6th AnnualPsychic & Beyond Expo 2017

August 56, 2017

Presented by The BeyondCenter

Hosted at Rodeway Inn & Gibson’s 161 Bridge Street, EastWindsor, CT06088


I would like to invite you to participate as a vendor/business/intuitive at our 6th Annual Psychic & Beyond EXPO being held on Saturday, August 5 & Sunday August 6, from 11:00am – 6:00pm on both days. (Set-up will be held Friday, August 4th 6:00-9:00pm or Saturday morning). This is going to be a successful event hosted at the Rodeway Inn Gibson’s Banquet facility in East Windsor, CT. One Beautiful room will host 40 tables for vendors and readers. One room will feature ongoing 2 hour-long presentations and another room will offer 5 classes or presentations each day.Each Vendor will also be asked to provide a raffle prize for the EXPO guests to purchase tickets for.

Included in this packet is your personal invitation to participate in this Expo. Please read over the information carefully. If you feel you would like to participate you will need to fill out all the paperwork and sign the contract. You will then have to snail-mail all the information needed and payments in the form of check or money order to The BeyondCenter c/o Rebecca Anne LoCicero, 20 Montauk Drive, Vernon, CT06066. You can also consider advertising within the brochurebeing handed out on Expo days. Consider also staying at the Rodeway Inn for a *special rate for this weekend. Advertising and room rate information is included in this packet.

This Expo will be advertised within Gibson’s, in the Door Opener Magazine, Facebook and Twitter, Craig’s list, The Reminder, Patch and more. It will be advertised via yard signs in and around the location weeks before the Expo. There will be postcards, flyers and posters to be put out and about. Closer to the event date you will receive a packet of this advertising material. We encourage participants to advertise on their own that they will be there, making it a viral internet event! Once participants are confirmed, you will be added to event page on The Beyond Center facebook page.

Please contact me if you have any questions at all. We hope you will consider being a part of the 6th Expo presented by The Beyond Center.

Thank you,

Rebecca Anne LoCicero

860-573-5652 (quickest contact) text me 

Included in this packet:

*Invitation Letter

*Flyer to copy and distribute (on flyer is a jpg, you can use that for printing your own flyers

To include the picture with your ‘appearance’ booth info, presentations etc.)

*Advertising/sponsor information

*Rodeway Registration overnight form


6th Annual Psychic & Beyond EXPO

August 5 & 6, 2017

11:00am – 6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday

10 Free Presentations

6 Headlining Events

~ 40 Vendors ~

Psychics, Mediums, Intuitives & Healers

Metaphysical Shopping

New Age Supplies, Crystals, Jewelry and more

With Live Main Events

Friday & Saturday Night!

Expo & Gallery Events held at

Rodeway Inn Gibson’s

161 Bridge StreetEast Windsor, CT06088 (860) 623-9411

Consider booking a room and visit the Expo all of the days!

For more information

2017Psychic & Beyond Expo

Advertise & Sponsor Opportunity

Now is a great time for new clients/customers!

Advertise in our Expo Brochure!

The 6th Annual 2017 Psychic & Beyond Expo will be held Saturday, August 5th and Sunday, August 6th 2016,both days, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., at the Rodeway Inn Gibson’s Banquet Hall.

This Expo is ~once again ~FREEand open to the public.

Your adwill be printed in the Expo brochure being handed out to patrons throughout the weekend! This brochure will list all vendors/businesses/intuitives by description, as well as the ongoing presentations.This year we anticipate 500+patrons throughout the weekend! The Expo is advertised in hundreds of locations locally as well as online. The Expo brochure is a resource our patrons willtake home to use as vendor resource and your ad will be right there for them to reference as well.

Ads are based on 8 ½ by 11 printing paper and will be printed in black and white. You may purchase just one spot for any of the sizes below. Your ad will be printed as it is received.

** The only method for ad submission is by email and it must be in .jpg format ** email your Jpg. To Rebecca Anne at this address.


1/8 page $25.00 ~ (business card size) 2 x 3½______

1/4 page $35.00 ~ 4½ x 3½ ______

1/2 page $45.00 ~ (Horizontal) 4½ x 7¼ ______

Whole Page $85.00 ~ 9½ x 7¼______

Name ______

Address ______

Email ______

Phone ______

Ad Size ______

Payment Submitted $ ______

Make Payment, check or money order. Pay to “The BeyondCenter”

Please mail to: Rebecca Anne LoCicero c/o The Beyond Center,

20 Montauk Drive, Vernon, CT06066

(In check memo, please write ‘advertising in brochure’).

Please return no later than July 1st

Stay the night!

2017Psychic & Beyond Expo Lodging

Rodeway InnLodging & Special Rate Information

161 Bridge Street, East Windsor, CT, 06088 ~ Phone: (860) 623-9411

This year we have decided to host the Expo at Gibson’s,

And the hotel is directly Attached to Rodeway Inn!

We love this hotel, it is staffed with

Excellent employees, there is an Awesome outdoor pool! Most of

The rooms have balconies of there own. It is directly connected to

A great bar with nightly entertainment and the best food! The hotel

Located less then a block from the highway and close to anything

You may need! Join us for a weekend away. Take time to enjoy!

Stay The Night at a DISCOUNT …Why not? You can even stay 2 nights if you want to come in on Friday the 5th and stay until Sunday the 6th.If you book through The Beyond Expo - Book Before July 1st! You will save $10.00 per night! (70.00+tax)

The Expo Hall is connected to the Rodeway Inn and Gibson’s~ Same Building

This offer goes for your guests as well!

When you invite people to come to this event, mention to them,

“Why travel back home again after you have enjoyed the first day of the Expo?

Stay the night at the Rodeway Inn, wake up to enjoy a free continental breakfast

and another full day of Psychic & Beyond EXPO events!”


NOTE: Be prepared to supply a credit card # to the reception desk upon booking/check-in to cover any extra expenses incurred during stay above and beyond the prepaid fee for the room.

TO BOOK YOUR ROOM NOW directly through Rodeway Inn

~ Phone: (860) 623-9411

Be sure to mention your booking in the Psychic & Beyond EXPO rooms!

Contract- 2017~ 6th Annual Psychic & Beyond Expo

Please return contract no later then July1st!

Expo being hosted at the Rodeway & Gibson’s Banquet Facility,

161 Bridge Street, EastWindsor, CT, 06088

Expo Director~ Rebecca Anne LoCicero of The BeyondCenter,Vernon, CT

August 5-6 2017. 11:00-6:00pm.

Name: ______

Email: ______

Expo Business Name (if applicable) ______

Full Mailing Address______

Phone (home/business ______

Cell ______Do you text? Y_____N_____

Include here a short bio on you, your work and/or your business. Limit to 40words or less.

This information will be copiedexactly into the brochure to let the patrons know who you are and where you are located at the Expo. Be sure to include your website and contact information.

Your name or Business Name on the First Line:

As you will be Listed in brochure


(40 words or less description)









Set Up & Take Down times and details about your booth

You will be provided with a 8-foot table with a white tablecloth. Each Vendor will be issued a 10 foot space. By joining in this Expo you agree to be set up andready to go no laterthan 10:30am on Saturday August 5th. That is 30 minutes before opening to the public. If you would prefer, you may set up on Friday Augustth from 6:00-9:00pm. You must be at your booth and ready no later than 10:30am on both Sat. 5th & Sun. 6th. You may leave your area set up overnight on Friday & Saturday nights. The doors will be locked and the hall will be secure. You must break down and clear out your area no later than 9pm on Sun!6th. Duringexpo hours you should remember to keep your area clean and clear. The Rodeway Inn & Gibson’s requests that you do not use glitter, confetti or the like thereof; no burning candles or burning incense at all!

X ~ Please initial here ______


Be Nice

We would like to ask kindly that you find it in your heart

to be nice, kind, compassionate and patient with all those who are involved in this Expo,

Those running it, those hosting it, those working at it.

We on this end will do the same! Thank you!!



There is electricity in each room; there are plugs all along the walls. If you are planning on using electricity at your booth,it should not be a problem. However, we insist you bring extension cords

and duct tape to assure the safety of our patrons.Will you need electricity Yes_____ No______


Donation to the Raffle Please!

I can not‘require’ you to donate, but if you would… THANK YOU!

I ask that each of the vendors donate a ‘basket’ for the raffle filled with ANYTHING! Of course we would love to have a donation from your business and suggest that you do focus your donation in direct alignment with what you are presenting at your booth! Be sure to put your business cards and information inside the raffle basket donation. A reader may donate a reading, a vendor of items for sale, maybe one of those items. Raffle tickets will be sold for $1.00 each. Patrons will then put their name and email on the ticket and choose which ‘Box’ to put their ticket in. There will be a box ready for you with your matching table number. On Sunday August 6th, at the end of the expo, you can then collect your ‘box’ with all the names and emails from the tickets for your mailing list after the drawing! We just need you to give us ONE of the tickets - ‘The Winner’ (There will be a board to tape the prize ticket to.) At that time, either you can contact the winner directly or we will contact and deliver the raffle prizes to the winners for you.



I do my best to keep the cost down as low as I can for this event. I offer it FREE ENTRY to the public and advertise it beyond the local area. Offering free entry allows the patrons to spend their money on your goods or services! Be aware there are ‘no refunds’ for any of your payments to Rebecca Anne LoCicero c/o The Beyond Center to participate in this Expo. All checks will be cashed and deposited upon receipt. The money collected will immediately be applied to advertising fees and Expo related expenses.


Presentations & Classes $20.00

This is your application to present or teach at the 6th Psychic & Beyond EXPO.

There will be 5 slots available each day for a 45 minute class or presentation. Please fill in the information below to be considered for one of the 10 slots. There is a $20.00 fee for you to present, there will be no fee for the patrons to come to your class. You will be informed of when your slot will be.Your presentation will be listed in the brochure with time and date. You will also need to present information about your presentation/class at your booth for patrons to see. Please try to have coverage at your booth during your time slot.

Include Here

Exact Title of Presentation & your name:


Description of Presentation (40 words or less)













Make Payment, check or money order Pay to “The Beyond Center” $20.00 for your presentation.

Please mail to: Rebecca Anne LoCicero c/o The Beyond Center,

20 Montauk Drive, Vernon, CT06066 note in the Memo ‘PRESENTATION FEE’

Please Remember to return contract no later than July 1st!

X ~Please initial here ______



Booth Spaces $150.00 for BOTH DAYS

*Vendors, Businesses & Intuitives will be combined and mixed together throughout one large room, which holds 40tables. The spaces are 10 feet long with 8 foot tables provided, table cloths, 2 chairs.

*You CAN purchase 2 table areas. This will double your space area to 20ft. as well as double your Expo fee to $300.

*If your display requires additional shelf room or you have your own free-standing displays, we will do our best to accommodate you. If your display is large, i.e., a massage table or a large free-standing display shelf, reading table, etc., it WILL REPLACE the 8-foot table we are providing in that space. Remember, you are in a 10 foot space. The banquet hall provides 8-ft. tables

*Bring all your décor, tablecloths.Bring your information, cards, brochures and more. Set up your table to inform the patrons on the details of your work/company/organization etc.

*****You must be able to provide a photo copy of your Sales & Use Tax Certificate if you are planning on selling your goods at this event. The BeyondCenter will not be checking to see if you have a copy. However, if you do not have a copy available and are removed by the Town of East Windsor from the Expo, you will have to leave. Remember there are no refunds.

X ~Please initial here ______


$150.00 fee for 2 full days booth at Expo ______$300.00 for double space ______

All fees paid are non-refundable. There are no exceptions.

It is your responsibility to read and understand this contract in its entirety before signing.



Below, named and signed states that you have read and agree with all the pages of this contract for the Psychic & Beyond Expo Aug 5&6, 2017.

Name Print: ______

Name Signature: ______

Date ______

Make Payment, check or money order Pay to “The Beyond Center”

Please mail to: Rebecca Anne LoCicero c/o The Beyond Center,

20 Montauk Drive, Vernon, CT06066note in the Memo ‘expo space fee’

Once your contact and fee is received you will get a confirmation letter with additional details about the EXPO such as promotional material and advertising.

Thank you Rebecca Anne LoCicero /

Please return contract no later then July 1st!

I am very excited to host this event a 6th time. It is always a blessing to be the host of a large event like this. The challenges and lessons, the connections and new friendships, the business adventuresas well as growth in popularity within the community! Everyone involved has wonderful experiences. Know this is the perfect home to those whom are just starting as well! Many vendors/readers/healers present their businesses to the public for the first time through this EXPO.

If you have Any Questions just email me! Much Love Rebecca Anne LoCicero

860-573-5652 text me