Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Regular Meeting

Chairman Paul Harrington called the REGULAR meeting of Tuesday, February 20, 2018 to order at 6:30 p.m.

MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Paul Harrington, Michael Ciarcia, Norman Boucher, David Weigert, Cornelius O’Leary and Mark Whitten

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Gragnolati and Eric Refsnider

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Amanda Moore, Finance Director; Ann Marie Claffey, Senior Center Director; Roger Nelson, CONA Chairman;David Wrabel, Park and Recreation Director; Robert Norris, Park and Recreation Commission Chairman; Mark Sinasgalli, Fire Marshall; Mark Urso and Gary Ruggiero, Windsor Locks Fire Department; Robert Crochetiere, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Chairman; Shane O’Conner, Chairman Zoning Board of Appealsand Town Residents


ADDED AGENDA ITEMS: Chairman Harrington stated the Chairman from the Zoning Board of Appeals was present as requested and would like to add as discussion under “Budget Presentation” item e.Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to add Zoning Board of Appeals Discussion under “Budget Presentations” as item e. Michael Ciarcia seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.




The invoice for printing the Annual Report is $2,052.80. The budget 104-45 line item is funded at $1,800.00.

From:Acct. Name: Contingent FundAcct. #142-276$253.00

To: Acct. Print & Bind-BudgetAcct. #104-45$253.00

Norman Boucher made a motion to approve transfer T18-17 in the amount of $253.00 as presented. Cornelius O’Leary seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.


This transfer is for projects that have been completed and closed.

From: Acct. Name: 14-Vet Mem Pk Softball Lights Refurb. Acct #500-1339 Amt. $ 526.54

From: Acct. Name: 15FB-SW PlayscapeAcct. #500-1422 Amt. $1,384.00

To: Acct. Name: Unallocated Cap. Imp. Acct. #104-624 Amt. $1,910.54

Board of Finance

Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Regular Meeting

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Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to approve transfer T18-18 as presented for the amount of $1,910.54. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.


Projects/Purchases are complete and remaining balances can be moved to Unallocated Capitals for future appropriation.

From: Acct. Name: 05-ComputersAcct. #208-796 Amt. $ 26.00

From: Acct. Name: 17-Radio System Replacemt. Acct. #208-1630 Amt. $ 67.71

From: Acct. Name: 16FB-FD Thermal Imaging CamAcct.#208-1595 Amt. $ 2.00

From: Acct. Name: 05-RESV-Radio SystAcct. #208-797 Amt. $ 66.00

To: Acct. Name: 01-Unallocated Cap. Imp.Acct. #104-624 Amt $161.94

David Weigert made a motion to approve transfer T18-20 in the amount of $161.94 as presented. Mike Ciarcia seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

Chairman Paul Harrington notified everyone that at 7:30 p.m. this meeting will recess and continue after the scheduled Town Meeting.


a. Commission On Needs of the Aging (CONA): Senior Center Director Ann Marie Claffey and CONA Chairman, Roger Nelson, presented this budget. Ms. Claffey stated the Repair & Maint./Bus line item (0037) decreased as there is now a new bus and less maintenance and repairs are needed. The Equipment Contracts line item (0038) decreased because there is a new copier contract. All other line items remain the same. Ms. Claffey stated she applied for the same vehicle grant (80%/20%) as last year with hopes of approval. During discussion about the fuel contract, it was brought to the board’s attention that it has not been finalized. Ms. Claffey stated since changing the Transportation Coordinator position to full-time, more programs are now available, there are more transportation options available to town residents, and the SeniorCenter office is running more efficiently.

b. Park and Recreation Department: Park and Recreation Director, David Wrabel and Commission Chairman, Robert Norris presented this budget. Mr. Wrabel stated most budget line items remained the same as FY 2018. The Salaries and Wages/Administration line item (0246) amount decreased due to eliminating an open 90 hour per year position that has not been filled or required. Salaries and Wages/Soccer line item (0247) also decreased due to a decline in the number of participants. Mr. Wrabel stated that many of the older children are playing Travel Soccer instead of Recreational Soccer. Salaries and Wages Period/Recording Secretary line item (0250) increased by 2%. There was an increase in the Salaries and Wages Pool/Winter line item (0252). The Chemicals line item (0271) increased. Mr. Wrabel said that last FY this account was over spent and it is always a struggle to stay within the budgeted amount.

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Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Regular Meeting

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The Mach. and Playground line item (0275) also increased as there is playground equipment that needs replacing.

c. Fire Commission and Fire Marshal: Mark Sinasgalli presented the budget for the Fire Marshal. He explained the increase to Salaries and Wages-Stip/Inspectors line item (0096) is due to increases in inspections for new construction projects and new fire code regulations. He also stated there were no funds used in FY 2018 forEducational Training & Professional Development/Fire School (0099) due to the imposed spending freeze. When the budget was finally approved, it was too late to hold the Fire Prevention Program in the schools and the funds in this account will be “turned back”.

Mark Urso and Chief Ruggiero presented the Fire Department budget. Mr. Urso stated there is a 7.09% increase from FY 2018. Many line items showed decreases based on historical spendingfrom previous years. An increase of 2% was reflected in Salaries and Wages line items. There was discussion as to whether or not FY 2018 wage increases were received (0107).

At 7:26 p.m., Norman Boucher made a motion to recess so that the Town Meeting could be held. David Weigert seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

After the Town Meeting adjourned, Norman Boucher made a motion to reconvene the Board of Finance February 20, 2018 meeting. Cornelius O’Leary seconded this motion. The vote was unanimous and the meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m.

Chairman Harrington continued discussion regarding wage increases. Mr. Urso and Chief Ruggiero explained an increase of $15,000.00 in the Machine and Equipment/Replace line item (0129)was for five (5) sets of new “turn out gear” for the firefighters. Due to OSHA regulations this gear needs to be replaced every ten (10) years. This replacement is in the best interest of the town and safety for the firefighters.

Discussion continued about creating a new line item for Uniform Allotment expenses in the amount of $13,750.00. This would allow each firefighter in good standing an amount of up to $250.00 to purchase uniforms and other necessary pertinent clothing for parades and other community events so that they can respectively represent the Windsor Locks Volunteer Fire Department.

There was discussion about firetruck refurbishment.

d. Inland Wetlands Committee: Robert Crochetiere, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Chairmanaddressed questions pertaining to the submitted budget. He stated in the past there has not been a need for a soil analyst, however he believes there may be a need in the near future.

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Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Regular Meeting

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There is an increase in the Educational Training and Professional Development line item (0326). Mr. Crochetiere stated there may be two new members who will require certification and current members may want to attend training courses. An increase to the Print and Binding/Regs. (0328) line item is due to possible revision of regulations. There was also an increase to the General Supplies (0330) line item. A 2% increase to Salaries and Wages Period/Sec. line item (0324) was discussed.

e. Zoning Board of Appeals: Chairman Shane O’Conner addressed questions regarding the submitted budget. Training and Advertising expenses along with fee increases was discussed.


a. Commission On Needs of the Aging (CONA)-After a brief discussion regarding the fuel contract, Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to temporarily approve the CONA budget for FY 2019 as presented at $217,657.00. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

b. Park and Recreation Department-After brief discussion, David Weigert made a motion to temporarily approve the Park and Recreation budget for FY 2019 as presented at $379,159.00. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. Discussion continued regarding playground equipment expense. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

c. Fire Marshal and Fire Commission-There was lengthily discussion about wages, salaries, replacement equipment and uniform allotment regarding the Fire Commission budget. After looking at past expense history, this board (BOF) felt that some line items could be adjusted. They felt it would be in the Fire Commission’s best interest to have the adjustments made by the Fire Commission. Based on past history, it was suggested that decreases could be made in line items other than Equipment Replacement or requested Uniform Allotment. This item was tabled for discussion on a future date.

There was a discussion regarding the Fire Marshal budget andDavid Weigert made a motion to temporarily approve the Fire Marshal FY 2019 budget as presented for $76,977.00. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

d. Inland Wetland Committee-After deducting the 2% increase to Salaries and Wages Period/Sec. (0324), Norman Boucher made a motion to temporarily approve the Inland Wetland FY 2019 budget as revised at $3,696.00. Cornelius O’Leary seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

e. Zoning Board of Appeals-Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to temporarily approve the Zoning Board of Appeals FY 2019 budget as presented at $5,179.00.

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Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Regular Meeting

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Michael Ciarcia seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

FINANCE OFFICE UPDATE: Ms. Moore stated TMA updates will be available for tomorrow’s meeting (February 21, 2018).

The increase in postage for the Town Clerk’s Office was due to a purchase of bulk pre-paid envelopes.

In regards to questions concerning the Police Department payroll, CCM does not have information on payroll levels.

TAR funds for the second half have not been released.

Ms. Moore had a discussion about funding aPolice cruiser with the Chief of Police.

PUBLIC INPUT-BOARD OF FINANCE MATTERS ONLY: Laurie Quagliaroli spoke about funds for Reed Farm.

Lucinda Van Gieson spoke about the budget process and town wide focus for the future. She also made comments about the Board of Education budget in comparison to other budgets within town.

BOARD MEMBER INPUT: Mark Whitten checked on salaries for Police Department Officers in the State of Connecticut and found that beginning salaries Windsor Locks is higher than average. He also spoke about minimum staffing within the Police Department in comparison to other towns within the State. Norman Boucher also looked into Police Department payroll hours.

ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn was made by Cornelius O’Leary and seconded by David Weigert. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terrie Becker

Recording Secretary

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