Mid-yearConversation Checklist

Teacher ______/ Position ______
School/Location ______Date______
Supervisor/Qualified Observer’s Name/Position ______

The midyearperformance review conversation provides an opportunity for teachers and school leaders to discuss studentand teacher progress to date. The mid-year review serves as a formative assessment of theteacher’s performance using a variety of data collected from various sources including observations, SLO, review of professional expectations rubric and any other data sources. The review discussion should focus on linking professional practice to student outcomes and should recognize highly effective practices and areas in need of support, specifically detailing supports that can be provided to improve practice.

Please use the following questions to guide your conversations.

Discussion Topic / Topic Reviewed (please mark to indicate that this item was discussed)
Review of formal observation
  • Are there recommended supports or actions the teacher or administrator should implement based on observation?
  • Is there consistency between the formal and informal observations?
  • Are you prepared to discuss the scheduling of the second formal observation?

Professional Expectations rubric review
  • Did you review the form to ensure both parties understand expectations?
  • Did you discuss any areas of concern and supports/action steps to improve in these areas?

Progress in meeting SLO targets
  • What data sources are currently available to teacher and school leader in the given subject? (This can include interim assessment data, student work, skill inventories, portfolios, etc.)
  • Did you review instructional strategies aligned to SLO goals? If there is a need to modify strategies, what next steps/recommendations were discussed?

Employee performance progress
  • What are teacher’s areas of strength?
  • How can the school community benefit from teacher’s strengths?

Necessary supports from school and district leadership
  • Are there additional supports needed?

Please use the space below for any additional comments.

Teacher’s Comments and Next Steps:




Supervisor/Qualified Observer’s Comments and Next Steps:




Teacher’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Supervisor/Qualified Observer’s Signature: ______Date: ______

By signing this form, the teacher and evaluator agree that this conversation about employee performance was discussed. Signature does not connote agreement with comments herein.

Page | 1Last updated SY 2015-16