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MINUTES of a meeting of the Ringwould with Kingsdown Parish Council held at Ringwould Village Hall on Wednesday 9th January 2007 at 7.30pm.

Present The Chairman Clr Mrs E Dechamps, Clrs Mrs M Fish, Mrs A Clarke, Miss C Edwards, Miss S Danby, Mr A Shepherd, Mr H Paice, Mr P MacWilliam together with the Clerk.

Apologies were received from the PCSO Kerry Marshall.

MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.


Kings Close – ParkingIt was agreed to arrange a meeting with D.D.C. to discuss the matter further.

KingsdownPark, Upper Street, Kingsdown A letter had been sent to Mr Jason Oliver asking him to arrange repairs to the wall and asking for details of any plans for development of the area but no reply had yet been received.

Bus Shelter, Glen Road The Clerk had been in touch with Mr Ron Wood who would shortly be carrying out necessary repairs.


The chairman reported that 16 applications had been received. These had been reduced to a shortlist of 4 who would be interviewed on January 14th. The interviewing panel would consist of the Chairman and Crs Paice, Clark and MacWilliam.


Kent Air Ambulance An appeal for financial support had been received but it was agreed that the council was unable to make a donation.

D.D.C Parking Plan A copy of the Plan had been received which would be studied by Cr Shepherd.

D.D.C. Affordable Housing The scheme would be studied by Crs Danby and Shepherd.

Lord Lieutenant’s Service An invitation had been received for a representative to attend the Service at Canterbury Cathedral on 4th March. Cr Shepherd and guest would attend on behalf of the Council.

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Southern Water A copy of the update to their services had been received.


Kingsdown An estimate had been been received from Vurley Fencing to erect fencing to the rear of the goal post extending to the boundary fence. The Council felt that this was too

expensive and Crs Fish and Clark agreed to meet Mr Vurley to negotiate a less costly form of fencing.

‘Train’ Repairs Mr Baldwin had not yet carried out repairs and Cr MacWilliam agreed to contact him to expedite the matter.

Ringwould Cr MacWilliam said that volunteers were needed to carry out regular maintenance of the land.


Freedown Wood A quotation had been received to remove the accumulation of rubbish including asbestos in the sum of £1005 plus VAT. Installation of concrete blocks could be undertaken using the same vehicle which would be paid for by K.C.C. Cr MacWilliam agreed to liaise with Denise Roffey. It was proposed by Cr MacWilliam, seconded by Cr Paice and carried that the estimate be accepted.

Otty Bottom It was reported that the gate to the cycle track had been removed.

Kingsdown Butts A dangerous tree had been located and an estimate had been received from M H Squire to remove this and carry out general clearing work in the sum of £180 per day. Approximately 3 days work was envisaged. It was proposed by Cr Fish, seconded by Cr Clark and carried that the estimate be accepted. Mr Squire would be asked to liaise with Cr MacWilliam before commencing work.

Hangman’s Lane Field Ms Sarah Wilson had asked if she could defer the rent payment for 2 months as she had incurred expenses in replacing fencing. This was agreed provided that the total rent was paid before the expiry of her lease.


Community Paths Project Cr MacWilliam reported that 5 members had enrolled.

Kelf FarmCr Paice reported that the obstruction had been cleared and the footpath reinstated.

ER3 Cornilo Farms had confirmed the split ownership of this path and had agreed to arrange clearance of the path behind Balmoral Road.

Balmoral Road It was reported that there was an overgrowth of scrub by the 3 garages and Andrew Calder would be asked to clear.

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Parish News No. 329 was discussed. Cr Shepherd felt that a Parish Plan should be prepared.


The following recommendations of the planning committee were announced:-

DOV/07/01481– 88 Balmoral Road, Kingsdown – Single storey rear extension

No objection

DOV/07/01418 – Part of 41 Balmoral Road, Kingsdown, detached dwelling and alterations to vehicular access

Strong objection – proposed dwelling far too large and out of keeping with surrounding properties, strong detrimental effect on surrounding open countryside and possibility of drainage problems causing flooding.

DOV/07/01317 – Upgreen, Kingsdown Road, Kingsdown – single storey front extension and balcony to rear

No objection

DOV/07/01410 – Mandalay, The Rise, Kingsdown – front dormer roof extension and conservatory and side bay window

No objection

DOV/07/01388 – Nikko, The Leas, Kingsdown – side and rear dormer roof extensions and rear balcony

No objection

DOV/07/01353 – Garibaldi Farm, Dover Road, Ringwould – change of use of garage to s/c granny annexe

No objection

DOV/07/01363 – Beech Tree Cottage, Back Street, Ringwould – rear conservatory extension (existing conservatory to be demolished

No objection

TC/07/00121/TC – Branscombe, Upper Street, Kingsdown – re-pollard one sycamore tree

No objection

DOV/07/01420 – The Gate House, Upper Street, Kingsdown – car port and alterations to vehicular access

Objection – garage, not a car port, too bulky for site, detracting from appearance of property in a conservation area.

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The following decisions of Dover District Council planning department were announced:-

TC/07/00121/TC – Branscombe, Upper Street, Kingsdown – re-pollard one sycamore tree

Permission GRANTED

DOV/07/01122 – 31 North Road, Kingsdown – rear extension and alterations

Permission GRANTED

DOV/07/01214 – Innisfree, Glen Road, Kingsdown – 1st floor side and rear extensions and rear conservatory extension

Permission GRANTED


The following payments were approved:-

351E N D FaggAdvertisement£215.02Pro Cr P MacWilliam

2ndCr M Fish

352 Ringwould V HallHall Hire£35.00Pro Cr Clarke

2nd Cr Shepherd

353 P GoddenVillage Clearing£90.00Pro Cr Deschamps

2ndCr Danby

354 Clark GlassBus Shelter Repairs£115.15Pro Cr Clarke

2nd Cr Danby

355 Kingsdown V HallHall Hire£16.00Pro Cr Deschamps

2nd Cr Paice

356 Petty Cash£20.00Pro Cr MacWilliam

2nd Cr Clark

357 E N D FaggJan Salary£279.17Pro Cr Deschamps

2nd Cr Fish

358 Cr MacWilliamPadlock£13.49Pro Cr Fish

2nd Cr Danby

Cr DeschampsAdvertisementPro Cr Paice

Awaiting invoice2nd Cr Clark

An appeal had been received from Kingsdown and RingwouldSchool for a donation of £500 towards the cost of the publishing The Chronicle. It was proposed by Cr Fish, seconded by Cr MacWilliam that the sum of £300 be donated. This was carried with one abstension.

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BUDGET – 2008/9

Following a meeting of the Finance Committee a budget of £21,000 was proposed. Cr Shepherd suggested that a sum be included for communication costs. It was agreed to include the sum of £1,000 for Communication Purposes. It was then proposed by Cr Deschamps,

seconded by Cr Fish and carried unanimously that the sum of £22,000 be precepted on D.D.C.


Notice Board Cr Clark suggested that a Notice Board be erected near the School. The cost would be investigated.

‘Children’ Sign, Ringwould Road The sign was obscured by vegetation and Kent Highways would be asked to cut this back.

KingsdownBeach Cr Danby reported an accumulation of fisherman’s waste and asked if a bin could be provided by Boundary Road. A request would be made to D.D.C. for a bin and an appropriate notice to be supplied.

Zetland Arms Cr Paice reported overflowing rubbish bins. It was felt that this was due to the Christmas period when there was no emptying service

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.00 p.m.