Please return by 16.00 Friday 18 September

Falmouth University is offering 25 places on their National Art & Design Saturday Club for young people aged 14-16. The Club is free to attend for young people living in Cornwall and will include a wide variety of art, design and media disciplines, including Fine Art, Fashion, Animation and more.

Sessions will be delivered by Falmouth University's expert teaching staff with the assistance of trained Student Ambassadors. The Club will take place at both Falmouth and Penryn Campuses, utilising the University’s state of the art facilities, as well as off-site at cultural partner venues like Tate St Ives and Falmouth Art Gallery. We also offer a free trip to London and the opportunity for Club participants to exhibit their work at the prestigious Somerset House galleries on The Strand.

The Club will run every 10.00-15.00 every Saturday, during term-time only. A full programme will be sent out to successful applicants in late September 2015.

Depending on the number of applications received, we may select the successful participants on the strength of their supporting statement (page 3 in your application form).


Applications should be received no later than 4pm on Friday 18 September.

Please return your application form by post to:

Frances Walsh

National Art & Design Saturday Club

Global Student Recruitment

Kerris Vean

Falmouth University



TR11 4RH

Or scanned copies can be emailed to

Should you have any queries please contact Frances Walsh, Student Recruitment Coordinator

01326 213713 /

Details to be completed by the applicant:



Post code:

Date of Birth:

School: School Year:

Applicant email address:

Applicant home telephone: Applicant mobile telephone:

GCSE choices (Year 9 applicants should list what GCSE choices they intend to study):

Please write a short supporting statement to explain why you would like be part of the National Art & Design Saturday Club (include hobbies and outside interests, as well as plans for the future; continue on separate sheet if necessary):


Equal Opportunities Monitoring (To be completed by the applicant, please circle or delete as appropriate):

Male / Female
Ethnic Origin:
White British / Other Black Background
White Irish / Asian or Asian British — Indian
White Cornish / Asian or Asian British — Pakistani
White - other Background / Asian or Asian British — Bangladeshi
White - other European / Mixed White and Asian
Black or Black British- Caribbean / Mixed — White and Black African
Chinese / Mixed — White and Black Caribbean
Other Ethnic Background / Other Asian Background
Other Mixed Background / Other (please state)
Black or Black British - African
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or special educational need (including dyslexia)?
Yes / No
If yes please give brief details:
Have any members of your immediate family or your carer/guardian attended University?
Yes / No

Details to be completed by the parent/guardian:


Relationship to Student:


Post code:

Parent email address:

Parent home telephone: Parent mobile telephone:

If the applicant suffers from a medical condition that we should be aware of please give details below (this will not affect the selection process in any way):

If the applicant has any additional needs or requirements (i.e. physical, dietary etc.), or if there is any other information you feel we would require please give details below:

Data Protection

The information collected will form a confidential record and it may be stored electronically or manually by both Falmouth University and the Sorrell Foundation. We require this information so that we may contact you regarding your participation in the National Art & Design Saturday Club and for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

Please sign below to indicate your consent for Falmouth University and the Sorrell Foundation to use the information provided for the purpose described above.





Falmouth University and the Sorrell Foundation will not share your personal information with any other organisation without your consent.


Applications should be received no later than 5pm on Friday 18 September.

Please return your application form by post to:

Frances Walsh

National Art & Design Saturday Club Application

Global Student Recruitment

Kerris Vean

Falmouth University



TR11 4RH

Or scanned copies can be emailed to

Should you have any queries please contact Frances Walsh, Student Recruitment Coordinator

01326 213713 /