P.O Box 390
Girdwood, Alaska99587
Sam Daniel & Jerry Fox, Co-Chairs
Tommy O’Malley, Robert Snitzer, Eryn Boone
Ethan Berkowitz, Mayor

September 19, 2016

GBOS/LUC Quarterly Joint Meeting


6:00 p.m. Girdwood Community Room

Approved by LUC 10.10.16
Approved by GBOS 10.17.16

Call to Order 6:00 p.m. Brian Burnett,

GBOS Attending are: Tommy O’Malley, Robert Snitzer, Eryn Boone, Sam Daniel

LUC Attending are: Brian Burnett, Lewis Leonard, Di Powers

MOA Staff Attending: Kyle Kelley

Agenda Approved: LL/DP

Playground picket fundraiser under way.




  1. Agenda Item LUC 1608-04: Review and Update of LUC Operating Principles

2 meeting requirement for general business “Issues Needing a Vote”

Clarify process to be taken if LUC and GBOS disagree on Conditional Use Permit votes.

This item is highlighted in yellow in copies of operating principles provided at this meeting.

GBOS Rules and Procedures page 9.

LUC Operating Principles were approved at previous LUC meeting.

Change in operating principles is to match Rules and Procedures to match how the LUC and GBOS are currently working.

Group changes “will” to “may” in last sentence.

Eryn requests that language added to indicate that “only one meeting is necessary and…” in the last sentence.

Motion: GBOS moves to accept GBOS Rules and Procedures item C Issues Needing a Vote as proposed and amended above.

Motion by Eryn Boone, 2nd by Robert Snitzer

Motion passes 4-0

GBOS Meeting Agendas and minutes are available on line:

Lewis notes that the Conditional Use Permit Timeline is not currently in the GBOS Rules and Principles is not incorporated in this document.

Group discusses the level of completeness required for final presentation at LUC and GBOS.

  1. Agenda Item LUC 1608-05: Review of GBOS Rules and Operating Procedures Article 10: Conditional Use Process.

Need to clarify/codify process if LUC and GBOS disagree on Conditional Use Approval.

This item is highlighted in Green in each document, page 11.

Group changes “match” to “agree with”.

Group changes GBOS to GBOS/LUC in last line of Article 10, Section D

Group discusses what happens at Planning and Zoning if LUC and GBOS disagree with each other and both explanations are provided at P&Z. Discussion about what the role of the Girdwood Community Association is, as written in GCA procedures. GCA has power according to bylaws to override GBOS with 2/3 majority vote of special meeting.

Sam Daniel recommends change to remove GCA portion from the GCA principles

GBOS moves to accept the change to GBOS Rules and Procedures as presented, with the changes to language outlined above.

Motion by Tommy O’Malley, 2nd by Eryn Boone

Motion passes 4-0

Blue highlight under this topic pertains to an element that should be reviewed further at LUC Meeting and needs to be removed from GCA

  1. Agenda Item LUC 1609-04: Relationship between Girdwood Community Association, Land Use Committee and Girdwood Board of Supervisors: Clarification language to be added to each group’s operating principles.
    This item is highlighted in purple in each document

This is the first reading at GBOS, and was read at LUC at a previous meeting.

Group discusses the muni codes that are addressed regarding community council and community council ex-officio.

Kyle asks if it should be explained that the GCC has become dormant and that GBOS created the LUC to provide the one person-one vote input.

This item should be reviewed at Jan 2017 LUC Meeting. Discussion of dormancy of the Girdwood Community Association.

GBOS formed the LUC to act as the Girdwood Community Council and add historical dates of when this occurred.

Eryn Boone asks if there is a title to MOA code 2.40.035B

  1. GBOS Budget Process and timeline. GBOS budget timeline is moving forward by one month to match MOA budget review. Need to review GBOS Operating principles to match new timeline and address any changes to process that may have changed.

This item is highlighted in yellow in the GBOS Rules & Procedures.

Request change to budget cycle earlier than August to match rest of MOA budgeting cycle. This has become more necessary for Fire Dept.

This will show up in October GBOS meeting.

  1. GBOS Voting
    Documented on GBOS draft in red text. Some it further highlighted ingreenand turquoiseas the language is tied to other agenda items

LUC will review at October LUC meeting.

  1. Review of LUC directions to GBOS in their operating principles. Decision on whether to leave these items in LUC document or write them in to GBOS document.

LUC will review at their October LUC Meeting

Action Item Updates as assigned:

Add GCA to the January 2017 LUC meeting agenda.
