Ambrose Avenue PPG

Minutes of January 9, 2017, meeting

Present Roly Buss (Chair), Ray Hardisty (Secretary), Andrea Anderson, Linda Meredith, Terry Smith, Maurice Newbolt, Jo Hill, Mavis Knight, Pam Robertson, Gwen Standen, Tony Friedlander, George Waterman, Marie Board-Vorster and Sharon Kendall.

2 Apologies: Marilyn Rivett, Marita Ling, Mary Russell and Rachel Argent.

3 New member:Roly welcomed Margaret to her first meeting. Margaret introduced herself to the rest of the group.

4 Minutes of the group meeting on December 12. One word was amended and they were approved as a true record.#

5 Matters Arising:

Pam thanked Ray for raising Mill Road Therapy issues with the North east Essex Health Forum and said her concerns were being forwarded to Anglian Community Enterprise (ACE).

6 Practice report.

Sharon commented on:

a) The search for a replacement prescription clerk had produced one applicant but she was a former employee wishing to return so was considered a good find.

b) Concerns among the practice GPs over current national publicity of streaming patients from A and E to GPs.

c) There was general patient confusion over what constitutes an ‘emergency’ when patients contact the surgery on the main phone line. Members discussed the matter and felt an education leaflet for outreach sessions would be a good start in patient education. Action: Sharon and Ray

d) The phone provider had been at the practice to check over the ystem following complaints of callers being cut off. The system had worked well for a time but the same problem had returned and would need further action.

e) That she intended to review the web site content, particularly the main page.

f) This would include the PPG-requested listing of which doctors were holding surgeries at what time on which days.

7 PPG member requests

a) Roly asked Sharon to try and arrange for one of the partners to attend the AGM in March. She agreed. Action Sharon.

b) Tony asked if there were records on patient usage of the web site. Sharon said there was and that she would try to update the PPG. Action: Sharon

c) Other queries raised covered shingles inoculations, diabetic renal services and a query on the procedures surrounding health checks for diabetes patients.

8 Draft Operational Guide:

Members discussed the proposal and two changes were agreed. Minimum attendance for ‘active;’ members would be six meetings a year and the name for the group receiving full paperwork but not attending would be ‘reserve’ members. Ray to amend the draft and bring to the February meeting. Action: Ray

9 Active attendances for 2016:

The content was noted.

10 Update on PPG membership. Ray reported

There were 20 active members and 205 supporter members of whom 20 received items by post.

11 Supporter Newsletter.

Ray apologised that he had not kept pace with the agreed new system. He would produce a January edition of the support newsletter and bring the February one to the February PPG as had been intended. Action: Ray

12 PPG Suggestion Boxes

Nothing in the boxes this month.

13 Planned Outreach.

a) Documents for the Mother and Toddler survey were handed to Andrea and Mavis.

b) Due to an emergency health activity in December Ray had been unable to set up the usual tables. Pam had preserved through her stint and feedback is reported elsewhere in the minutes.

c) Ray tabled a revised list of outreach sessions for 2017.

d) Pam and Mavis offered to help on January 30 and Tony on February 28.

12 Feedback from December outreach

More than 20 patients had discussed various matters, many of which needed general education about appointment procedures.

Increasing concerns over access to Ambrose surgery were noted.

Members considered that the balance of appointments available between Ambrose and Tollgate could be reviewed. Action: Ray to pass the request to Sharon

13Agenda for the January Colchester Local Health Matters

Ray tabled the agenda.

14 January Colchester PPG Liaison Meeting

Ray reminded members this would be held at Aspen House at 2.30pm on January 16 and they were all invited. Tony said he would try and attend.

15 North East Essex Health Forum

a) Ray mentioned the offer to PPG members of being actively involved in task and finish groups on Urgent Care and Sustainability and Transformation.

b) That it was intended Forum Focus would return as an email publication to members during 2017

16NEECCG public meetings for Urgent Care Review

Ray tabled the details..

17General health documents and reports:

Ray listed three documents he had files on and were available to members by request.

18 Initial meeting of ColchesterHospital patient user group:

Ray mentioned that the first meeting of a new patient user group at ColchesterHospital was scheduled for January 25.

19 Any Other Business;


20 Outcomes. Members agreed they were:

a) GP rota details being made available via the web site and for leaflets at outreach sessions.

b) Bid to define what consititutes a surgery ‘emergency’ and passing on the information to patients.

c) The practice approaching GP partners to request one attends the AGM.

d) Requesting web site traffic trends and being told they will be provided.

e) Investigating provision of diabetic renal screening services..

21 Next meeting: Monday February 13 at 6pm in the Tollgate Surgery. Meet in the foyer by 5.55pm to be escorted to the meeting room.