Directorate B - Nature, Biodiversity & Land Use
ENV.B.2 - Biodiversity
ENV.B.3 - Nature
Co-ordination Group
for Biodiversity and Nature
13thmeeting – 06/09/12 /

13th Meeting of the Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature (CGBN)

Thursday 6th September 2012

Place: European Commission's Conference Centre "Albert Borschette" (Room 3C) - 36, rue Froissart - B-1040 Brussels (Schuman metro station)

Time: For Member States and EEA there will be a closed meeting starting at 9:30.

The open part of the meeting, in which other stakeholders will participate, will start at 11.00 until 17:30.

Chair: François Wakenhut, Head of Unit ENV.B.2 Biodiversity and Stefan Leiner, Head of Unit ENV.B.3 Nature


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1) Record of Previous Meetings – 11.00

1.1 Approval of the summary record of the previous CGBN meeting (29/03/2012)

The draft summary record was sent to CGBN members on 02/05/2012). Suggested amendments should be signalled in advance of the meeting.

1.2 Outcome of the previous Nature Directors meeting

The presidency will briefly inform CGBN members of the key outcomes of the Nature Directors' meeting which took place in Horsens, Denmark on 21-23 May 2012.

2) Implementation of Target 1 of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 – 11.15

2.1 Natura 2000 Seminars (New biogeographical process)

The Commission will present a short evaluation of the new Natura 2000 Biogeographical Seminar Process, following the experience gained with the first Pilot Seminar which took place in Hämeenlina, Finland on 28-29 May 2012. CGBN participants are invited to present their views on the process so far. - Doc.2-1

2.2 Progress on target 1 of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy

The Commission will summarise progress made on target 1 of the Biodiversity Strategy since the last CGBN meeting.

LUNCH BREAK 13.00 until 14.00

3) Implementation of other targets and actions of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 – 14.00

3.1 Invasive species (Target 5)

(a) Legislative proposal on Invasive Species – current state of play and follow-up

(b) The Wildlife Trade Regulation in the context of the invasive species - Doc.3-1

(c) Presentation of the EASIN (European Alien Species Information Network)

(d) LIFE-proposals on Invasive Species

3.2 EU Business and Biodiversity Platform - discussion on the concept note on the next phase of the platform - Doc.3-2

3.3 CIF updates

(a) Target 2 Working groups: CGBN validation of two mandates Doc.3-3(a)

- mandate of the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and Services Working Group

- mandate of the No net loss Working Group

(b) Information on the Green Infrastructure and restoration Working Group, including prioritised restoration framework

(c) Information on the Expert Group on Agriculture and Environment

(d) Common framework for monitoring assessing and reporting - Doc.3-3(d)

4) Recent and Upcoming Meetings (Doc.4.1) – 17.00

The planning document is kept regularly up to date on circa. Participants will be invited to take note of future events and to suggest amendments (preferably in writing before the meeting).

5) Any Other Business – 17.15

- Tentatively planned dates for CGBN meetings in 2013

6) Information points

- Potential synergies between biodiversity, water and marine policies (INFO Doc.6.-1) -discussion document that was presented at the Biodiversity & Nature Directors May meeting and at the Water and Marine Directors June meeting

- Development of a Guidance Document on Natura 2000 and Forestry (INFO Doc.6.-2)

The activities under these information points will not be discussed in the present CGBN meeting. The Commission identified a limited number of issues on which it would like to inform CGBN members and will prepare written contributions, which will be posted on the circa site a few days prior to the meeting. CGBN participants will have 2 weeks following the meeting to comment on the documents.