Forest & Farm Facility (FFF)
Launching mission to Nicaragua
11 – 15 February 2013
Brief summary of findings and conclusions
Objective: To present and discuss the relevance of the FFF with Government institutions and farmer organizations and to identify the relationship of the FFF with the national public policies in Nicaragua before starting the implementation of the mechanism.
Agenda: With short notice an excellent programme was prepared by the National Coordinator of the NLBI project of FAO Nicaragua, Leonardo Chavez, permitting the mission to meet many of the relevant (to FFF) stakeholders in Government and launch the FFF, as well as representatives of farmer organizations in RAAN and the Corredor Seco, specifically from Estelí and Las Segovias Departments (see attached agenda).
General findings
- The focus of FFF on the need to integrate forest sector in main government policies was welcomed by the main actors in the sector, MAGFOR and INAFOR, and with MEFCCA (new ministry in charge of Family Economy , Communities, Cooperatives and Associations). The need for improved inter sector coordination was highlighted and an already existing platform, PRO RURAL (which includes the institutions above + INTA), provides a possible platform for FFF to discuss and define policies prioritized by the government institutions, like Agricultura Familiar, “Vivir Bien” and Seguridad Alimentaria. Further dialogue with government is needed to define how FFF could add value to existing fora and inter-sectoral cooperation at national, departmental and municipal levels.
- In dialogue with Government, the (CPF) FAO in Nicaragua is trying to focus its support and activities to key thematic areas (like the Seguridad Alimentaria programme) as well as to a few geographical areas like the Corredor Seco, in order for the initiatives of FAO to have a real impact and added value. In line with this concentration strategy and the CPF in Nicaragua, FAO sees the FFF as a complementary tool for the implementation of the joint FAO and Government programme.
- Multi-sectoral structures exist at municipal level; COMUSAN (municipal commission on food security), COMUFOR (municipal commission on forest), Cooperative Councils and Gabinete Familia, Communidad y Vida. It is, however, not clear how they coordinate and cooperate and how the forest sector stakeholders are participating.
- The discussions clearly underlined that the FFF will have to support cross-sectoral fora at national level as well as at departmental and municipal levels in a few prioritized departments (like those in the Corredor Seco). The pilot areas should be selected based on their relevance to thematic issues prioritized by the Government and FAO like; food security, water, and the related introduction of agroforestry and silvipasture production systems
- Prior to the mission a decision was taken, in close dialogue with the Government and FAO - Managua, to visit and discuss FFF relevance in Corredor Seco. RAAN was added due to its high forest cover and the pressure on the forest due to the “frontera agricola”.
- The meetings in Puerto Cabezas (RAAN) and Esteli (Corredor Seco) were attended by 30 and 60 participants respectively, representing local producer groups: cooperatives, local enterprises, indigenous communities etc and focused on the need for them to get better organized.
In the RAAN with a mainly indigenous population and communal land rights the FFF was welcomed, but an initial mapping of existing local producer groups is needed to identify the main groups and leaders, followed by a facilitated dialogue with key representatives identified by this mapping in order to start an associative process.
In Estelí, small private landholdings, a number of cooperatives and small enterprises focusing on forest, agriculture, eco tourism etc. exist. It was, however, felt that those local organizations have little cooperation or knowledge of each other and thus, again a need to map existing organizations and their production focus was identified, which would also be subsequently followed up by a facilitated dialogue with key representatives.
Way forward – initial steps
National level
a) Given the present situation of several government institutions responsible for the forest sector it was agreed that FAO Nicaragua would continue the dialogue with government institutions on how to make the forest sector, and the services it provides, more visible and how the sector could strengthen its contribution to the implementation of key government policies and initiatives, like Agricultura Familiar and Seguridad Alimentaria.
b) It is proposed that FAO/FFF at national level strengthen the PRORURAL platform which currently includes MAGFOR, INAFOR ,MEFCCA and INTA, in order to identify the cross-sectoral issues and prioritize geographical areas within the Corredor Seco for FFF support. In line with those priorities the FFF support will be provided directly to the producer groups based on a simple proposal (including a budget) for discussion at a meeting between FAO and the PRORURAL member institutions.
c) Within FAO, it is proposed that the continued process will be coordinated by Leonardo Chavez. Given that the contract of Leonardo Chavez will expire at the end of April, it was agreed that all efforts should be made to extend his contract to the end of 2013. The funding for this extension, will be explored jointly by FAOR, FOE (NLBI pilot project) and FFF management.
Departmental level
d) Support to strengthening producer organizations will be initiated in both RAAN and Corredor Seco.
RAAN: Further facilitation is needed and discussions were held with Peter Denolf (ICCO) having experience, knowledge and network (incl. local organizations)in RAAN to take on the continued facilitation. Peter will prepare a proposal for possible steps to be undertaken during the coming six months as a base for a possible contract as FFF consultant
Corredor Seco: As a follow up to the meeting in Estelí a mapping of existing producer organizations is proposed (see recommendations below)
The baseline study, to define present situation for the outcome and impact monitoring, will be undertaken to clarify the number and types of local producer organizations existing in the country. The study will be undertaken as soon as possible and the identification and contracting of a suitable consultant will be done by IIED.
Mapping of the organizations in the Corredor Seco will contribute to the the base-line study and should be coordinated with MEFCCA, planning to undertake similar studies. It is however felt that the mapping undertaken by FFF should be seen as a follow up to the meeting held in Estelí and not necessarily wait for the base-line study to be implemented.
FFF operational process
The FFF will initially support two parallel and complementary processes, one focusing on producer groups and one on Government cross sectoral coordination. Once the producers are better organized they will participate in cross-sectoral mulitstakeholder platforms established by Government at various levels and continued support by FFF will be agreed upon at those platforms
Organizing producer groups
- As the launching meetings in both Estelí and Puerto Cabezas provided positive feedback in terms of the relevance and need for support of FFF, they functioned as the start of the organizing process.
- The mapping exercise will serve as the next step in this process as it will provide information and contacts with leaders of communities and groups to be invited for a second meeting.
- At this facilitated meeting the continued organizing process of smallholder/community, Indigenous people, women, etc. will be discussed and how this could be supported by FFF.
- Based on the priorities/conclusions of the meeting and dialogue with local government FFF will provide direct support (small grants) to the organizing process (es).
Government cross-sectoral integration
1 FAO will continue the dialogue with key government institutions (principally MAGFOR; INAFOR and MEFCCA) in order to define how FFF could contribute to a more integrated forest landscape approach in terms of policies and planning
2. Once a national platform have been decided upon, PRORURAL or other, FFF will provide direct support to activities decided upon by the platform. The support could be i) strengthening the national platform ii) strengthening platforms at municipal and local levels iii) pilot activities in the field for implementation of key policies (like Agricultura Familiar, “Vivir Bien” and Seguridad Alimentaria) involving local producer groups (strengthened by FFF, see above) and demonstrating the value and contribution of forests and trees
ANNEX I – Programa Taller de lanzamiento
Taller de Lanzamiento del Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas (FFF) - Programa
Hotel Seminole, Managua, 13 de Febrero de 2013.
Objetivos del taller:
Dar a conocer a los actores claves forestales y de fincas el Mecanismo FFF y temas priorizados para Nicaragua.
Hora / Actividad / Responsable08:30 am – 09:00 am / Registro de Participantes / Olga Lazo/ Nora Sylvander
09:00 am – 09:30 am / Sesión inaugural:
Sr. Fernando Soto Baquero, Representante de FAO en Nicaragua.
Sr. Jerker Thunberg, Manager del Mecanismo FFF Roma
Sr. William Schwartz, Director Ejecutivo de INAFOR / Ministro MAGFOR
Pause café (foto de grupo )
09:30 am – 09:45 am / Introducción de los participantes: Expectativas de los participantes.
Programa y Objetivos del Taller / Leonardo Chavez
Jhony Zapata
09:45 am – 10:30 am / Presentación Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas (FFF): productos y modo de operación / Jerker Thunberg, Manager del Mecanismo FFF Roma
Jhony Zapata, Oficial Forestal del Mecanismo FFF Roma
10:30 am – 11:00 am / Refrigerio
11:00 am – 12:00 am / Discusión sobre la relevancia del FFF en Nicaragua
12:00 am – 01:00 pm / Próximos pasos para la implementación del Mecanismo FFF en Nicaragua
01:00 pm – 02:00 pm / Almuerzo / Todos
ANNEX II - Lista de Participantes taller de Lanzamiento de Managua
Nombre / Institución / Nombre / InstituciónGuillermo Castro / UNA / Federico Gross / BFP
Olman Narvaez E. / UNA / Gustavo Sandoval / CONFOR
Daniel Chillón Olas / FAO / Jerker Thunberg / FFF/FAO Roma
O. Dahidi / AMUNSE / Leonel Rosales / INAFOR
Bayondo Quintero / Consultor / Ma. Eugenia Rosales / INAFOR
Marie van der Glas / Holanda/Nic / Xochitl Hernández / MIHAPAN-UCA
Jader Guzman / MAGFOR / Luriam Zelaya / FONADEFO
Augusto García / Banca Mundial / Silvana Calino / R. NIC
Salvador Manjarrez / CONFOR / Pedro Torres / CATIE
Mario García / INAFOR / Fabrizio Poretti / COSUDE
Julio Rey / Nora Sylvander / FAO
Ma. Esperanza Sevilla / R. Sandino / Gustavo Toscano / Nacional
Olga Lazo / FAO / Mauricio Cruz / FAO
Efrain Bautista / Pueblo Indígena / Estela Alemán / CATIE
Ileana Icabalceta / Managua / Lucile Robinson / IIED
Martha Esthela Gutierrez / Matagalpa / Ronald McCarthy / UICN
Fernando Ruiz / CAPE- Consultor / Raúl González / UNI
Víctor Gablardi / Fátima Calero / Consultora
Fé;ix Balverde3 / UNDG/COFECON / César Zelaya / FAO
Miguel Ángel Sandino / MAONIC / Angela Esquivel / ATC/UNAPA
Azucena Sandoval / Amanda Lorio / MAGFOR
Alicia Arroliga / FAO / Javier Gutierrez / Managua
Sandra Ardon / DAS Comunicaciones / Josue Espinoza / DAS Comunicaciones
Leonardo Chávez / FAO / Leana Icabaleta / Das Comunicaciones
Jhony Zapata / FFF/FAO / Maria Matite / Prof. Lydia Saavedra
Máximo Mendoza / Revista Vía Libre / José Aguilar / Managua
Romel Vakverde / Revista Vía Libre
Ma. Auxiliadora Briones / FUNICA
ANEXO III - Lista de participantes Reunión Puerto Cabezas, RAAN
Nombre / Institución / Nombre / InstituciónMelvin Miranda / // / Timson Flores / CIFAR
Martha Mallace / // / Francisco Suarez / EMFOC
Elda Moreno / Comité de Santa Fé / James Mails / EMFOC
Joyce Canales / CCF-UICN / José Tadeo Dublón / Coop Pino Verde
Emiliano Romero / Com kua kuil II / Vilma pomeldo / Coop Pino Verde
Eduardo Pérez / FONADEFO / Emilio Taylornaith
Rene Bonell / SINDICO / Marisol Sandino / INAFOR
Miguel Watson / INAFOR / Donalo Justiniano / Vice Sindico
Emiliano Rosales / Juez / Nicolas M. / INAFOR
Martín Ramirez / Empresa TWIN / Isima Vallecillo / Coop voacal
Timas / Anciano / Waldo Muller / GTI-Pasha
Silvestre Piter / CIFAR / Rodolfo Z.
Sandra Segura / BICU-CIUM / Jazmin Ruiz / INAFOR
Lenny Wilater / MEGAFOR / Claudel Lopez / GRAAN-SAPROD
Ana Isabel Morales / MEGAFOR / Mario Ochoa / INAFOR
Fidel Salazar / INAFOR / Nicolas Pereira / Independiente
Myriam Rojas / INAFOR / Ulises Suarez / INAFOR
Carlos Mena / LAPAM / Maria O. / INAFOR
Adela Kenita / Cooperativa / German Lopez / BICU-CIUM
Emmanuel Jarquin / FAO / Ulises Milson / INAFOR
Flor Albiazo / Coop MATO / Flor Centeno / INAFOR
Humberto Valles / CAPAN / William F. Water / INAFOR
Josué Peres / Ministerio de Economía Familiar / Lakia Madgson / INAFOR
Rafael Rosales / GTF / Ceferino Palacios / INAFOR
Wesley Young Zuñiga / Ramforest Alliance / Roosevelt Pinner / INAFOR
Luis Arturo / //
Allan Carlos B. / Alcaldía
ANEXO IV - Lista de participantes Reunión Estelí
Nombre / Institución / Nombre / InstituciónEver Blandon / Linay / Luis Masquez / Estely
Esthela Garmandia / Parcila / Petronila Torrez / Sn Nicolas
Juan Martínez Cruz / Parcila / Eddy Padilla Gómez / Condega
Mario Morales / Limay / Santos Gutierrez / Pantanal/Condoga
Reyna Perez / El Pedernal / José Adalberto Rivas / Benecia/Condoga
Juan José Cruz / Limay / Augusto Montenegro / El Espinal/ Estelí
Nicolás López / Limay / Edwin Octavio Lira / Marena/ Estelí
Edgar Lovo Merlo / Alcaldía/ D. Nuevo / Julio Corda Cruz / Rodito/ Estelí
Luz Marina García / Rodito/ Estelí / Carlos Torres Perez / Estelí
Nohelia Guevara / Managua / Sandra Ardon / Managua
Josué Espinoza / Managua / Nora Sylvander / Managua
Irma Cruz García / // / Francisco Olivar Cruz / Puenlo Nuevo
Gloria Estrada / Montañito / Domingo Denis Hoyos / Pueblo Nuevo
Santos Dávila / La Trinidad / Irania Casco / Estelí
Dimos Serrato / El Tisoy / Marcos Cerrato / El Tisoy
Leyman Hoyes / Pueblo Nuevo / Asdrubal Osegueda / La Trinidad
Oscar Menodza / Octal-AMUNSE / Pastora Rivera / Octal
Sandra Rodriguez / Octal / Morton Valdivia
Gerardo López / San Nicolas / Luz Rodríguez / La Calabasa
Aleida Reynosa / San Nicolas / Calendario Rocha / San Nicolas
Francisco Dávila / San Nicolas / Abel Orozco / San Nicolas
Timoteo Ramírez / San Nicolas / Pedro Rocha / San Nicolas
Uriel González / Condega / Jerker Thunberg / FFF/FAO Roma
Lucile Robinson / IIED / Armando Cerrato / FAO/ Nicaragua
Dagoberto MB / Espinal / Ulises Olivos / Estelí
Esperanza Salguera / Condega / D. Rocha Gómez / Estelí
Francisco Espinoza / Condega / Jorge Ponce / Condega
Máximo Castillo / Radio Liberación / Leonardo Chavez / Fao
Martin Quintero / FAO / Mauricio Cruz / FAO
Jhony Zapata / FFF/FAO Roma / Luis Baltodano / FAO
Elvira Lanuza / Alcaldía Estelí / Santos Castillo / San Nicolas
Everta Valle / Estelí / Amado Rayo / San Nicolas