NCI Work Plan
For 2013-2014 Participating States
Please complete the attached Work Plan for the 2013-2014 data collection cycle. This document will assist in keeping NCI project staff apprised of activities across participating states and changes from year-to-year.
NCI Contacts
1) Who will serve as the state’s lead NCI contact?
2) Are there others who should be included as contacts?
3) Which NCI Surveys is the state collecting for the 2013-14 cycle?
Data collection cycles begin on July 1 and end on June 30. All data must be entered into ODESA and ready for submission to HSRI no later than June 30, 2014.
__Adult Consumer Survey __Adult Family Survey __Family/Guardian Survey
__Child Family Survey __Staff Stability Survey __Mortality Spreadsheet
Questions below are specific to each Survey tool; please only answer those questions that are relevant to the survey you are collecting in 2013-14.
Adult Consumer Survey
Note: NCI project staff will conduct three refresher trainings via webinar throughout the year for participating states. State project leads and/ or interviewers are required to participate in at least one refresher training per year.
States are required to meet a minimum of 400 completed surveys.
Please describe the state’s sample strategy. If there will be an oversample, please describe the population to be oversampled and for what purposes.
Data Collection
Background Data:
Who will collect the background data?
State staff:
Contract staff:
Who will enter information into ODESA?
_____ same individuals who collect data
_____ targeted data entry staff
When do you anticipate you will start collecting Background data? ______
Consumer Interviews
Who will conduct the survey interviews?
State staff:
Contract staff:
who will enter information into ODESA
_____ same individuals who collect data
_____ targeted data entry staff
Have surveyors worked on NCI in previous years?__yes__no
When do you anticipate you will start conducting interviews? ____
Is there additional information (e.g., zip codes, status information) or management functions that would be beneficial to add to your ODESA?
Please Note: requests for ODESA enhancement must be made 30 days prior to data collection and there may be additional costs associated with certain requests.
Additional Information
Is the state planning to add additional questions? If yes, please list or attach:
Please Note: requests for adding additional questions must be made 30 days prior to data collection and there may be additional ODESA implementation costs associated with adding 10 or more questions.
Are there additional analyses the state would like to request from HSRI?
Please Note: there may be additional costs associated with analyses.
How is the state planning to conduct Reliability testing (e.g. inter-rater testing)?
How is the state planning to conduct Validity testing (e.g. follow-up phone calls)?
Family Surveys
Note: If the State is collecting more than one Family Survey please list any differences in procedures for each Survey type.
States are asked to meet a minimum of 400 completed surveys. Based on previous return rates, it is recommended to mail surveys to a minimum of 1,200 eligible families. If there are fewer than 1,200 eligible families, surveys should be mailed to all eligible families.
How many Surveys will be mailed out?
Adult Family Survey: ______
Family/Guardian Survey: ______
Child Family Survey: ______
Data Collection
Is the state using internal staff or contracting with an outside agency for surveying or data collection? If contracting, please list contractor name and contact information.
Have data enterers worked on NCI in previous years?
When does the state plan to mail the surveys?
Is the state planning on follow-up contact (e.g., postcards) for families who don’t initially respond? If so, what actions are planned?
Is the State planning to add additional questions? If yes, please list or attach:
Is there additional information (e.g., zip codes, status information) or management functions that would be beneficial to add to your ODESA?
Please Note: requests for ODESA enhancement must be made 30 days prior to data collection and there may be additional costs associated with certain requests.
Additional Information
Is the state planning to add additional questions? If yes, please list or attach:
Please Note: requests for adding additional questions must be made 30 days prior to data collection and there may be additional ODESA implementation costs associated with adding 10 or more questions.
Are there additional analyses the state would like to request from HSRI?
Please Note: there may be additional costs associated with analyses.
Staff Stability Survey
Who in the state office will have lead responsibility for this project element?
Who in the state office will have lead responsibility for this project element?