Gloucestershire LPC Minutes

Thursday 13th November 2014 at Holiday Inn, Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester

Item / Action
/ Present: Fiona Castle, Chris Gifkins, David Evans, Mike Powis, Thomas Banning, Vanessa Chelu-Walmley, Aitzol Calleja, Wayne Ryan, Vishnant Patel, Sian Williams, Gary Barber, Peter Badham, Lis Jardine (notes), Rebecca Myers (arrived 10.30am)
Apologies:Abdul Bashir (sabbatical), Bobby Sira (extended leave, Vishnant Patel is acting as substitute member)
Declarations of interest: No changes
/ Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true record
Items for redaction
Actions Update
All actions complete
Executive Meeting Oct 14
The LPC acknowledged the minutes
Matters arising (not elsewhere on agenda)
PB: 1. Process for agreeing training delegates is unclear
2. Should theExecutive group be able to overturn something agreed at a full meeting?
3. Should unscheduled Executive group meetings be held?
FC agreed these questionswere fair, and will be discussed in the Committee Governancesubgroup. CG explained that there is an ongoing communications thread between exec members to deal with issues that arise between meetings.
/ Group-Work
Finance Subgroup
Aitzol Calleja, Mike Powis, Vanessa Chelu-Walmley, Wayne Ryan
Budget and strategic plan
This group made changes to draft structure and amounts: added training budget; feel that a skills analysis is needed.
Budget comes to £140K total – income is £130K, reserves £100K.
LJ and FC will adjust expenses forms with cost centre/codes
Separate worksheet will be created for expenditure vs budget; and another for outcomes and progress against expenditure – cost/benefit.
Committee Governance
Chris Gifkins, David Evans, Gary Barber, Peter Badham, Sian Williams, Thomas Banning, Vishant Patel
Financial governance
Revisions to expenses policy to be effective from 1st November 2015
Submit claims within two months of expenditure and within one month of end of year.
New forms to be simple, straightforward (and online)? Exec to approve before first use.
Locum rate for coverto be increased from £22 to £23.
Travel policy: favour car sharing and advance booking of trains etc. Car travel @ 45p/mile.
Non LPC meetings: reimbursement for members attending in own time benchmarked to Practice Support Pharmacist rate for total time away from business, reading and reasonable travel. Currently £27.50 (subject to tax paid by member)
Evening meal allowance £30, lunch £10 when necessary while on LPC business
LPC meetings: LPC meeting attendance allowance £20/hr (subject to tax paid by member) -
£160for attending full day meeting and for any associated reading and travel.
“I confirm that I am self-employed, that my income is assessable under schedule D of the finance Act and that I accept full responsibility for all Income Tax and National Insurance contributions.” Similar statement to be added to claim forms.
Subgroup governance
A subgroup will be formed by expressions of interest, with a committee vote if too many candidates. Automatic review of membership if someone leaves.
Executive: Chief Officer, Chair, Vice plus elected independent (GB) and multiple (SW). Five members ensures flexibility. Exec can sign off any extraordinary expenditure additional to the budget up to £500. MP to put together an asset register.
HLP: SW (CCG liaison), RM (lead), AB, and VP
Should bear in mind future possible conflicts of interest.
Finance and business plan: MP, WR, VCW, AC and PB
Contract applications: GB, CG, DE and AB currently. Other volunteers to contact FC with their training/experience and any conflict of interest. This will allow FC to pick two named LPC members for comments.
Employment: VCW, SW with CG as ‘higher authority’ for appeals.
Will run appraisals for FC (FC to line manage other employees or self-employed contractors) / LJ/FC
/ Healthy Living Pharmacy
  • 59 pharmacies not yet signed up
  • 8 at HLP level 1
  • 27 have completed HLP self assessment
  • 16 are still making progress
  • 10 have started but weith little or slow progress
  • 3 have not started
87% of those who’ve already expressed interest are providing the majority of the services.
6 more 100 hour pharmacies to target. Barriers: staff changes mainly.
Engagement event proposed end Jan. Will be planned via email as no steering group meeting until Jan.SW to ask Teresa Middleton if can use SG ‘branding’. LPC logo/joint badge.
Invitations for leadership training in 11 Feb – to LJ ASAP. LJ to collate responses and share via dropbox with interested parties.
PH campaigns and support to go on web site for planning.
CG plus BW & EB to supply newsletter article re HLP. / SW
/ Minor Ailments Scheme
13pharmacies have signed CCG/NHS contract; these are added to PO. Two have completed DoC and are activated providers. Waiting on Lloyds/Boots/Rowlands head offices. BW to support and has been contacting pharmacies.
Important to point out timescale stumbling blocks introduced by CCG. / FC
/ Discharge Envelope Project
Gone live. From ward rather than hospital pharmacy. LJ to send email out to remind pharmacies. / LJ
/ Public Health Services
Sexual Health proposal
Submitted - GB and RM commented. FC to send a copy to EB.
Supporting Stop Smoking services
EB attended recent meeting.
FC to send Elaine and Tracey Stoptober report. Feedback that materials arrived late. Needs better planning next time.
Substance Misuse
More pharmacies want to sign up. Meeting to be arranged for January. TP/GDAS have their own criteria. Expressions of interest to FC.
Sexual Health
Run out of time for Nov/Dec – campaign in the new year. / FC
/ Medicines Management Issues
CCG 7-day prescribing guidance
From Mark Gregory,to be circulated to all members for feedback. Newsletter article/bullet points to summarise, and reiterate that pharmacists must refuse to supply 7 day MDS on a 28 day prescription. / FC/LJ
/ Area Team Issues
CD Destruction Authorised Witness
GB now qualified. CD destruction service offered free to GPs.Not in LPC remit to take on any role in ‘authorisation under LPC auspices’. FC to follow up with JM.
Feedback: EoIshould be open to all pharmacies (unless specifically excluded) reason. Selection by area. Which areas are covered by this agreement?
The same pharmacy can apply to do both shifts in one day but it’s no longer mandatory.
Rates: should get £236 on Easter Day too. National rate is anticipated. / FC
/ Chief Officer’s Report
The LPC unanimously agreed that they would like to put this to an EGM – to be arranged for2pm 8th January.
Current issues
Ebola awareness - NHSE has sent out posters, but not everyone has received it. FC to feed this back to PSNC. Possible email message – where contractors can download? / FC
/ Next meeting Jan 8, Regency Hotel Cheltenham. Map to follow. Exec group will ‘meet’ in December via email.