Family HealthCare Group
CountyDurham Assisted Conception Unit

County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust


ConsultantMr Jerry Oghoetuoma MBBS, FRCOG

Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

NursesEileen Graham (Fertility Sister)

Catherine Fenwick (Nurse Practitioner)

Healthcare Team Assistant Carol Donald

Biomedical ScientistsLyndsay Wilks

Receptionist / Admin SupportStacey Newman

Welcome to County Durham ACU

We are a NHS funded unit based at Bishop Auckland General Hospital, where a comprehensive service is offered for the investigation and treatment of couples suffering from infertility.

Investigations performed include all the latest techniques available for assessing both male and female infertility. These will be carried out as quickly as possible in order to:

- Find the cause of the problem

- Give you an estimate of your chances of achieving a pregnancy

on your own

- Enable us to advise you of the most appropriate treatment.

Your Appointment

Both of you need to attend the appointment and you will be seen either by the Fertility Sister, or the Consultant.

As part of the welfare of the child assessment, you will both be required to complete and sign a Welfare of the Child Patient History Form.

A medical and social history will be obtained from both of you.

Results from previous investigations will be reviewed and any further investigations required at this stage will be ordered.

Initial Investigations


  • An internal ultrasound scan to assess the womb and ovaries.
  • Blood tests to check your hormone levels and to see if you are producing an egg

(ovulating) each month.


  • Semen Test (Sperm Count) to confirm the presence and movement of spermatozoa

A separate appointment will be arranged for this and you will be given strict instructions regarding this test.

It may be necessary to repeat the test in order to obtain an accurate assessment.

  • Blood Tests

It may be necessary to check your hormone levels.

Male & Female

All couples are screened for Chlamydia at their first appointment in the County Durham ACU. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection and a common cause of infertility.

For women, the test involves taking a vaginal swab from the cervix

Men will be required to produce a urine sample.

Please Note – all Chlamydia results go directly to the Department of Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) and in the event of a positive result you will be contacted by a member of staff from their department. If you do not wish your result to go to GUM please inform the staff at the County Durham ACU.

Further Investigations for the woman may include: -


This is a minor operation to assess the lining of the womb. It involves passing an instrument through the cervix into the womb and is carried out under general anaesthetic.

Tubal patency test - This will be done by one of the following two methods

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This is an x-ray examination of your womb and tubes and does not require an anaesthetic.

  • Laparoscopy and Dye Test

This is a minor operation, which is carried out under a general anaesthetic. An instrument is inserted into your tummy through a small cut just below your umbilicus (belly button) so that we can see your womb, tubes and ovaries. At the same time blue dye will be passed through the vagina (front passage) and the cervix (neck of the womb). If the tubes are open the dye will pass through them.

Test Results

When we receive all the results of your investigations you will be sent a further appointment to see the Consultant to discuss your results and future management. Any treatment necessary will be fully explained to you.

NB: Results of tests will not be relayed via the telephone, therefore please do not place the staff in an awkward position by telephoning and asking for results.

Treatments offered at the County Durham ACU

  • Ovulation Induction for women who do not ovulate
  • Ovarian Diathermy
  • Tubal Surgery

Details of these treatments are available separately

Couples who require Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) will be referred to one of the Tertiary Centres

Welfare of the Child Assessment

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 states that “a woman shall not be provided with treatment services unless account has been taken of the welfare of any child who may be born as a result of the treatment (including the need of that child for supportive parenting), and of any other child who may be affected by the birth”.

Where necessary, we may need to make further enquiries from other relevant individuals, authorities or agencies and request relevant factual information, medical or otherwise about you that might have implications for the health or welfare of any resulting child.

Your consent will be sought before any such contact is made. Failure to give consent may be taken into account when considering whether or not to offer treatment.

Drug Screening - you may be asked at any time throughout your investigation or treatment to produce a sample of urine for a drug screen. You will be given 48 hours notice. Failure to provide this sample may result in you being discharged from the clinic.

Support services

We recognise the stress that infertility causes couples and a member of staff will be available to provide information and support before, during and after treatment.

Comments / complaints

If you feel the need to make a comment or complaint you can obtain a leaflet from the waiting area at the centre.

Hours of Opening:Mon -Thurs9.00 am – 3.00 pm

Telephone No:01388-455845

Out of hours an answer phone service is available on 01388-455845


for emergencies only, telephone Ward 62 on 01325 743521

If you need any further information about the service we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us: -

Useful contacts

Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority

Telephone 0207 2918200


Infertility Network UK (I N UK)

Support line - Telephone 0800 008 7464


National Gamete Donation Trust (NGDT)

Telephone 0845 2269193


NPInfo v15 Page 1 of 1 Expires April 2018