Northern Secondary School – Gifted Advisory Council


January 20, 2016
6:15 PM – 8:20 pm
Room 210
Co-chairs / Helen Bagshaw, Peggy Judge
co-secretaries / Margaret Postlethwaite, Gayla Boritz
Gifted Department / Leonila Liko, Chris Chihrin
Attendees / Approximately 30 parents

Agenda topics

15 minutes
Welcome and Approval of Minutes
Margaret Postlethwaite
Discussion / The prior minutes captured the discussion of the TDSB position around gifted programs, the changes to school district boundaries, feeder schools and sibling entranceto the gifted program as “GAC advocating for gifted at NSS and in the TDSB”. Many opinions were shared regarding the potential impacts of proposed changes to the Gifted programs and school catchment changes by TDSB.
Conclusions / “Advocating” was deemed to be too strong a wording. Motion was made, and carried to amend the minutes to replace the phrase “advocating for” with “supports”.
Action items / Person responsible / DUE
Update minutes. Send to Ron and distribute to GAC members. / Margaret Postlethwaite / Feb 10th
10 minutes
Status of Northern Gifted Program
Sue Fisher
Discussion / Overview of Northern Gifted from update information provided by Ron Felsen - In 2010 the gifted program at Northern had 600 students. By 2012 there were 790 students in gifted, the increase in part due to an influx of 200 grade 9 students. At that time the program was deemed to be unmanageably large as the program was diluted, there were too many sections especially in the Tech. Rotation and opportunities for collaboration were reduced. A hard cap of 120 incoming students was instituted.
TDSB is expanding the Gifted programs to four more schools: Campbell, AY Jackson, Birchmount and Thistletown. This moved will address concerns of students traveling vast distances to attend NSS and for students in the feeder schools not being able to attend their neighbourhood school. It may help to address the SEPRC (Special Education Program Recommendation Committee) concerns related to managing the number of students coming in from schools outside of the TDSB requesting gifted.
Mr. Felsen is working with administrators and teachers of all the new schools to discuss our program and help with their Grade 8 information nights. Future gifted attendance will be based on address. Northern’s regular stream attendance status will remain at Limited: can accept students conditional upon space being available in the appropriate grade and program.
Conclusions / Northern Secondary School is bringing the gifted program class size back down to where it should be to maintain the quality of our program.
5 minutes
Sue FIsher
Discussion / On Feb 17thperiod 4. NSS Gifted grads will be invited to speak to the Gr. 9 and 10 gifted students. Juice and cookies will be provided.
10 minutes
spring social
Peggy judge
Discussion / Previously an event was held where parents could mix and mingle. Target is May.
Conclusions / Email Peggy with suggestions for location and if you wish to assist with planning the event.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Get volunteers and ideas for the spring social / Peggy / Feb 10th
10 Minutes
Lunch and Learn
Nancy Mills
Discussion / Lunch and Learn on Nov 5th was a success with 1/3 of the staff in attendance. We have events scheduled for Feb and March and would like to plan one more event with Natalie.
Conclusions / It was confirmed by Adam that the budget would accommodate an event with Nathalie that would benefit ALL teachers.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Report at next GAC meeting the Lunch and Learn topics and dates / Nancy Mills / Feb 10th
40 minutes
Gifted office - course selection
Leonila Liko
Discussion / Guidance counselors have been making class visits to discuss the course selection process. Students will receive their course selection sheet, choices guide and myBlueprint instructions on Feb 5th. There will be a course fair Feb 8 and 9 during lunch in the foyer and assembly for Gr 9 and 10 students about using myBlueprint. Students can start using myBlueprint to make online courses selection Feb 12th at 4pm. Both the course selection sheet and a printout from myBlueprint must be signed by parents and submitted first thing Friday Feb 19th.
TDSB is changing the requirements around Advanced Placement courses and Gifted designation. In 2016 Advanced Placement courses will no longer be counted as Gifted Courses. For the gifted designation to be kept the minimum number of gifted courses is: 4 at the Grade 9 level, 4 at the Grad 10 level, 2 at the Grade 11 level, and 2 at the Grade 12 level.
Conclusions / Recommend that students plot out all the courses they wish to take from Grade 10 to 12 to ensure they get all compulsory courses, manage prerequisites and get the required number of gifted courses in order to earn a Gifted Certificate when they graduate. Students need to back plan so that they have the courses they need for the post-secondary pathway they want to follow. Some students opt to take summer school or online courses (e.g., Careers and Civics) in order to avoid conflicts. Some Grade 11 courses can be taken in Grade 10.
Refer to the NSS website where information on course selection is provided in downloadable PDF format. Request a time with with the Guidance Councilor to ensure correct course placement.
Next Meeting / Wednesday February 10th6:15pm in room 210
Special notes / Approved Feb 10, 2016