigns, Advertising, Polling
Voters and Public Opinion: British Electoral Behavior and Participation, Political ideology and political culture, Evaluations of Parties and their Leaders
Issues and Major Debates in Contemporary British Politics: Britain and the EC/EU, Britain and the US, The British Welfare State, Race and British Politics, British Foreign Policy


Lectures, Seminars, and discussion elaborating on course-book


Essential Books
  • Budge et al. 2004. The New British Politics. Addison Wesley
Complementary reading:
  • Blackstone et al. 1998. Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda. Routledge: London
  • Byrd (ed). 1991. British Defence Policy: Thatcher and Beyond. Philip Allan
  • Dunleavy et al. (eds.). 2006. Developments in British Politics. Palgrave
  • Geddes. 2004. The European Union and British Politics. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Kavanagh. British Politics: Continuities and Change. 1990. Oxford University Press 2nd edition
  • Marr. 2004. My Trade, A Short History of British Journalism. Macmillan
  • McAnnulla. 2006. British Politics: A Critical Introduction. Continuum
  • Moran. 2005. Politics and Governance in the UK. Palgrave.
  • Norris. 2001. Britain Votes 2001, OxfordUniversity Press
  • Norton. 1984. The British Polity. Longman, 4th ed.
  • Pierson. 1994. Dismantling the Welfare State, Cambridge
  • Sir Robin Renwick. 1996. Fighting with Allies: America and Britain in Peace and at War. New York: Times Books, Random House
  • Seymour-Ure. 2003. Prime Ministers and the Media, Backwell
  • Solomos. 2003. Race and Racism in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan. 3rd ed