University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee • Center for International Education

Faculty/Academic Staff Travel Awards

to Support Overseas Field Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Call for Applications

The Center for International Education (CIE) and the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) plan to award travel funding to faculty and academic staff to support overseas field research experiences for undergraduates in mid-late Spring 2017, or Summer 2017.

These awards are intended to help defray the costs associated with students traveling abroad to participate in faculty research. The committee has strongly favored applications that have focused most (or all) of the budget on the needs of the students, but the awards can also be used to fund faculty and academic staff travel. All travel expenses must be in accordance with UWM and UW System travel policies. Allowable travel costs include: transportation, lodging and per diem expenses. Awards may not be used to pay for faculty salary and benefits. Other anticipated research costs may be considered by the selection committee and should be listed and explained in the proposal budget; please note, however, that the primary purpose of these funds is to support travel rather than faculty members’ research expenses.

Overseas field research experiences are intended to advance students’ understanding of both the world beyond U.S. borders and how research is conceptualized and conducted. Applicants for these awards should:

·  Demonstrate existing relationships to support the current research;

·  Identify the anticipated research question(s) that students will address;

·  Describe preparation for the students, to include training in research methods, intercultural competency, and foreign language (if applicable);

·  Be able to sustain the research experience without the expectation of future funding (applicants should not expect ongoing funding through this initiative);

·  Explain anticipated outcomes of the research, along with a plan for dissemination; and

·  Consider the potential for collaborating with UWM colleagues to develop a shared overseas research site to host repeat visits.

Applications will be reviewed by a committee of faculty from multiple departments, schools and colleges using the following selection criteria. Preference will be given to those who have not received these funds in the past.

1.  Quality of project design;

2.  Qualifications of key personnel, including preparedness to supervise undergraduates’ overseas research;

3.  Feasibility and sustainability of project;

4.  Extent to which project will provide a meaningful international research learning experience for students;

5.  Budget and cost effectiveness.

Application Guidelines

Deadline: The deadline for receipt of applications is noon on Tuesday, January 31, 2017. Please submit a hard copy and an emailed PDF copy of your full application to: Tracy Buss, Center for International Education, Garland Hall 110, . Applicants will be notified of the review committee’s funding decisions no later than February 15, 2017.

Funding Period: Travel must occur prior to August 31, 2017.

Disbursement of Funds: A fund disbursement plan will be provided by CIE following notification of award. Disbursement of funds is contingent upon adherence to UWM and UW System travel policies.

Each Application Must Include:

  1. Application Cover Sheet (attached)
  2. Application Narrative (2-3 pages) – Please address the following:
  3. Summary of Proposed Research Experience: Is there an existing research collaboration/affiliation? How will students receive on-site support from the UWM faculty/academic staff supervisor?
  4. Student Preparation for Research: How will students be prepared for the experience? Please describe any training on research methods that will be provided. Will foreign language competency be required?
  5. Student Research Activities: What will be the students’ research activities and specific research question(s) to be addressed? Please describe as specifically as possible.
  6. Relevance: Does the program fit with UWM’s on-campus research activities? Will it help to strengthen international research collaboration?
  7. Evaluation: How will student performance be evaluated? Will students enroll for credit through an independent study course number? (NOTE: all overseas credit-bearing experiences must be coordinated through the Center for International Education as per UWM policy.)
  8. Dissemination of Outcomes: How will program participants and faculty/academic staff leader present their research upon completion of the program (in-class lectures, posters, presentations, etc.)?
  9. Sustainability: How will the undergraduate research experience be sustained and/or implemented after travel award is expended? Will you or the students receive funding from other sources, such as federal grants?
  10. Project Budget – Please list anticipated faculty and student travel expenses and anticipated research costs, as well as other funding sources for each expense (if any).
  11. Two-Page CV

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Tracy Buss () with any questions. If you are uncertain about the types of applications we seek, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Application for faculty/academic staff travel awards for overseas UG research experiences

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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee • Center for International Education

Faculty/Academic Staff Travel Awards

to Support Overseas Field Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Application Cover Sheet

Sponsoring Unit(s)/Department(s):


Campus Address:

Phone: Fax: E-mail:

Brief Description of Proposed Research Project: ______

Research Destination (city and country):

Proposed travel dates:

Research designed for: ¨ Freshmen/Sophomores ¨ Juniors/Seniors

Anticipated number of undergraduate student participants:

SIGNATURES: Your proposal will be considered incomplete without the following signatures:


Applicant Signature Date


Department Chair Signature Date

Application for faculty/academic staff travel awards for overseas UG research experiences

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