Faculty Forum minutes September 7, 2016

Faculty Forum minutes September 7, 2016

President – Todd Lutes- Started the meeting from Tech Park at 10:00am

PRESENT: Acosta, Curtis; Arnold, Stephen; Brown, Brandy; Citera, Barbara; Czerkawski, Betul; DeLalla, John; Denno, Linda; DiRoberto, Kyle; Erickson, Kathy; Johnson, Chris; Kralovec, Etta; Lunsford, Laura; Lutes, Todd; Mapp, Eric; McGee, Inger; Orozco, Rick; Parra, Ada; Rault, Patrick; Sanderson, Chris; Seder, Laurie; Steklis, Dieter; Straight, Ryan; Tesch, Aaron; Torres, David; Trevino, Sandee; Wittman, Romi; Xu, Li. Buckner, Melody

ABSENT: Moore, Sandra, Orozco, Rick

GUESTS: Godwin, Kathy; Grijalva, Jess; Herrera, Marissa

Agenda Item / Discussion Notes / Action / Person/s
Approval of Minutes / Minutes to approve for April
Minutes to approve for May / Approved
Approved / Chris Johnson
Welcome & Faculty accomplishments / Aaron- Has completed teaching from all his course sites.
Send accomplishments a week before the meeting starting in October.
Welcome- Kathy Godwin our new Director of Institutional Analysis and Assessment. / Todd Lutes
Interim Dean’s Report: Melody Buckner / Melody wants to meet with everyone. She can meet with you on main campus, Sierra Vista or Tech Park. She will be in Sierra Vista on Thursdays. The question she will be asking faculty is “Where do you want your program to be in the future”?
There is an Interim Executive Leadership Team (IELT). That consists of Barbara Citera, Todd Lutes, Sarah Wieland and Dr. Jen Myers Pickard.
Melody will be working on process and policies, need to make them more transparent. More of a connection with main campus. She will make those connections for you just let her know what you need. A nationwide search for a new leader.
Todd suggested there is a need for a plan of who we are. We need to clarify the narrative of who we are in the search for a new leader.
Jim needs to review the annual evaluations including P&T with individuals before he leaves the position.
Etta had questions about the IELT meetings. Suggested to have some brief notes from the meetings. To clarify where you are going? Right now there is instability for staff. Staff needs to be included.
Melody hears the need and will post what is going on in the IELT meetings. Nothing has happened yet. Just getting acquainted with each other.
So far the Fulbright scholar was looked at and approved in the meeting.
Idea- to meet with all staff to have HR talk to them to help alleviate the uncertainty.
Currently there is no one to do HR full time. There is a concern about Melody Dugie doing two jobs. This will be addressed and looked into, with the possibility of replacing/adding one of the positions. It will be a Melody Dugie decision. The incoming process for faculty who are not tenure track will be looked into and a plan to follow will be developed.
Any questions call, text, email any form of communication to Melody. / . / Melody Buckner
Associate Dean’s Report: / Monitoring the weather for closure. Instructors will be the first notified and then the instructors notify students.
Any changes faculty make to your schedules or meeting times contact Deb.
The $750 for professional development funds has been approved for this year.
Please send your syllabi to Deb.
Questions on disruptive behavior. Send to Barbara.
Curriculum changes for the catalog need to be submitted by Oct 14th.. / Barbara Citera
Standing Committee Reports & Action Items:
Personnel: / Consent Motion: To approve all 6 action items.
Have not meet yet. Suggested to meet after the FF meeting. Any ideas to share about the on board hiring process send to Aaron.
No meetings as of yet. / Consent Motion: 13- yes, 2-no and 7 abstentions. Approved / Kyle Diroberto
Aaron Tesch
Dieter Steklis
Undergraduate &
Graduate Reports / Todd clarified how the Undergraduate representative position is appointed.
Report went out by email. No questions. / Todd Lutes
Rick Orozco
UA South Foundation funding: / On September 25th Etta and Chris met with Clint Imholte from the Foundation. About Faculty funding requests.
There are current funding requests waiting to be approved. There needs to be a plan to move this process forward. There are more requests than money available.
A committee of Barbara, Todd, and Li will be responsible for moving forward with the current requests.
The second goal is to have a more transparent process going forward.
It will be up to the committee to come up with criteria. To establish a permanent contact person to go to the Foundation meetings and be the representative. The working group will work on the logistics and come up with a proposal.
Motion: To create a working group with Chris as the chair and bring proposal back to Faculty Forum at the next meeting.
If you are interested let Chris know. / Motion: 18-yes, 1-no and 1 abstention. Approved / Chris Johnson
Quality Matters Policy; / The QM process is for review process of courses only.
Concern was voiced that the QM process is being proscribed through the use of a template. Dean Buckner clarified that this was not the case and the current use of a “QM template” will be reviewed.
Give the administration a month to clear up the process and come back to FF the October meeting. / Barbara Citera
Faculty Forum President: Todd Lutes / Any questions for Todd. Open discussion.
Discussion about making the FF meetings available online for faculty for review open publicly or only by UAS personnel. To do as a one-year pilot.
New Business:
ASUAS: Marrisa Herrera / ASUAS Workshops: Their goal is to develop some skills while here. Romi and Brandy are helping develop workshops. The workshops that will be offered are: Resume building, job interviews, and transitioning and applying to graduate degrees. ASUAS is asking for more ideas for future workshops.
Adjournment: / 11:57

University of Arizona @ Sierra Vista Prepared by Deb Hoeft, Reviewed by Dieter Steklis