Blood Glucose Goals and Care Plan

I want to show you an important piece of paper. This is your Diabetes CARE Plan. Everything you need to know about your diabetes visit is on this CARE PLAN. You and Dr. Lesly or Chris will be using this at every diabetes visit. Let’s look at this section called Labs and Exams.

·  What is the name of the three month blood test that tells you that you how you ae doing with your diabetes?

A1c is the name of the three month blood test that tells you how you are doing with your diabetes.

·  Do you know what a good A1c is for you?

An A1c less than 7 is a good A1c. If pt does not know: “Why don’t you ask your provider to tell you what a good A1C is for you?”

·  Do you know your own A1c?

Good, you know your A1c. Please record your A1c in this box. (If pt does not know--Show pt A1c results from lab report.) Look at this on your blood work. Your A1c is______Please write that number in this box. (Point to Lab and Exam box on Care plan)

Are you satisfied with your A1c? If you are not satisfied with your A1c, ask Dr. Lesly or Chris how to help you get your A1c less than 7.

·  Here are some other important blood glucose goals (point to goals in the Care Plan) Fasting blood glucose, two hours after meals, and before bed.

·  Do you know what I mean when I say fasting blood glucose?

Fasting means your check your BG right after waking up in the morning, before you eat or drink anything.

·  Do you know what a good fasting blood glucose range is?

For most people with diabetes a good fasting BG is 80-130.

If pt does not know: “Why don’t you ask your provider to tell you what a good range is for you for your fasting blood glucose?”

·  Do you know what a good two hours after meal blood glucose range is?

Checking your BG two hours after meals will tell you how food affected your BG. We want you to have 130 -180 two hours after meals is

If pt does not know “Why don’t you ask your provider to tell you what a good range is for your after meal blood glucose?”

·  Do you know what a good bedtime BG is?

A good Blood glucose before you go to bed for most people is 100 to 140.

Blood Glucose Goals and Care Plan

·  So what is the name of the three month blood test that tells you if you have good control?

·  What is a good fasting blood glucose?

·  What is a good two hours after meal?

·  What is a good bedtime blood glucose?