Land Forces Western Area

3rd Canadian Division Support Group (3 CDSG) LMCC Report

Report for the National Executive Meeting Dec 2016

The last 3 CDSG LMCC was attended by myself as co-chair and Sister Brenda Ebear, which was held 08 November 2016 in Edmonton. These are the highlights of the meeting.

Management attendance was Col Stephen Lacroix Commander to 3rd Canadian Division Support Group (Comd 3 CDSG), LCol Mcloughlin to 3 CDSG Chief Personnel Support Services, and Maj Huot to RP Ops Unit West. Brother Ed Karl and Doug Pitman from IBEW were in attendance and Sister Carmen Payne from PIPSC via phone.

Follow-up Business:


-discussion took place regarding discussions that are happening at Suffield in respect to the contracting out of the kitchens.

-Suffield has a MOU to provide a service

-BATUS wants to entertain a costing of a contract to provide complete full table service (cutlery tablecloths clearing of dishes)

-this has gone to Public Service Procurement Canada for quotes and these have been sent to the BATIC for review.

-quote has also been received for in-house increased service using Public Servants.

-Management feels that some quotes have been low

-Col Lacroix in UK on Dec 1 for meeting

-UNDE passed the information for Chris Dando head of the Public Service Union in the UK for Col Lacroix to have a conversation with during his visit to the UK

-it is expected that the British Army would not be able to logically support this increase cost for this extra service

Standing Agenda:

Employee Assistance Program-

-Brenda Ebear is union co-chair of the National Employee Assistance Program Advisory Committee (N EAP AC)

-N EAP AC meeting will be held in Ottawa 23 November. Topics of discussion will include the continued modernization of the program, specifically the possible elimination of the Chairperson role and an overview of the Sentinel Program.

Employment Equity-

-no report

Conflict Management Program-

-no report


Operation Staffing-

-At the direction of the Commander of 3 Cdn Div, 3 CDSG launched Op Staffing on 17 Feb 2016. Op Staffing was implemented to staff vacant positions efficiently through the use of shared resources and collective staffing processes

-100% success rate

-all priority positions have been filled (about 250 positions)

-Op staffing will now be closed

-now have a better grasp of managing vacancies

-has improve the length of time for hiring

-streamlined the processes to better hire

-UNDE stressed that there are many ways to hire not just using a pool process but internal non advertised/advertised and external hirings.

UNDE agenda items:


-after this agenda item was submitted a directive was sent out guiding managers and employees with links to help with pay issues

-UNDE stressed that every pay cycle it seems a new issue arises and it is important for managers to be informed on how to ensure an employee can receive an emergency advance if needed.

Travel Abroad-

-CANFORGEN 126/16 overrides the National Defence Security Orders and Directives (NDSOD) Ch 4 Sec 5 Para 2.3 so now includes all duty and no duty travel to anywhere outside of Canada which now means travel to United States. This new directive means that civilians on non-duty travel must now fill out a notification of intent to travel form before travel to the US for any purpose.

-UNDE feels this is a charter of rights - freedom of movement concern. Many employees travel to the states for the day for gas and groceries as well as for weekend visits.

-UNDE concerned employees could be disciplined if they do not fill out a notification of intent to travel form.

-management stated that they are more concerned when travel is to an unsafe region.


-UNDE asked what the trades in future and what new trades for future planning are being considered and an update on program

-UNDE voiced concern on the apprenticeship program and the lack of skilled trades workers need for the apprentices to work with and asked what plans there are to ensure that there are journeymen for the appreciates to work under.

-RPOps Unit West, DCO will ask these questions at his next meeting

P3 Initiatives-

-UNDE asked what discussions are taking place on P3 initiatives

-Management stated that they are unaware of any discussions for P3 projects for this region and don't foresee any. The current hospital for 3 Cdn Div is being built not by a P3. They see this more with Transportation Canada with the building of roads and bridges.


-UNDE talked about the number of deaths in the workplace remembered at the recent SFL Convention due to mesothelioma, a cancer of mesothelial tissue, associated especially with exposure to asbestos.

-UNDE asked about the local database for asbestos and if each base has this and if there is a national data base.

-Management stated that all bases have a local database for asbestos

-IEBW stated they were not aware of this

-UNDE stated that it was important for management to inform their employees and follow all H&S regulations in regards to Asbestos not only for renovations but for plumbing and electrical workers etc

PIPSC agenda items:

-no items

IBEW agenda items:

-queried HR on membership for the proper chain of command for grievance procedures

Next meeting-

-tentatively end of May 2017

Respectfully Submitted by

Mona SimcoeBrenda Ebear

VP UNDE MB/SaskVP Alberta/North
