John Chapter 21-Peter’s Reinstatement & Commissioning

I can't believe that we are in the final chapter of this magnificent gospel. I believe that as a huddle of men, Jesus' Messianic fulfillment has been powerfully demonstrated to us all in our study together. It has been a faith-producing series and a faith-building one as well. Nothing on earth is more valuable than your faith relationship to Jesus. Our faith must continue to deepen so that we might experience all that God has for us and all that we must surrender to him in light of his mercy to us in the Cross.
As John (The evangelist not the big guy!) spoke to us last week..."these (miraculous signs) are written so that you might (continue to) believe that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God (Equal with God according his deity), and by believing (continuing to believe) you may have life (Zoe-eternal life as a present reality) in his name (20:31). Emphasis mine.
This week we are focusing on the Reinstatement & Commissioning of Peter. I believe it to be a picture of reinstatement & commissioning for each of us as well. Matthew’s gospel contains the Great Commission but I believe that John’s gospel has one too in chapter 17, 20:21 and now here in chapter 21 through the commissioning of Peter. As we did in John chapter 20 connecting the “signs” looking back to John 2:19 (& 2 Sam.7:5, 11b-13)to understand the risen body of Christ as the new temple of God. Remember we learned that Jesus resurrection body replaced forever Jewish temple worship. So we must connect John’s earlier insights into Peter as well to gain a richer understanding. Peter has previously had contact with Jesus after the resurrection, this encounter being the third one with the disciples (21:14). I believe the forgiveness extended to Peter and the tearful reconciliation that Peter needed has previously taken place.

Peter’s Pledge to Lay Down his Life- John 13:36-38-Jesus question to Peter here is most telling and fits the context of his betrayal of course but also Jesus’ challenge to Peter in Jn. Chapter 21. Will you really lay down your life for me?

Peter’s Physical Defense of Jesus- John 18:10-11

Peter’s Betrayal-John 18:25-27, Matthew 26:33
Please read John chapter 21 and Luke 5:1-11 in preparation for this lesson. Luke 5:1-11 will provide an important marker to understanding the disciples experience with Jesus early on that helps provide richness to this last scene with Jesus and his friends by the Sea of Galilee (a.k.a. Tiberias).
1. What do you learn from Luke 5:1-11 about Peter that helps with John 21?

2. How does Jesus show his glory and favor to his disciples?

3. Jesus calls the disciples friends (v. 5) when he calls them from the shore. In 20:17 he tells Mary to go to his brothers and tell them that He is returning to his Father and our Father. This language gushes forth with incredible intimacy. Are you experiencing Jesus friendship and brotherhood with you? Explain.

4. “Simon, son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” Peter claimed a devotion to Christ higher than the other disciples. Why was this question important for Peter? What was he learning?

5. How are you and I like Peter?

6. How are we called to be shepherds and feed Jesus sheep?

7. Who is your flock? How are you tending them?

Jesus predicts Peter’s death and then says simply, “Follow me.” In other words, here is your pathway to show your love for me. It will mean a martyr’s death on a cross. We will not all be called to martyrdom but we are called as disciples to be learners and followers. We are all called to testify as well (21:24).

Learner- we learn and grow throughout our lifetime from the apostles teaching, the Spirit who indwells us, pastor-teachers who are gifted, called, and commissioned by the church. The acronym F.A.T. is important here. We must be faithful,available, and teachable as a learner!

Follower-we must walk obediently in the pathway of Christ’s life. His life is a pattern for us. His manhood is our model for manhood. Our maturity and sanctification is focused on being molded into his image (Rom. 8:29). We are only able to follow by his grace and indwelling presence in us by his Spirit (Gal. 2:20). A follower reproduces his life. He is a lifelong disciple and he makes disciples. Just like Peter we will never “have our act together” in any complete sense. God uses broken people, sinners just like you and me to make disciples!

8. Where is Jesus leading you at present? Where is he calling...(Your name) follow me?

Be assured that when you follow him you will experience him there in a deeper way and He will be your brother, your friend, your Lord and your God!