Acts: God’s Vision For His Church

Acts 2:1-41

Read vv1-16. Pentecost was a Jewish holiday celebrated 50 days after Passover. It was also called the Feast of Harvest in Ex. 23:16. There were literally thousands upon thousands of devout Jews from all over the Roman Empire gathered for this event. Jesus was crucified at Passover and the Holy Spirit was poured out 50 days later at Pentecost. Do you see any significance to that timing? If so, what is it?

There were 120 believers waiting in Jerusalem for the baptism of the Spirit – as Jesus had commanded them. VV2-4 give us a description of what happened when the Holy Spirit came and filled the believers. In light of vv1-16, what do you think these "tongues" were?

What were they saying in these languages? (see 2:11) Why was this a significant event in the life of the church?

So, it appears these tongues were real languages heard by real people for evangelistic purposes. Is this the totality of the gift of tongues? Is this the only way tongues is used, talked about, or taught in the Bible?

*If you want to take a "detour", look at I Cor. 12:1-11, and I Cor. 14:1-5 and discuss what you think Paul was teaching about the gift of tongues. There are two manifestations of this gift being talked about. One is public for the common good and edification of the group (I Cor. 12). The other is private for the edification of the person praying in tongues (I Cor. 14).

In Acts 2:14 we see the purpose of the Baptism of the Spirit (which isn't praying in tongues) as Peter stands up and starts to boldly bear witness for Jesus. Do you think there is a reason it was Peter? Does it encourage you to know that even after Peter's betrayal of Jesus he was used in power? Why is it important for us know Peter's story?

The crowd thought these guys were drunk, and Peter says that's not what's happening. He tells the crowd this is the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy in Joel 2:28-32 (Acts 2:17-21).

What are the last days? When do they end? When will God pour out His Spirit? Who will He pour it out on? What will happen when He does? Does this apply to us today? If so, how?If not, why not?

Does the Bible ever teach that the moving of the Spirt in power or the gifts of the Spirit will cease? I Cor. 13:8-13 is the one text that people sometimes use to make that case. Read it together and discuss whatPaul is talking about.

In Acts 2:22-35 Peter gets to the heart of the message – which is that Jesus is the Messiah. He uses Ps. 16 and Ps. 110 to build his case to the Jews that Jesus was and is the long awaited Messiah, and that they killed Him. In v36 he says it a second time with great clarity to leave no doubt. Read that verse. Why is Peter saying they killed Jesus?

Did this group of people literally kill Jesus?

Do you think this offended them?

What is the application for us? Did we kill Jesus? Did Jesus die for us?

Why did He die for us? Read Rom. 3:23-25

How are we made innocent before God?

So, we are responsible for Jesus' death. This group that Peter is addressing is beginning to understand this, and they are cut to the heart. They ask in v37 what they needed to do… They want to know how to respond to this.

Read Acts 2:38-39. What does Peter tell them (and us) we must do in response to what Jesus did for us?

What does it mean to repent?

Do we have to be baptized to be forgiven?

Is Peter telling them they will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they repent, or does he tell them it will happen later and be evidenced by praying in other tongues?

Read vv40-41. This is God's vision for His church. 3,000 people were added to the Kingdom that day! Pray for God's Kingdom to advance in this same power through our lives and our church as we as His people proclaim His message empowered by His Holy Spirit.