School information can be found in our daily bulletin. Assess Fatima’s web site at: www.fatimacomets.org


Parents can now sign up to be given access to the Parent Portal. Instructions for doing so have been placed on our web site: www.fatimacomets.org


Our computer system has an automatic alert sent to parents if their child is absent. This alert will go out about 10 a.m. If you would like to be emailed when your child is reported absent, send your name, your child’s name(s), and your email address to Sheila Ahlstrom at


Students are not allowed to be on campus after school without teacher supervision. Also, students should not arrive at school before 7:30 in the morning unless participating in an organized activity.


Tues – Mar 3 – State Wide Tornado Drill

Tues – Mar 10 – End of 3rd Quarter

Fri – Mar 13 – Grade Cards Distributed

Mon – Mar 16 – NO SCHOOL

Tues – Mar 17 – BOARD MEETING

Thurs – Mar 26 – Senior Citizen Day

Fri – Mar 27 – Freshmen Orientation


Order your 2014-2015 Yearbook now. The cost is $30.00. Order forms are in the High School Office and Mrs. Peters’ room. The deadline to order is Mar 31st.


Random Acts of Kindness next meeting is Thursday, March 5th 3:10-4:00 in Mrs. Peters’ classroom.


The state wide tornado drill is at 1:30 Wed, March 3.

Quarter 3 ends Tuesday, March 10. Grade reports will be distributed 8th hour on Friday, March 13.

Fatima will not be in session Monday, March 16.

Spring Sports Pictures will be taken after school Wed, March 18 (JH Track).

Senior Citizen’s Day is Thursday, March 26.

Fatima will not be in session Friday, April 3

Fatima will not be in session Monday, April 6

Drama Club will present the spring play “The Assortment” on Friday, April 10. The presentation for students will be at 1:30 and the presentation for the general public will be at 6:30.

Mid-Quarter for Quarter 4 will be Tuesday, April 14.

The JH Sports Banquet will be held Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Barring additional snow days, Finals will be taken in hours 1, 3 and 5 on Tuesday, May 12; in hours 2, 4 and 6 on Wednesday, May 13; and in hours 7 and 8 on Thursday, May 14 with an 11:22 dismissal.

Summer School is set to begin on May 26. If we have additional snow days, it will begin on June 1.


All physical forms and activity fees must be turned in to Lisa Neuner by Monday MORNING!! Please remind all athletes to bring tennis shoes and clothes for running outdoors as well indoors every day. Practice will end at 5:00 at the latest please make arrangements for your athlete to be picked up on time.


All 8th grade students in line to be promoted are meeting individually with Ms. Stumpe to discuss their future and construct a 5-year plan. Students are asked what their post-high school plans are and a list of classes is constructed to help them attain that future plan. Not to worry – all forms are completed in pencil and as your JH student enters HS all plans are amended to fit their needs and desires.


Shot clinic will be 3-11-15.

Tdap (required for 8th grade and older),

Gardasil (prevents HPV which can cause cervical cancer –also for boys who can pass HPV to girls),


Menactra (meningitis-required by some colleges)

will be offered.

I gave consent forms to all 6th and 7th graders. If your child is in grades 8-12 and you’d like one or more of these shots given, please let me know and I will get a consent form to you.

Cost will depend on what your insurance company dictates. If your insurance does not pay for shots or pays poorly-the shots will be covered by VFC (Vaccines for Children).


The Library will be open each morning at 7:30 and will stay open after school Monday through Thursday until 4:30. Students may come to the library to work on homework or use the computers. They may not stay after school if they are unsupervised. So, if your student needs to stay after school, remind them that they are welcome to stay in the library.

Junior High students, take advantage of this opportunity to get homework finished before you go home. You can come to the library and work, read,

use the computers and then your parents can pick you up on their way home from work.

8th Grade Computers (Mrs. Temmen)

Students are creating a Career PowerPoint. They will have to research 2 careers. Ask your child what careers he/she is researching. BONUS POINTS--students can earn bonus points if they practice good keyboarding techniques at home and turn in the sheet on Tuesday of each week. They can do this all semester.

JH P.E. (Mrs. Woody)

7th hr. - We are finishing up our unit on Volleyball. The next unit will badminton.

8th hr. - We are finishing up our unit on Volleyball. We will be in the weight room for the next 3 weeks.

7th Math (Mrs. K Stegeman)

In 7th grade math, we just finished a chapter about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. We also solved equations with fractions. In the chapter we also had to convert customary units and find perimeter and area of rectangles and finding circumference of circles.

As a class they did well, they could use their calculators only after they showed all the necessary work.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kris Stegeman

This week in Buckle Down math, we’ve been going over sample questions from the Smarter Balanced test. We think this will be similar to their MAP test this year.

7th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel)

We have begun work on Chapter 8, Linear Functions. We are learning about equations that represent lines and how to write and graph those equations. These skills will prove helpful when solving word problems! It’s also a big part of Algebra; the concepts are not easy, but we will be sure to take our time with this chapter. Results from the Chapter 7 Test were FANTASTIC!!! All scores were A’s or B’s and the class average was a 94%; I’m very proud of their performance.

8th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel)

We have just completed work on Chapter 5, Percents. Students are taking the Vocabulary Test on Friday, then we will review on Monday and have the Chapter Test on Tuesday. Many students are struggling to get their assignments completed and turned in on time. We have less than 2 weeks until the end of the Quarter, so any missing work needs to be taken care of ASAP. We will soon be reviewing for the MAP Test and working on a few skills needed for the High School Math Placement Test students will be taking in March.

7th English (Ms. Brunnert)

We are currently discussing and reading myths. Our myths unit will finish up shortly with a test at the end of next week (Friday) or the beginning of the following week (depends how the days fall). After our myths test, we will move on to discussing nonfiction reading and writing. Please be sure to remind your child that if they need help or have questions, they are welcome to come see me.

8th English (Ms. Brunnert)

We are currently in our poetry unit, and we will be finishing this up within the next couple weeks. The students are each creating a poetry booklet in order to showcase specific techniques and terms we have discussed. This booklet is due March 9th, but the students will have quite a bit of time to work on it in class (if we use our time wisely). We are in the middle of our final essay – rough drafts will be given back next week and final copies will be due shortly after. Our nonfiction unit will follow our conclusion of poetry. Please be sure to remind your child that if they need help or have questions, they are welcome to come see me.

7th & 8th Reading (Ms. Brunnert)

We have finished reading Flush, but we are going to do a project or two that has to deal with our reading of this novel. These projects will be done mostly in class, so that will limit the time needed for outside work (as long as time is used wisely in class). It will be a couple weeks before we start our next novel, Freak the Mighty. Once this novel is started, it will take us all the way up to the end of school. Also, this novel will follow the same structure Flush did – vocab worksheets, reading questions due the day of the section quiz (the book is broken into several sections), and a final test. Also, while reading this novel, we will have an ongoing project that ties into our novel (more details to follow at a later date). Please be sure to remind your child that if they need help or have questions, they are welcome to come see me.