OCCG Weekly Bulletin
Wednesday 14 March 2018
Included in this bulletin:
  • E-mail Advice – Please Include Patient NHS Number
  • Oxfordshire Primary Care IT Roadmap
  • The Wire Newsletter – March 2018
  • FREE AliveCor/Kardia Mobile Devices to Detect Atrial Fibrillation

Information for Practices
E-mail Advice – Please Include Patient NHS Number:
Please include patient NHS number when using all e-mail advice services. This is important to ensure patient safety and to enable colleagues to record the exchange correctly. OUHFT colleagues have received a number of cardiology e-mail requests with no number included.
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Oxfordshire Primary Care IT Roadmap:
IT has an increasingly important role to play in Primary Care and we need to maximise its potential to help us to meet the increasing demand on capacity and provide the best health care to patients. To do this we need to have a clear prioritised plan that we can build and implement together with practices, federations andother providers.
Therefore, following workshops and an online survey we have developed the first version of the Primary Care IT Roadmap. This document will be a working document which we will update every 6 months to make sure practices have a more up to date picture of the status of projects to enable you to plan as well as feed into the prioritisation process.
You can find the Primary Care IT Roadmap here. We are keen that this is a plan that helps practices; therefore we will be setting up quarterly meetings for anyone from primary care who would like to feed into it.
Please contact
if you would like to attend. We hope to make some of these meetings virtual to help reduce travel time for those further away. Please do also let us know if you have any other feedback as we want to make sure this document is a working document for Oxfordshire and that we prioritise the right things.
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The Wire Newsletter – March 2018:
Please click hereto view March’s Wire newsletter – the monthly GP IT bulletin for Oxfordshire. This includes GP GDPR support, GDPR workshops, EPS updates and other important information.
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FREE AliveCor/Kadia Mobile Devices to Detect Atrial Fibrillation:
A limited number of these NICE approved devices are available to interested practices. They give a quick rhythm strip/single lead ECG to decide if an irregular pulse is likely to be Atrial Fibrillation.
They are small, credit card sized electrodes on which the patient places a thumb or finger from each hand. Then a 30second ECG recording is made through a freely downloadable App on either a tablet or smartphone.
NHSE’s department of Digital Innovation provided these to Oxford Academic Health Service Network and OCCG for distribution and evaluation.
For Images seeand for NICE review see
If practices are interested in taking up this offer or finding out more please contact
Thank you.
Christine A’Court (OCCG Cardiology Lead) and Edward Capo-Bianco (OCCG Stroke Lead).
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To give us your feedback please email: