City of Southgate

Work Study Session

February 17, 2010


An Informal Meeting of the Council of the City of Southgate was held on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 7:16 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 14400 Dix-Toledo Highway, Southgate, Michigan.


Present: Carol Batko, Jan Ferencz, Patricia Ganzberger, Phillip Rauch, Christopher Rollet, Dale Zamecki.

Also Present: Mayor Joseph G. Kuspa, City Administrator Brandon Fournier, City Attorney Ed Zelenak, Assistant Administrator/Finance Director David Angileri, Engineer John Hennessey, City Clerk Thomas Alexander, Recreation Director Ron Jewell, Fire Chief Douglas Gildner, Police Chief Thomas Coombs, Deputy Police Chief Jeff Meussner, Building Inspections Director Bob

Casanova, DPS Director Keith Tackett, City Treasurer Sheryl Denman.

Rezoning of One Sonic Drive: Council President Rauch stated the Planning Commission has forwarded a request from the Celebration Church of Christ to rezone One Sonic Drive from M-1 (Light Industrial Research) to RO-1 (Restricted Office) and P-1 (Vehicular Parking) for Council consideration.

Discussion: Councilman Batko inquired about the status of this request at the Planning Commission level. Council President Rauch provided details from the Planning Commission Meeting and commented on correspondence from Plan Consultant Young. Councilman Batko asked if the request should be referred back to the Planning Commission.

Attorney Zelenak added the Statue also offers “Contract/Conditional” rezoning options. He noted that

a)  Council is not bound by the Plan Commission’s determination (and can proceed).

b)  Council may negotiate a Contract Rezoning (if Contract Zoning is used and plans for the church fall through, the property would revert).

Council Members Ferencz, Ganzberger, Zamecki, and George expressed concern about the rezoning.

Councilman Ferencz requested that the “Ordinance to Rezone One Sonic Drive from M-1 to P-1/RO-1” be removed from today’s agenda. Attorney Zelenak stated the matter can be postponed for two weeks to provide an opportunity to gather more information. Or, if Council is prepared to make a decision tonight, Council can vote on the matter.

Council President Rauch suggested that the matter be postponed. Discussion took place regarding the TIFA District.

Robert Young, Attorney representing the Celebration Church of Christ, (400 Monroe, Suite 480, Detroit, MI 48226), indicated the Celebration Church of Christ will not do anything to cause the TIFA District any harm. Further, it is not uncommon for a church to exist in a TIFA District. He stressed that the church will adhere to all criteria imposed upon uses that locate in TIFA Districts. He would like an opportunity to address concerns. He believes the church’s proposal is in line with the intent of the Master Plan. He explained that the Celebration Church of Christ has been looking for a new location for several years and prefers the proposed location. Further, the church is a low impact use, which is mainly active on Sunday mornings (Sunday/Wednesday evenings and sporadically through the week).

Work Study Session

February 17, 2010

Council President Rauch indicated Council is not opposed to the church; Council simply wants to be thorough.

Anna Renaud, 12835 Cherry, does not think the Plan Commission realized said property is located in the TIFA District. She noted Wade Trim submitted an RFP in the amount of $22,600 to update the Master Plan. She noted that the Hampton Inn has an approved site plan for a neighboring parcel. She expressed concern about their ability to sell alcoholic beverages (in the future) if a church is established on neighboring property. Mrs. Renaud presented a zoning map; pointing out that any rezoning would create a “spot zone”.

Mayor Kuspa asked if Council would like the Administration to check into the “Contract” zoning option, with it being stated yes.

Conclusion: It was the consensus of Council to postpone this matter for further information.

Hand Held Water Meter Reader System: Administrator Fournier’s memorandum dated February 17, 2010 requests that Council waive the bid requirement for purchase of a new hand-held meter reader system.

Discussion: Councilwoman George expressed preference for the Bid Solicitation procedure. She is not opposed to the proposal; she simply prefers that waiver of the bid procedure be less automatic. Director Tackett explained that RIO is the only authorized dealer for Neptune equipment in Michigan; hence, the request to waive the bid procedure was made. He outlined benefits associated with an in-state company, which include loaner equipment (so work is not delayed). He noted that the City’s existing equipment is at least three generations out-of-date and un-repairable.

Council President Rauch understands the preference to solicit bids; however, given the state of the economy and benefits reaped by opting to use an in-state vendor, it may not be a bad move to use a Michigan company.

Councilman Batko is in favor of using a local company, but agrees with Councilman George about soliciting bids. The City is faced with a very tight budget; without knowing the going rate for this type of equipment, it would be a good idea to gather quotes from other companies (so there will be no doubt that RIO is the best choice).

Councilman Ferencz asked if other equipment can be compatible. Director Tackett replied no; Neptune is a proprietary system based on Neptune programming. Over the next few years, the City plans to implement meter reading (software) and billing software. The long range goal is to eliminate residence to residence meter reading and use “radio waves” as a reading technique. At this time, the only vendor that offers this type of system is RIO.

Council President Rauch inquired about urgency. Director Tackett explained if a piece of our (outdated) equipment breaks, our billing process will be handicapped; repair is no longer an option. Councilman Ferencz asked who would the City approach for proposals. Councilman Batko stated there are vendors in other states; she would like to see quotes from those vendors. Director Tackett stressed the importance of a warranty/use of an authorized dealer.

Conclusion: It was determined that quotes for the “Hand Held System Upgrade” should be solicited (via the telephone); followed by a phone poll vote by Council.

Articles of Incorporation for the Downriver Utility Wastewater Authority: Administrator Fournier’s memorandum dated February 11, 2010 explains that the Downriver Communities are working together to establish a new Utility Authority (to assume ownership, operation and administration) for the Downriver

Work Study Session

February 17, 2010

Wastewater System. Potential operational cost savings can be realized if the facility is managed by the communities. Administration concurs with the recommendation of the City Engineer and respectfully requests that the Council consider adopting a resolution to approve the Articles of Incorporation as presented.

Discussion: Councilman Zamecki requested information regarding current expenditures (for the Downriver Wastewater System) and estimated (future) expenditures. How much savings will be recognized? What will happen if a participating city defaults? Administrator Fournier indicated this project is in the infancy stages; the authority will have the ability to finance itself by selling bonds, etc. At this point, savings (to be) realized are unknown. The intent is two-fold: 1) gain the potential ability to manage the facility ourselves, and 2) have bargaining power with the county. The main goal is to spearhead out of control (County) administrative costs. Approval will provide Downriver Communities with the opportunity to administer the project ourselves, work with the County, or involve a third party management operation. He understands concerns about the financial solvency of participating partners.

Engineer Gaworecki explained that the full intention of the communities is to negotiate with the County; however, if it comes to an impasse, the communities would look at a third party. He added that Engineer Hennessey’s memo notes the County has began to reduce costs at the plant.

Councilman Ganzberger was told it was the genesis of this organization to act together to protect our interests with regard to the Southgate-Wyandotte Relief Drains. This is in the best interest of Southgate because the communities can ban together and form a buffer between us and the City of Detroit Water Department.

Councilman Rollet stated several pages are missing, with it being stated the signature pages for other communities were removed. Councilman Ferencz asked if there is a termination clause, with it being stated the City is investigating that. Councilman George asked if other communities are on board, with it being stated other communities are considering the same resolution. It is anticipated that all communities (with the exception of Lincoln Park) will adopt the “Articles” by mid-March.

This meeting ended at 7:52 PM.

