Visual Basic Project Assessment Plan – Lab 1 (20 points possible).

Before startup.

·  Submitted late – see the course syllabus for a description of the late penalty.

·  Submitted on time but some of the files necessary to run the project are missing – you must resubmit the project, see your instructor if you need assistance submitting the project – your resubmission will be considered a late submission.

·  Project should be named correctly: Lab1-SectionTime-YourLastName-YourFirstName.

·  Form’s File Name property is correct (should be Lab1.vb, NOT Form1.vb).

·  Form’s Title bar displays correct information.

·  Label controls have font settings (bold & italic and centered where appropriate according to the figure).

·  Label with your name is correct.

·  Form has a good appearance: controls aligned, control size appropriate, no misspelled words, not too much gray space around controls.

·  Program code has the required remarks statements to identify the program, programmer name, and date programmed.

·  Each sub procedure has remarks statements to identify what the sub procedure does.

·  Textbox and Button controls are named properly following the naming convention taught in the notes and in class.

·  Delete empty sub procedures that you created accidentally - these procedures are empty with no executable code.


·  Attempted startup, but the program will not execute due to a compilation error (-8 points, continue to check the form design settings and program code visually).

·  Textbox controls have the ReadOnly property = True.

·  On startup, the textbox controls should be blank (empty).

·  Button Control Click Events (-2 for each button that does not work correctly):

o  Brake Parts Button – displays correct information when clicked. -1 if TextBox controls are not sized correctly to display all information about a vehicle.

o  Wiper Blades Button – displays correct information when clicked.

o  Oil Filters Button – displays correct information when clicked.

·  Print Button – correctly prints the form to print preview window (-2 if does not work).

·  Reset Button – correctly clears the content of the two output textbox controls (-1 for each TextBox not cleared).

·  Exit button – correctly closes the form.

·  During program execution, if your program terminates abnormally with an error, you will lose up to 15 points depending on the severity of the error.