3 hours SC105 Fundamentals or Oral Communication Prof. Kight

GB316 T/THSpring 2013

Course objective: To introduce students to the principles & theories of effective public

communication and to nurture students’ abilities as speakers, listeners, researchers & critical thinkers.

Text:J. Michael Hogan, Patricia Andrews, James Andrews, & Glen Williams, Public Speaking and Civic Engagement, Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2010 2nd edition.

Instructor information:

Call my home 243-8277 (please no calls after 9 PM) Please email instead. Email:

Office hours: T/Th by Appointment WATCH FOR EMAILS FROM ME WEEKLY PLEASE

Please bookmark the SC 105 Homepage You will need this site through-out the semester. (my page will be updated soon)

“Questions, comments, or requests regarding this course or program should be taken to your instructor. Unanswered questions or unresolved issues involving this class may be taken to the department chair.”

Please make a copy of the academic calendar for your folder:

Student Learning Outcomes:

SC 105: Fundamentals of Oral Communication

SLO 1: Relying upon the skills inherent to information literacy, the student will locate and gather credible information utilizing the latest technology (such as library subscription databases and advanced searches of the Internet) as well as traditional sources (such as interviews).

SLO 2: As a part of communicating effectively, the student will structure a speech with a well-stated thesis statement, main points/ideas, sub-points (as needed), transitions, preview, and review—all of which culminate into a coherent framework.

SLO 3: Utilizing critical thinking skills and meeting accountability as a responsible communicator, the student will adequately develop the main points/ideas advanced in a speech with a variety of quality supporting materials, such as examples, statistics, testimony, definition, and comparison.

SLO 4: As a part of communicating effectively, the student will generate visual support to effectively present content during the delivery of a speech.

SLO 5: As a part of communicating effectively, the student will present a speech employing extemporaneous delivery skills.

Some questions that you will answer this semester:

Can you arrange ideas so that your message has the greatest possibility of being understood clearly and accurately? (Organization)

Can you locate significant ideas and substantiate them with appropriate use of supporting material and reasoning: (Critical Thinking)

Can you prepare a message so that it is appropriate in content and style to the audience and

situation? (Adaptation).

Can you utilize appropriate verbal and nonverbal skills to enhance interest, meaning, and comprehension by your audience? (Understandability)

Are you able to develop thoughts orally and present them without undue interruption?(Fluency.)

Can you listen attentively and critically to other speakers, evaluating them thoughtfully and fairly? (Critical listening.)

Are you sensitive to the ethical demands inherent in an act of speaking . . . do the ideas you

communicate to the audience make a meaningful contribution to the audience and to the public

forum in general? (responsible speaking)

What are the course policies?

I will uphold University policies regarding Civil Climate; Academic Dishonesty; Attendance; Incompletes; Withdrawal, Disruptive Behavior, etc. We will handle any issues or problems on a case-by-case basis, documenting everything in writing. Consult the following sources for more information: Undergraduate Bulletin and the Fall Semester Schedule, 2012

Attendance: Because of the experiential learning involved in both delivering and critiquing speeches, attendance is mandatory. Many times participation points (SIC) will be given during particular days and your attendance would be important for those points as well as your input to the class. At the same time, I recognize that events may arise that necessitate your absence, for example, you might be ill or need to tend to a sick child; you might need to attend a memorial service, and so on. At the same time, though, I expect you will make every effort to be in class, fulfilling your various responsibilities, including that of being an audience member during others’ presentations. (Note: I will encourage anyone who misses more than five days to withdraw from the class—as nothing will make up for lost experience.) Please sign your last name on the attendance sheet provided each day as you enter class.

If you miss on a date you are scheduled to speak, you will have to appeal for an excused absence in order to make up the presentation. In making your case, you may need to provide relevant documentation that will demonstrate that the circumstance was beyond your control. With regard to a missed speech the formal outline must still be submitted. Your makeup of its delivery will be guaranteed if you secure a replacement who speaks in your scheduled place. (In Class clarification about missing speeches or major assignments without calling first)

Arriving on time to class also is important: tardiness is disruptive. I will consider it rude & irresponsible of anyone who is chronically late. Please respect the class and therefore please no phone use or texting in class. Please do not have phones out or down in your lap during class. During speeches and tests they must be stowed away and off or on silent.

Important Information:

1) Students must complete all major assignments in order to obtain credit for the course.

2) Have a backup copy of all submitted work.

3) Submit by date due. Late submissions will result in a 10% grade reduction per 24 hrs. late, or fraction thereof. (Please note that speech outlines are all due on the same date, and—in order to be fair to every student—the outline submitted on the date all outlines are due will be the one I evaluate.) I cannot print assignments that come to me by email. If you want help or you have an emergency you may want to email the assignment on that date just to show that it was completed on time but then please provide a hard copy ASAP. If this happens more than once I reserve the right to consider it late. On time is considered when you class meets for that assignment.

4) Unless indicated otherwise, type (double-spaced) all assignments. It is your responsibility to save your work on computer with backup files.

5) When an assignment has been returned, carefully review and reflect upon all comments for 24 hrs. prior to discussing the grade with the instructor. Doing so will help ensure review of written feedback, thoughtful contemplation, and a productive conference.

6) You may appeal a grade on a speech, quiz, etc. Do so orally and in writing. I will respond orally and in writing. Please submit as quickly as possible after the 24 hours.

7) No daily/class hour work may be made up, unless your absence qualifies as excused (see "attendance," discussed above).

8) Due to our tight time parameter, speeches must be presented on the date scheduled. (contact me and your backup) Only an excused absence (see "attendance," discussed above) will permit a rescheduled presentation. In order to minimize disruption of the class, the student should contact the instructor prior to missing the scheduled presentation. In the event of an unexcused absence on a date scheduled to speak, the student must still submit the formal outline to demonstrate completion of the assignment. (applicable late penalties (see # 3, above). In addition, the student will forfeit all points associated with delivery.

9)In order to demonstrate thoughtful preparation and the ability to operate within constraints, students must confine their speeches to the prescribed time limits. Students who are under or over the time limits by 1 ½ minutes will see a reduction in grade.

10)Please no animals in our classroom except for service animals. Thank you

Students with special needs: I will do my best to facilitate learning and enhance the educational experience for every student. In order to provide optimum assistance for a student with special needs,

I will need to coordinate my efforts with those of the LearningEnrichmentCenter (651-2273). Please contact that office and share their recommendations with me.

Final grades: I will not post semester grades nor disclose them over the phone. On-line reporting allows you access, almost immediately, after I have reported the final overall course grade.

A quick note about grades:

The university designates that average (i.e., “okay”) work merits a “C”—a good grade.

Work (speeches, papers, etc.) that is not “okay,” in any way, will earn less than a “C.”

(Note: Otherwise, I’d be telling you something was “okay” / “good” when it was not.

In addition to misleading you, I’d be cheapening the degree from Southeast.)

Work that exceeds “okay” / “good” will earn a “B.”

Work that greatly exceeds “okay” / “good,” to the point of being considered

exceptional, will earn an “A.”

What Do I expect from you in this Course?

  1. Your best work: Your attention: Your Cooperation: Your attendance
  2. Improved writing for oral speaking and your attention to my comments to do so.
  3. Your attention to good content: (researching good sources worthy of a college student’s use)
  4. Respect of others as they respond and present during class.
  6. Your respect for the material in the text ( Please READ)
  7. Your choice of topics being worthy of a college student.
  8. Your attention to Body Language (eye contact, facial expression, hand gestures, posture, body movement)
  9. Rehearsals (aloud, in front of a mirror, timed, observing your eye contact, body language)
  10. Your consideration of visuals (both yourself and your speaking aides) for each presentation. How will I appear to my audience? How will I appeal to my audience?

Course Points

Speech 1: Speech Outline/ Brown Bag Speech 3 -4 ½ minutes 40 pts

Speech Delivery notes(revised outline) 10 pts

Speech 2: Speech to Inform ( Outline, Works Cited, Delivery, VA) 100 pts

Speech 3: Speech to Argue (Outline, Works Cited, Delivery) 125 pts

Information Literacy Exercise 25 pts

Hand-outs (5) 50 pts

Outside event* 10 pts

Final Exam: Reaction Paper Presentation 50 pts

Other Daily Grades (group work, Individual response etc per class hour) 50 pts (must be in attendance to earn these 50 points)

*Please attend one outside event this semester. It can be a speech on campus, a speech given in the community, a speech given in the library series, a speech given by an outside speaker for a fraternity, sorority, organization etc. Please take the sheet provided with information on OUTSIDE EVENTs. If you will visit the speech lab for help, with documentation from them you can earn 15 instead of 10 points for this assignment. If you attend the Speakers showcase on Wed Jan 23 at noon in the ballroom (save the program and complete) you may earn the 15 instead of the 10 points for this assignment.

Total Points: 460 points ( I reserve the right to make revision in assignments and points)

90%-100 A (above and beyond 80-89% B (Above and beyond in one or more areas)

70-79% C (completed what was expected)60-69 D (completed less than expectations