Somerlate Barbosa 1



HER PUBLICATIONS / Scholarly Books, Journals, and Encyclopedias that quoted, annotated, discussed, or listed her publications
On Clarice Lispector’s Texts
“A hora da estrela and the Tangible Reality of Fiction.” RLA: Romance Languages Annual 1 (1989): 379-383. / Books:
Quoted in Swanson, Phillip. The New Novel in Latin America: Politics and Popular Culture after the Boom. Manchester, UK: Manchester University press, 1995. (Quoted on pages 132; cited in notes and bibliographical references on pages 144, 184.)
Quoted by Ferreira, Débora R. de S. Pilares narrativos: A construção do eu na prosa contemporânea de oito romancistas brasileiras. Florionópolis (Brasil): Editora Mulheres, 2004. (Quoted on page 178; bibliographical references on page 212.)
Annotated by Joanna R. Bartow. In: Clarice Lispector: A Bio-Bibliography. Ed. Diane E. Marting. Westport and London: Greenwood Press, 1993. (Vide page 44.)
Quoted Willanson, Amy. “Dos diferentes manifestaciones de La hora de la estrela.” Revista Tatuana, Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama (mayo - otocber 2006). Cited on p. 6 and bibliographical reference in note number 7.
Included in notes and bibliographical references. In: Swanson, Phillip. “Clarice Lispector and A hora da estrela: “Feminité” or “realité”? Romance Quarterly 42.3 (1995): 143-153. (Vide nota n. 7, page 152.)
“A hora da estrela: A Reinforced Affirmative Reply.” Romance Notes 29. 3 (1989): 233-239. / Books:
Annotated by Melvin S. Arrington, Jr. In: Clarice Lispector: A Bio-Bibliography. Ed. Diane E. Marting. Westport and London: Greenwood Press, 1993, p. 44.
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Feracho, Lesley. Linking the Americas: Race, Hybrid Discourses, and the Reformulation of Feminine Identity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005. (Vide page 223.)
Journals :
Included in bibliographical references. In: Sloan, Cynthia A. “The Social and Textual Implications of the Creation of a Male Narrating Subject in Clarice Lispector’s A Hora da Estrela.” Luso-Brazilian Review 38.1 (2001): 89-102, p. 101.
“The Transgression of Literary and Ontological Boundaries according to Clarice Lispector.” RLA Romance Languages Annual 2 (1990): 379-383. / Journals:
Annotated by Arlene Schrade. In: Clarice Lispector: A Bio-Bibliography. Ed. Diane E. Marting. Westport and London: Greenwood Press, 1993. (Vide page 240.)
“A hora da estrela and Um sopro de vida: Parodies of Narrative Power.” Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latino Americana 20.2 (1991): 116-121. / Books:
Quoted in Quinlan, Susan Canty. “Um Sopro de Vida: Pulsações.” In: Clarice Lispector: A Bio-Bibliography. Ed. Diane E. Marting. Westport and London: Greenwood Press, 1993, p. 143, 144, 145)
Quoted in Fitz, Earl E. Sexuality and Being in the Poststructuralist Universe of Clarice Lispector: The Difference of Desire. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. (Quoted on page 138; bibliographical reference listed on note n. 13, page 218 and on “Bibliography,” p. 223.)
Quoted in Feracho, Lesley. Linking the Americas: Race, Hybrid Discourses, and the Reformulation of Feminine Identity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005. (Quoted on pages, p. 93, 100, and 103; bibliographical reference listed on page 223.)
Discussed in Ruobueno, Ihana. “En el umbral de la palavra: um soplo de vida de Clarice Lispector.” In: Schimdt, Rita Teresinha. A ficção de Clarice: nas fronteiras do (im)possível. Porto Alegre: Editora Sagra Luzzatto, 2003. p. 50-71. (Vide page 51; bibliographical reference on page 70.)
Annotated by Marting, Diane E. In: Clarice Lispector: A Bio-bibliography. Westport and London: Greenwood Press, 1993. p. 145.
Discussed in Sloan, Cynthia A. “The social and Textual Implications of the Creation of a male Narrating Subject in Clarice Lispector’s A Hora da Estrela.” Luso-Brazilian Review 38.1 (2001): 89-102. (Quoted on notes n. 4 and n. 5, on p. 99; bibliographical reference listed on page 101.)
“Biographical Statements and Criticism.” Published Letters to and from Clarice Lispector.” Clarice Lispector: A Bio-Bibliography. Ed. Diane E. Marting. New York: Greenwood Press, 1993. p. 183-190; p. 220-221. / Books:
Included in the notes and bibliographical references. In: Albuquerque, Severino João. “Fictions of the Impossible: Clarice Lispector, Lúcio Cardoso, and the “Impossibility.” Lusosex: Gender and Sexuality in the Portuguese-Speaking World. Ed. Susan Canty Quinlan and Fernando Arenas. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002. (Cited on note n. 10, page 97; bibliographical reference listed on page 100.)
Clarice Lispector: Spinning the Webs of Passion. New Orleans: University Press of the South, 1996. / Books:
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Fitz, Earl E. Sexuality and Being in the Poststructuralist Universe of Clarice Lispector: The Difference of Desire. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. (Vide page 223).
Quoted and annotated in Nina, Cláudia. A palavra usurpada: Exílio e nomadismo na obra de Clarice Lispector. Porto Alegre (Brasil): EDIPUCRS, 2003. (Annotated on p. 16; quoted on p. 158; bibliographical reference listed on page 173).
Included in the bibliographical references. In Ferreira, Débora R. S. Pilares narrativos: A construção do eu na prosa contemporânea de oito romancistas brasileiras. Florionópolis (Brasil): Editora Mulheres, 2004. (Page 212.)
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Ferreira Pinto, Cristina. Gender. Discourse, and Desire in Twentieth-Century Brazilian Women’s Literature. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue U Press (PSRL), 2004. (Vide page 186.)
Annotated in Gotlib, Nádia Batella. Clarice fotobiografia. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de são Paulo, 2005. (Annotated on page 598.)
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Marchant, Elizabeth A. “João Guimarães Rosa, Antônio Callado, Clarice Lispector, and the Brazilian Difference”. A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture. Ed. Sara Castro-Klaren. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltda., 2008. (Vide page 508.)
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Sloan, Cynthia A. “The Social and Textual Implications of the Creation of a Male Narrating Subject in Clarice Lispector’s A Hora da Estrela.” Luso-Brazilian Review 38.1 (2001): 89-102, 101.
Clarice Lispector: Mutações faiscantes / Sparkling Mutations. Belo Horizonte: GAM Editora, 1998. / Books:
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Nina, Cláudia. in A palavra usurpada: Exílio e nomadismo na obra de Clarice Lispector. Porto Alegre (Brasil): EDIPUCRS, 2003. (Vide page 173).
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Wasserman, Renata R. Mautner. Central at the Margin: Five Brazilian Women Writers. Lewisburg: Bucknell U Press, 2007, p. 192.
Clarice Lispector: Des/fiando as teias da paixão. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2001. / Books:
Discussed in: Wasserman, Renata R. Mautner. Central at the Margin: Five Brazilian Women Writers. Lewisburg: Bucknell U Press, 2007. (Discussed on note n. 78, p. 183; bibliographical references on page 192.)
Discussed in Wasserrman, Renata Mautner. “Clarice Lispector e o misticismo da material.” In Clarice Lispector: Novos aportes críticos. Ed. Cristina Ferreira-Pinto Bailey and Regina Zilberman. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2007 (Vide note n. 12, p. 77.)
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Bailey, Cristina Ferreira-Pinto. “Clarice Lispetor e a crítica.” Clarice Lispector: Novos aportes críticos. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2007. (Vide page 21.)
Included in bibliographical references. In; Gomes, André Luís. Clarice em cena: As relações entre Clarice Lispector e o teatro. Brasília: Editora da Universidade de Brasília, 2007. (Vide p. 274.)
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Nolasco, Edgar Cézar. Restos de ficção: A criação biográfico-literária de Clarice Lispector. São Paulo: Annablume, 2004. (Vide page 202.)
Quoted in Alvarez, Adriana Carina Camacho. “Da dificuldade da autorepresentação feminina: Uma leitura de A Outra, de Woody Allen e de “Amor”, de Clarice Lispector.” ANALECTA (Paraná) 7.1 (2006): 127-140. (Quoted on page 130-131 and bibliographic references on page 140.)
On Machado de Assis’ Texts
Brás’s Delirium and G. H.’s Reverie: The Quest for the Origin of Time.” Luso-Brazilian Review 29.1 (1992): 17-23. (Machado and Lispector) / Books:
Annotated by Regina Igel. In: Clarice Lispector: A Bio-Bibliography. Ed. Diane E. Marting. Westport and London: Greenwood Press, 1993. (Vide page 120.)
Listed in Machado, Ubiratan. Bibliografia machadiana, 1959-2003. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2005. (Entry number 2449, page 192.)
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Fitz, Earl E. Sexuality and Being in the Poststructuralist Universe of Clarice Lispector: The Difference of Desire. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. (Vide page 223.)
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Medeiros-Linchen, Maria Teresa. Reading the Feminine Voice in Latin-America: From Teresa de la Parra to Helena Poniastowka and Luiza Valenzuela. New York: Peter Lang, 2002. / See also La voz femenina em la narrativa latinoamericana: Una relectura crítica. Santiago: Editorial Cuartoproprio, 2006, p. 242.
“Life as an Opera: Dom Casmurro and The Floating Opera.” Comparative Literature Studies 29.3 (1992): 223-37.
(Machado and Barth) / Journals:
Included in bibliographical references. In: Fitz, Earl E. “John Barth, Machado de Assis, and ‘The Literature of Exhaustion”: The Reception of Brazilian Literature in the United States during the ‘Boom’ Years.” Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies 8 (2004): 65-88. (Vide p. 69.)
Included in the bibliographical references in Atkinson, Rob E. “Nihilism Need Not Apply: Law and Literature in Barth's 'The Floating Opera'.” (March 2000). FSU College of Law, Public Law Working Paper No. 009. Available at SSRN:, or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn. 220371.
Cited and included in the bibliography. In: Lee, Hsaio-Hung. “Narrative Insecurity in Fictional Autobiography: Dom Casmurro.” Rev. of John Gledson’s translation of Dom Casmurro, a novel by Machado de Assis. Library of Information Science Reserach Electornic Journal 9.1 (199). < v09n01/ 1999/reviews.html. Site accessed on July 16, 2010.
“Sterne and Machado: Parodic and Intertextual Play in Tristram Shandy and Memórias. Comparatist 16 (1993): 24-48. (Machado and Sterne) / Cited and included in the bibliography. In: Knight, Charles A. The Literature of Satire. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Discussed on note n. 34, p. 296; listed on bibliography on p. 305.
On Edimilson de Almeida Pereira’s Texts
“`Com modos e truques de ouvir’: Entrevista com Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” Brasil/Brazil:Revista de Literatura Brasileira/A Journal of Brazilian Literature 19 (1998): 98-130. / Books:
Annotated in Poesia em movimento: antologia. Org. Jorge Sanglard. Juiz de Fora: EDUFJF, 2002, p. 212.
“Dicionário de Forquilhas: A Poesia de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” Poéticas Afro-Brasileiras. Org. Maria Nazareth Fonseca and Maria do Carmo Lanna Figueiredo. Belo Horizonte: EDIPUCMG e Mazza Editora, 2002. p. 159-90 / Books:
Quoted in Chaves, Rita. “As coisas arcas.’ In: Pereira, Edimilson de Almeida. As coisas Arcas: Obra poética 4. Juiz de Fora: Funalfa Edições, 2003. (Quoted on page 19; bibliographical references on page 21.)
Quoted in Agustoni, Prisca. “Os sete selados na poética de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.”. Poesia e vida: anos 70. Org. Alexandre Faria. Juiz de Fora: Editora UFJF, 2007, p. 217-232. (Quoted on p. 229; included in the bibliography on page 231.)
Discussed in Santilli, Maria Aparecida. “Poéticas Afro-brasileiras, um livro que fazia falta.” Via Atlântica 7 (2004): 215-221. (Vide page 219.)
“Strategies of Poetic Language in Afro-Mineiro Discourses. Luso-Brazilian Review 37. 1 (2000): 68-82. / Books:
Cited in Afolabi, Niyi. Afro-Brazilain: Cultural Production in a Racial Democracy. Rochester, N.Y.: Univeristy of Rochester Press, 2009., p. 323, 328. Included in the bibliography, p. 298.
Annotated in “African Diaspora. 1843.” International African Biography 31.2 (2001): 146-47.
“Exu: ‘Verbo devoluto.’” Brasil Afro-Brasileiro. Ed. Maria Nazareth Soares Fonseca. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2000. p. 153-171.
(Other authors included: Abdias do Nascimento and Ricardo Aleixo) / Books:
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Merrell, Floyd. Capoeira and Candomblé: Conformity and Resistance through Afro-Brazilian Experience. Princeton, NJ: Markus Weiner Publisher, 2005. p. 299.
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Afolabi, Niyi. Afro-Brazilain: Cultural production in a racial democracy. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 200, p. 298.
Quoted by Rocha, Paraguassu de Fátima, et al. “A ascenção do negro na América e as metáforas de Ariel, Calibã e Exu: De Malcolm X a Barack Obama.” Linguagens: Revista de Letras, Artes e Comunicação, vol, 2, n. 3 (set/dez 2008): 353-368. Quoted on p. 363; listed in the bibliography on p. 367).
Cited and included in the bibliographical references. Merrell, Floyd. “Exu: Trickster by default.” Triscketer’s Way 2.1 (2003): 30 pp. Produced by The B erkeley Electornic Press (bepress). http:// Cited on p. 11>; cited on p. 11; bibliographical reference on p. 28.
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Martins, Paulo César Borges. “Introdução à Sociologia jurídica da luta pela cidadania.” Revista do Patrimônio Histórico Artístico Nacional 25 (1997): 42-49. Listed on the bibliography on p. 49.
Included in the bibliographical references. In: Agustoni, Prisca. “Escavações na língua e na cultura”. PALARA 12 (2008): 16-28. (Vide page 27).
On Adélia Prado’s Texts
“Adélia Prado: ‘Penso em sexo, morte, Deus e poesia. Todo santo dia.’” Brasil/Brazil 9.6 (1993): 75-105. / Journals:
Quoted in Kirk, Stepahnie L. “Eu sou filha de Deus”: Some Observations on Religion and Gender in Adélia Prado’s Bagagem. Luso-Brazilian Review 41.2 (2005): 42-55. (Quoted on page 46; cited on note n. 4, page. 53; bibliographical references on page 54.)
Quoted in Moreira, Ubirajara Araujo. “Adélia Prado: Itinerário até Bagagem – Esboço da escritora quando jovem.” Uniletras 29 (2007): 59-76. (See p. 61, 62, 66, and 67; included in the bibliographical references, p. 75).
Quoted in Castro, Nea Maria Setúbal de. “Lara e Adélia nos anos 70: O ofício de reinventar a poesia.” Ciência e Letras (Porto alegre, Brasil) 39 (2006); 311-319. (Quoted on page 314; bibliographical reference on note n. 10, p. 314.)
On Helena Parente Cunha’s Texts
“Espaçamento como registro cultural na obra de Helena Parente Cunha.” In: Entre resisitir e identificar-se: Para uma teoria da prática narrativa brasileira de autoria feminina. Ed. Peggy Sharpe. Florionópolis: Editora Mulheres/Goiânia: UFG, 1997, p. 139-52. / Books:
Included in bibliographical references. In: Ferreira Pinto, Cristina. Gender. Discourse, and Desire in Twentieth-Century Brazilian Women’s Literature. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press (PSRL), 2004. (Vide page 186.)
On Conceição Evaristo’s Texts
“Prefácio.” Evaristo, Conceição. Ponciá Vicêncio. Belo Horizonte: Mazza Edições, 2003, p. 5-8. / Books:
Quoted in Martinez-Cruz, Paloma. “Introduction” to the translation of Ponciá Vicêncio. Austin, TX: Host Publications, page i-vi. (Quoted on p. 1.)
Quoted in Dionísio, Dejair and Adolfo, Sérgio Paulo. “O barro e a ancestralidade contidas em, Ponciá Vicêncio de Conceição Evaristo.” Nzo Tumbansi: Uma Casa de Tradição e Cultura Congo-Angola. < > site visited on July 16, 2010.