January 21, 2016 Vestry Meeting Minutes

Present: Marilyn May, Pam Dressen, Bob Stark, John Blue, Norma Neufeldt, Annette Johnson, Dawna McMillan, Jon Danielson,Buck Foot, Fr. Tristan

The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m.we opened with prayer by Fr Tristan

Marilyn moved to accept the minutes of the December meeting.Dawna Seconded. Motion passed.

Finance Report: The finance report was very simple: We did not spend too much on salaries last year because of the lack of a rector, and for part of the year an Education Director and Sexton. It was not necessary to use any of our investments to meet budget. A very significant supplement tonon-operating income was in the form of gifts. We also got advance gifts to the capital fund. Most expenses were on budget or under budget, so we ended up with a surplus. Contributions lagged all year, but did catch up in Dec.

Norma moved to approve the treasurer’s report. Annette seconded. Motion passed.

2016 Budget: The budget amount is still set at $190,000, with the expectation that we will use 5% of Investment assets to meet expenses. Non-operating items are not budgeted. The capital fund is not budgeted either. Salaries make up about 60% of the total budget. Not all positions are filled: Christian Ed ($15,000)Related expenses have to do with things like Social Security, insurance, retirement, etc. Property: insurance is a known number, heating is guesstimated, other expenses are predictable. There will no longer be a need for search expenses. Program expenses are the same as last year. Buck restated that the $190,000 is from pledges and contributions. That number has to grow. Currently there is a $25,000 deficit.

The Diocesan pledge is a fixed amount.

Annettemoved to accept the budget. Pam seconded. Motion passed.

Checking Account for the capital campaign: An additional account was opened at Associated bank with same signers. They are John Blue, Buck Foot, Sean Dowse, Ernie Valentine. Checks require two signers. Pam moved to approve the account. Annette seconded. Motion passed.

Furniture for the Priest’s office: Tristan asked Property to move a desk out of his office. Bob and Randy went to move it out, and found there really isn't a desk there. There are two desks in Kathy’s office. They should be left there. Norma offered to call Malmquist’s to inquire about office furniture. The desk should have a locked unit. Tristan will look to see what is available.

Sale of second grand piano, which is in the back of the church. Suggestion to sell it to buy more audio visual equipment. Jon moved and Dawna seconded to sell the piano.

Capital Campaign. Allof those present agreed to have the campaign run three years. Bob moved and Annette seconded to approve a three-year capital campaign. Motion passed.

New Timeline:The kickoff for the campaign is April 10 for the congregational gift portion. Advance gifts begin on Feb. 22. A celebration to wrap it is up will be on May 22. Marilyn moved and Jon seconded to accept the new timeline. Motion passed.

Tom Renschen is now our boiler operator.

Sexton position description—attached. Annette moved, Dawna seconded to accept the Job Description. Motion passed.

John thanked Annette and Bob for their service on the Vestry. We have candidates for Junior Warden and Vestry members, who will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting on Jan. 24.

Tristan will look at having a Vestryretreat at Shattuck.Annette moved to adjourn and Norma seconded. Motion passed.

Next meeting is Feb. 18

Meeting adjourned at6 p.m. The Vestry members remained to call parishioners who did not respond to the pledge campaign to see if they will pledge.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Welke, Vestry Clerk

Christ Church Red Wing

Position Description

Job Title: Sexton

Date Prepared:January 26, 2015; revised May 12, 2015; June 30, 2015;

January 21, 2016

Reports to:Rector

Employment Classification:

FLSA Classification:Non-exempt

Part-time:15 hours/week


1.Responsible for the cleanliness of the building and the presentation of Christ Church to its members and the public.

2.Assist with special events, including, but not limited to, setting up and taking down tables and chairs, in coordination with the rector.

3.Work with the rector, the junior warden and the Property Committee.

4.Undertake minor repairs as directed.

5.Maintain all cleaning supplies.

6.Perform other duties as requested by the rector.

Specialized Equipment Used In The Job:Floor maintenance machines


Sexton 12.09.081

1.Basic understanding of and ability to maintain the building and equipment;

2.Ability to maintain confidentiality of information;

3.Respect for diversity and an ability to work well with many different people;

4.Ability to multi-task while maintaining focus on bringing tasks to completion in a timely fashion;

5.Good organizational skills and attention to detail.

Christ Episcopal Church is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

NOTE: The above statements reflect the general qualifications, duties and responsibilities necessary to identify the job and are not necessarily intended to set forth all the specific requirements of the position.

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