Use this form to submit proposals for revised majors, minors, concentrations, options, etc.

Note: A department, with its dean’s approval, may change up to two courses per year within an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., per year without seeking review of A2C2 and/or graduate Council, provided that (1) the total credits do not increase or decrease for the major, minor, concentration, option, etc., and (2) the change does not affect other departments or the General Education Program or the University Studies Program. A2C2 and/or Graduate Council do, however, wish to be informed of these changes. Use form Notifications.

If a department wishes to make more extensive revisions to an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., complete and submit this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.

Department: ___Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences______

Title of Program: ___Athletic Training______

Revised: ___X___ Major ______Minor ______Concentration ______Option ______Other

List all Major/Minor Codes that Apply: ___AT______

New: ______Major ______Minor ______Concentration ______Option ______Other

List all Major/Minor Codes that Apply: ______

Total credit hours: ___86______Classroom Hours ______Lab Hours ______

Proposed Implementation Date: ____Fall 2012______

Please attach to this proposal a narrative with the following information:

A. Statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program.

Students accepted into the Athletic Training Program must acquire clinical experiences over a minimum of two and a half academic years as assigned by the Director of Athletic Training Education. These experiences will be on a rotation as described in the WSU Athletic Training Education Handbook. Clinical experiences may be acquired at a variety of settings that include experiences with upper extremity intensive sports, lower extremity intensive sports, equipment intensive sports, and general medical rotations. These experiences will be under the direct supervision of a variety of Approved Clinical Instructors (ACIs), as well as experiences with other types of health care providers or Clinical Instructors (CIs). However, the majority of the student’s clinical experiences will be at WSU in a traditional athletic training setting.
Students obtain traditional clinical education experiences by working with football, hockey, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, track, and wrestling. Students have many opportunities to attend team practices and events, travel with teams, attend NCAA Division II post-season competitions, attend orthopedic surgeries, and learn from our team physician on campus and at the clinic or hospital.

Athletic Training majors build on the foundation courses of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, exercise physiology, nutrition, and mechanical kinesiology with specific courses in athletic training. These courses expose the student to Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) competencies and proficiencies in injury prevention, recognition, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation. Clinical sites include the athletic training facilities at WSU, Saint Mary’s University, Winona Senior High School, and other area high schools. Students also gain valuable community-based medical experience at Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists, Sport & Spine Physical Therapy Clinic, Winona Area Ambulance Service, Back to Health Chiropractic & Wellness, and Winona Health.

B. New Catalog Content

1.  Provide a list of program content as it would appear in the catalog including required courses, electives, etc., by number and name. Include the number and name for each prerequisite, and all prerequisites of proposed prerequisites. All such prerequisites, and prerequisites of prerequisites, should be included in the total credit hour calculations for the revised program.

Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS (34 S.H.) à
204 Personal & Community Health (3)
205 Nutrition for Lifetime Wellness (3)
280 Foundations of Exercise Science (3)

314 Anatomical Kinesiology (3)

328 Behavioral Interventions (3)

340 Physiology of Exercise (4)
345 Emergency Response for the Professional Rescuer (3)

360 Nutrition for the Physically Active (3)

370 Mechanical Kinesiology (3)
389 Strength and Conditioning Principles and Programming (3)
403 Epidemiology (3)
Biology - BIOL (8 S.H.)
* 211 Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
* 212 Anatomy and Physiology II (4)
Statistics - STAT (3 S.H.)
* 110 Fundamentals of Statistics (3) OR
210 Statistics (3)
Psychology - PSY (3 S.H.)
210 Introduction to Psychological Science (3)

(38 S.H.)
Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS 38 S.H.
191 Introduction to Athletic Training (2)
292 Principles of Athletic Training (3)
293 Clinical Practice I (2)
362 Clinical Practice II (3)
365 Clinical Decision Making I (3)
391 Injury Recognition of the Upper Body (3)
392 Injury Recognition of the Lower Body (3)
393 Therapeutic Modalities (3)
489 Clinical Decision Making II (3)
491 Therapeutic Treatment and Rehabilitation (3)
492 Administration of Athletic Training (3)
494 Therapeutic Interventions (4)
495 Athletic Training Capstone (3)
Biology - BIOL
171 Medical Terminology (1)
172 Medical Terminology (1)
Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences – HERS
368 Pathophysiology for the Health Professions (3)
OO 380 Lab Methods (3)
OW 445 Medical Aspects (3)
Nursing – NURS
361 Pharmacology for Non-nursing Majors (1)

2.  New catalog narrative, if any.

WSU Athletic Training Student Retention Competencies
The following academic, clinical, and program compliance requirements apply for the Athletic Training Education Program. Detailed retention information can be found at
Academic Requirements
The Director of Athletic Training Education reviews transcripts at the beginning of each semester. Students must:
• Meet WSU graduation standards (page 23).
• Maintain a cumulative WSU GPA not less than 2.75.
• Maintain a 2.75 overall GPA in the Athletic Training major.
Attain a “B” or better in all athletic training courses: HERS 191, 292, 293, 362, 365, 391, 392, 393, 489, 491, 492, 494, and 495.

C. Description of Revisions, to include

1.  A display of current program requirements next to proposed new requirements for clear, easy comparison.

HERS (30 SH) / HERS (34 SH)
HERS 204 Personal & Community Health / 3 / HERS 204 Personal & Community Health / 3 / 3
HERS 205 Nutrition for a Lifetime / 3 / HERS 205 Nutrition for a Lifetime / 3 / 3
HERS 235 Professional Issues in Ex. Sci. / 3 / HERS 280 Foundations of Exercise Science / 3 / 3
HERS 280 Techniques of Fitness Prog. / 2 / HERS 314 Anatomical Kinesiology / 3 / 2
HERS 314 Anatomical Kinesiology / 3 / HERS 328 Behavioral Interventions / 3 / 3
HERS 340 Physiology of Exercise / 4 / HERS 340 Physiology of Exercise / 4
HERS 360 Nutrition for the Phy. Active / 3 / HERS 345 Emerg Response/Prof Rescuer / 2
HERS 360 Nutrition for the Phy. Active / 3
3 / 4
HERS 370 Mechanical Kinesiology / 3 / HERS 370 Mechanical Kinesiology / 3 / 3
HERS 389 Strength & Conditioning Princ. / 3 / HERS 389 Strength & Conditioning Princ. / 3 / 3
HERS 403/503 Epidemiology OCA / 3 / HERS 403/503 Epidemiology OCA / 3 / 3
300 Motor Learning / 3 / BIOL (8 SH)
BIOL (8 SH) / *211 Anatomy and Physiology I / 4 / 3
*211 Anatomy and Physiology I / 4 / *212 Anatomy and Physiology II / 4
*212 Anatomy and Physiology II / 4 / PSY (3 SH) / 4
PSY (3 SH) / *PSY 210 Intro to Psychological Science / 3 / 4
*PSY 210 Intro to Psychological Science / 3
STAT (3 SH) / 3
STAT (3 SH) / *110 Fundamentals of Statistics OR
*110 Fundamentals of Statistics OR / *210 Statistics / 3
*210 Statistics / 3 / Athletic Training Courses / 3
Athletic Training Courses / (38 SH) / 3
(40 SH) / HERS 191 Intro to Athletic Training / 2
HERS 191 Intro to Athletic Training / 1 / HERS 292 Principles of Athletic Training / 3
HERS 292 Principles of Athletic Training / 3 / HERS 293 Clinical Practice I / 2 / 1
HERS 293 Clinical Practice I / 2 / HERS 362 Clinical Practice II / 3 / 3
HERS 345 Emerg Response/Prof Rescuer / 3 / HERS 365 Clinical Decision Making I / 3 / 2
HERS 362 Clinical Practice II / 3 / HERS 391 Injury Recog of Upper Body / 3 / 3
HERS 365 Clinical Decision Making I / 3 / HERS 392 Injury Recog of Lower Body OO / 3 / 3
HERS 391 Injury Recog of Upper Body / 3 / HERS 393 Therapeutic Modalities / 3 / 3
HERS 392 Injury Recog of Lower Body OO / 3 / HERS 491 Therapeutic Treatment Rehab/
Athletic Injuries OCA / 3 / 3
HERS 393 Therapeutic Modalities / 3 / HERS 492 Administration of Athletic Training / 3 / 3
HERS 491 Therapeutic Treatment Rehab/Athletic Injuries OCA / 3 / HERS 489 Clinical Decision Making II / 3 / 3
HERS 492 Administration of Athletic Training / 3 / HERS 494 Therapeutic Interventions OW / 4 / 3
HERS 489 Clinical Decision Making II / 3 / HERS 495 Athletic Training Capstone / 3 / 3
HERS 494 Therapeutic Interventions OW / 4 / 3
HERS 495 Athletic Training Capstone / 3 / ELECTIVES / 4
ELECTIVES / HERS 368 Pathophysiology for the Health Professions / 3 / 3
HERS 380 Lab Methods OO / 3 / HERS 380 Lab Methods OO / 3
HERS 445 Medical Aspects OW / 3 / HERS 445 Medical Aspects OW / 3
NURS 361 Pharmacology for Non-nursing Majors / 1 / NURS 361 Pharmacology for Non-nursing Majors / 1 / 3
NURS 366 Pathophysiology / 3 / BIOL 171 Med Terminology A / 1 / 3
BIOL 171 Med Terminology A / 1 / BIOL 172 Med Terminology B / 1 / 1
BIOL 172 Med Terminology B / 1 / 3

2.  A clear identification of each proposed change.

·  HERS 280 changes from 2 SH to 3 SH and the title will change to Foundations in Exercise Science.

One semester hour of HERS 235 will be combined with HERS 280 and HERS 235 will be dropped.

·  HERS 328 Behavioral Interventions will be added to meet CAATE Accreditation competencies.

·  PESS 300 Motor Learning will be dropped. (PESS has been notified)

·  HERS 191 Intro to AT will increase from 1 SH to 2 SH.

·  HERS 345 moves from the option to the core.

·  HERS 345 & 389 are removed from the list of AT option courses students must get a ‘B’ or better in.

3. The following information for each required or elective course:

a. Course number and name,

b. A brief course description, and

c. A brief statement explaining why the program should include the course.

The Athletic Training Major is a nationally accredited program by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. Curriculum must meet NATA Athletic Training Education Competencies. The most recent edition is the 5th edition. To meet 5th edition the AT major has made the attached changes.

HERS 191 - Introduction to Athletic Training (2 S.H.)
In-depth view of the certification requirements, WSU Program Handbook, policies, procedures, selection and retention requirements, as well as athletic training room observation and journal. Prerequisite: Department approval. Grade only. Offered each semester.

HERS 280 Foundations of Exercise Science (3 S.H.) An introductory course to provide students with foundation knowledge necessary for professional success in the exercise sciences. Students will have the opportunity to explore allied health professions and learn essential skills for success. Students will have practical experiences in the assessment of fitness components and performance variables.

HERS 328 - Behavioral Interventions (3 S.H.)
Application of theories of behavior change to program planning for the secondary student and adult population. Students utilize a wide range of techniques and strategies for community and secondary health education. Upon successful completion of this course, students will (1) be able to create, develop and write teaching strategies, (2) learn proper presentation skills, and (3) become advocates for the field of health education/promotion. Prerequisites: HERS 204 and 288; teaching option majors: HERS 320. Grade only. Offered fall semester.

Attach a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet.

Attach an Approval Form.

Also fill out the MNSCU New Program Application or the Program Redesign Application, whichever applies and submit directly to the VPAA.

Department Contact Person for this Proposal:

Shellie F. Nelson 507-457-5214

Name (please print) Phone e-mail address

[Revised 9-6-11]


Course or Program Athletic Training

Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program.

Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data.

1. Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by adjunct faculty, include a rationale.

HERS 280 will change from 2 SH to 3 SH and the title will change to Foundations of Exercise Science. HERS 235 Professional Issues will be combined with HERS 280 and HERS 235 will be dropped. 2 SH will be SAVED!

HERS 191 Introduction to Athletic Training will increase from 1 SH to 2 SH. This course has an outside of class clinical component and a faculty member has taught these additional laboratory sections. The increase creates equity for both faculty and students.

HERS 328 Behavioral Interventions has been added to meet CAATE Accreditation Standards and Athletic Training Educational Competencies 5th Edition. This will add an additional small group section each year. Movement Science students will add another break out section. The 2 additional faculty SH will be those saved from dropping HERS 235.

2. What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc.

Dropping HERS 235 will provide the faculty resources for instructing additional lab sections of 328 and 280.

3. What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc.


[Revised 9-05]