E-Safety / Year 10- Year 11
Learning Objectives: / Teaching Points: / Possible Resources:
Online Exploration / Students’ capability when using technology is up to date and their safe use is promoted.
Students are aware of the Impact of technology on all aspects of society (SMSC links)
Students understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to report concerns / Using a range of ICT tools in a purposeful way to tackle questions, solve problems and create ideas and solutions of value.
Exploring and using new ICT tools as they become available.
Applying ICT learning in a range of contexts and in other areas of learning, work and life.
Exploring how ICT changes the way we live our lives and has significant social, ethical and cultural implications.
Recognising issues of risk, safety and responsibility surrounding the use of ICT. / Unsolicited emails and attachments; Captain Kara and Winston’s SMART Adventure (KnowITall), chapter 1, “What should you keep Accept?”
CEOP Resources for 11-16 year olds : https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/teachers/resources/?tabID=3
Access online resources, e.g.;
ICT Games
Cbeebies games
School Internet Acceptable Use Policy from KS4 angle
Internet Safety Games from Thinkuknow
Horrible Histories videos from CBBC Stay Safe;Guy Fawkes – Internet Privacy Settings
Teachers guidance from the Northern Grid for learning - http://esafety.northerngrid.org/adults
Discussion – Positive social networking for Jobs – Digital dirt sticks from orange - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJfw3xt4emY
Online Communication &
E-Awareness / Critical evaluation
Communication and collaboration
Curriculum opportunities– E-safety discussed in as many contexts and across the curriculum as possible / Recognising issues of risk, safety and responsibility surrounding the use of ICT.
Exploring how ICT changes the way we live our lives and has significant social, ethical and cultural implications.
Recognising that information must not be taken at face value, but must be analysed and evaluated to take account of its purpose, author, currency and context.
developing an understanding of the need to:
–  employ safe working practices in order to minimise physical stress
–  keep information secure and minimise risks from computer viruses and other malicious practice
–  manage information, storage and access to secure content and enable efficient retrieval
the impact of ICT on individuals, communities and society, considering
the social, economic, legal and ethical implications of access to, and use of, ICT. / Discussion about the School Internet Acceptable Use Policy and the legal framework
Discuss GCSE coursework copyright : http://edudemic.com/guides/guide-to-copyright/
For copyright free pictures and music;
Discuss Creative commons usage : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons
Lesson: what is plagiarism? - http://plagiarism.org/
Work in pairs: Hot topics from childnet - http://www.childnet.com/young-people/secondary
Discussion: Smartphone tracking video and information - http://www.businessinsider.com/smartphone-privacy-concerns-2013-4
Information: Teachers guide to keeping students safe online - http://edudemic.com/guides/the-teachers-guide-to-keeping-students-safe-online/
Discussion: What are the ethical implications of google glass - http://edudemic.com/guides/the-teachers-guide-to-google-glass/