Q: Who’s eligible for a GatorLink account?
A: If you are a currently enrolled student or a currently employed faculty or staff member then you are eligible for a GatorLink account. Certain affiliate groups are also eligible for a GatorLink account such as Shands’ employees and members of the UF Athletic Association and UF Foundation. For affiliates, which also include student applicants and direct support staff, they are eligible for a GatorLink account that grants them access to web-based systems that authenticate using a GatorLink user name and password but without access to central services.
Central services include a free mailbox, access to use UF’s dialup network, and free web space. Basic access GatorLink accounts don’t qualify for central services do qualify for the ability to forward email that goes to their GatorLink to a separate personal email account.
Students and Faculty have access to GatorLink accounts with central services included. Faculty includes Courtesy Faculty members, Post-Docs, and Emeritus Faculty and Visiting Faculty can be granted access if their department records them as a “Departmental Associate” in the UF Directory.
Any UF department can record a relationship in the UF Directory of “Departmental Associate” for a person who is in a long-term, active role with the department and who needs network access or services.
Staff members also have access to full GatorLink accounts. Staff includes members categorized as TEAMS, OPS staff, USPS, and UF Executives.
Once you retire you are no longer eligible for a GatorLink account. For students, once you graduate you are also no longer eligible for a GatorLink account. Accounts and services expire approximately after one academic term (or semester).
A number of other relationships are recorded in the UF Directory for persons not eligible for either the account or services. They include Research Participants, Vendors, Shands Patients, Volunteers, Guest, Library Patron, Alumni and Campus Resident.