Biology Information Sheet

Mrs. Stuart’s contact information:


school voice mail- 623-445-8734

Website- Can be accessed from (click For Teachers, then Staff Websites)

Electronic Information:

Portal: this is a website hosted by the district where you can find LOTS of information including documents that you saved to the DVUSD server from school. This way you have access to them at home. You can download and upload to this area from any computer with internet service.

è  go to and sign in using your school login information (username and password). In the Main Menu click on My Documents. Then click the down arrow for My Server Documents. From here you can select any file download, or if you right click- a menu pops up where you can upload a new file. It will be placed in portal! You can access files that you’ve started at school, work on them from home and then upload them back to the server.

Website: Here I will place a calendar and all worksheets for this class. May be changed at any time.

Canvas: this is a site where you can find class notes, study guide, schedule outline, potential quizzes and a place to turn assignments in digitally.

è  go to and sign in using your school login information (username and password). In the Main Menu click on More and then under District Websites click CANVAS. Here you will need to log in again with the same username and password. With your pointer, Hover over the courses button and then choose your Biology class. On the left menu you will find all of the Content that Mrs. Stuart has made available to you J

Lab Share: this is an area where you can find worksheets provided by your teachers, you can receive and turn in material here. However, you can ONLY access this information in a school lab (not from the library or from home). We will use this several times per year.

è  Go to a school computer lab and sign in using your school login information (username and password). Double click on the Lab Share icon. To access a document from your teacher click on the _Hand Out folder, double click on the correct Stuart folder: Stuart (Erin) Hand Out, then click your class and find/open the appropriate file. You can save this file to your SERVER documents by clicking SAVE AS (making sure that you select the file associated with your name/server). To turn in an activity here you can click on the _Hand In folder, click on the correct Stuart folder: Stuart (Erin) Hand In. To place/upload a file here you will need to open your My Server Documents folder (this is where you have saved your document). Drag and drop the appropriate document to the Stuart Hand In folder for the appropriate hour. This is a website where you will be turning in several different assignments throughout the year. You will login to this website using a username and password. Then you can type in the class ID and Enrollment password to submit your assignment.

AP Biology: Class ID- Password- APBiology

Honors Biology: Class ID p.5-______p6. ______p.7 ______Password- HonorsBio

Additional helpful websites/notes:
Science Daily:
CNN Science and Space:
BBC Science and Nature:

MSNBC Science and Technology:

Science News:

Elements 4 Health:



Requirements for Journal Checks

3 Dividers- Bell Work, Journal/Notes, and Labs

Contents for each

Bell Work- Current and past bell works

Journal/Notes- Table of Contents complete and ALL material that you can study from with pages numbered

Labs- Table of Contents and ALLl labs and rubrics with pages/labs numbered