Cover Sheet for Integrated Exercise Set

Masks-Grade 4


Circle the discipline addressed: Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts

Circle the grade level(s) addressed: 4, 8, and 12

Circle the artistic process(es) addressed: Creating, Performing, Responding

II-A-3; II-A-6; I-A-2; I-C-2; II-E-2 Provide the Content Outline reference(s): (A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, etc.)

Other content disciplines that may be appropriately addressed in the exercise such as other arts areas or disciplines outside the arts. (Provide additional detail on each relevant Scorable Unit Description in item 12.)


3. Provide the number and type of scorable units in the entire set.

___3___ Production/Performance that is scored

______Open-ended questions

______Multiple- choice questions

___3 ___ Total number of scorable units

4. In which type of block is this exercise to be included? (Check ONE.)

___X___ Type A

______Type B

______Type C

5. Provide a brief description of the integrated exercise set listing the scorable units. Detail each scorable unit with an attached Scorable Unit Description form.

Students will create a mask of their own as a social functionbased on examining three masks from different historical and cultural sources.

7. What is the stimulus material for this exercise set (i.e., any material which is used as the basis for building the exercise--video or audio tapes of performances, photographs, film clips, musical scores, excerpts from plays, etc.)?

Gelede mask (African) - Shorewood Fine Art Reproductions, # 1803

Nunivack Island Eskimo Mask - Shorewood Fine Arts Reproductions, # 1832

Feathered War Cap (White Mountain Apache, Arizona) - Shorewood Fine Art Reproductions, # 1786

Or any other appropriate reproductions.

8. Will the stimulus material for this exercise need to be produced, or does the stimulus material already exist?

_____ Needs to be produced

__X__ Already exists

9. Is the stimulus material in the public domain, or will we need to obtain copyright permission to use it?

_____ In the public domain

__X__ Need to obtain copyright permission

_____ Don’t know

10. Where can we obtain the stimulus material? (Please supply specific information about how we can obtain it. If you can provide it, please let us know.)

Shorewood Fine Art Reproductions, Inc.

27 Glen Road

Sandy Hook, CT 06482

(203) 426-8100

11. If we are unable to obtain copyright permission to use the stimulus material you have requested, could you suggest another stimulus material that would work for this exercise?

As mentioned above, other appropriate images could be used.

12. Describe briefly the set-up for the exercise set(i.e., placement of props, tables, students, etc.):

1.18"x24" table space, positioned so individual students have privacy.

2. Test kit for each student to include:

  • Pencil with eraser
  • 9"x12" construction paper, assorted colors
  • Scissors
  • White glue
  • Package of felt pens (eight color set)
  • Test booklet
  • Access to 3 stimulus art reproductions






Students will create a mask of their own as a social function based on examining three masks from different historical and cultural sources.

Three tasks: #1 Responding II-A-3; II-A-6

#2 Creating I-A-2; I-C-2

#3 Responding II-E-2


II-A-3Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places.

II-A-6 Analyze a variety of purposes for creating works of art and design.

I-A-2 Demonstrate awareness that the visual arts and design have both a history and specific relationship to various cultures.

I-C-2 Select and use basic media, techniques, and processes with qualities and characteristics that communicate specific ideas.


Scorable Unit #1

Content Standards

II-A-3Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places.

II-A-6 Analyze a variety of purposes for creating works of art and design.

Instructions for person who administers assessment

1. Seat students.

2. Distribute test kits and test materials.

3. Explain Unit #1.

4. Set timer for 10 minutes.

5. Notify students that 3 minutes remain for Scorable Unit #1.

6. Direct students to close booklet.


"Each of you has a test booklet to respond in and a test kit.

“Check now to be sure that you have: a pencil with an eraser, 9”x12” construction paper of assorted colors, scissors, white glue, and a package of eight felt pens.

“Open your test booklet to the first page. Now look at the three examples on the wall. Tell which culture the mask in print number one comes from.”

(Wait three minutes.)

“Tell which culture the mask in print number two comes from.”

(Wait three minutes.)

“Tell which culture the mask in print number three comes from.”

(Wait three minutes.)

“Write a paragraph telling why cultures create masks.”

“You will have ten minutes. I will notify you when you have three minutes left. You may begin now.”

Scoring Guide for Scorable Unit #1


Student correctly identifies all three masks and demonstrates a clear understanding of why cultures create masks.


Student correctly identifies at least two of the three masks and demonstrates some understanding why cultures create masks.


Student correctly identifies at least one of the three masks.

Student shows little or no understanding of why cultures create masks.

Below Basic

Student is unable to identify any of the masks correctly.

Student is unable to respond or provide an accurate response to why cultures create masks.

Scorable Unit #2

Content Standard

I-A-2 Demonstrate awareness that the visual arts and design have both a history and specific relationship to various cultures.

I-C-2 Select and use basic media, techniques, and processes with qualities and characteristics that communicate specific ideas.

Instructions for person who administers the assessment

1.Explain Unit #2

2.Direct student to create a three dimensional mask from the materials in the test kit.

3.Set time for 40 minutes.

4.Notify students that 5 minutes remain for Unit #2.

5.Direct students to stop working.


“In this task you are going to make a three-dimensional mask, which has three- dimensional facial features. Choose a function in society on which to base the creation of your mask.

“Examine the contents of your test kit. You may use any or all of the materials provided.

“You will have 40 minutes to complete the mask.

“I will notify you when you have five minutes left.

“You may now begin.”

Scoring Guide


The student completes a mask with all features constructed in three dimensions.


Student’s mask shows the majority of the facial features are three-dimensional.


Student’s work is minimally three-dimensional.

Below Basic

Student‘s mask is two-dimensional

Scorable Unit #3

Content Standard


Instructions for personwho administers the assessment

1.Direct students to open test booklet to directions for Unit #3.

2.Explain Unit #3.

3.Instruct students to write response to Unit #3.

4.State time for ten minutes.

5.Notify students that three minutes remain for Unit #3.

6.Direct students to close booklet.


“Open your test booklet to the page where you can write a response to Unit number three. You have created a three-dimensional mask out of paper. Explain what function you created it for and compare your paper mask with the materials you see used in the three mask examples shown in the art prints. Explain the limitation(s) or benefit(s) of constructing a mask out of paper versus other media.

“You will have ten minutes to write your response. I will notify you when you have three minutes left.You may begin now.”

Scoring Guide


Student explains the function of the mask and responds knowledgeably to the use of materials versus paper in mask construction.


Student explains the function of the mask and responds with some understanding to the uses of different materials versus paper in mask construction.


Student identifies a function of the mask and shows little or no understanding of the use of different materials versus paper in mask construction.

Below Basic

Student is unable to identify a function of the mask and is unable to discuss the use of materials.