Teacher: POOLETopic: Rational Numbers Date: Monday, April 18th

Unit: Numbers and Operations / Grade/Subject: 6th - 8th
Standard/Element:MCC6.NS.1, MCC7.NS.1, MCC8.NS.1
– Students will be able to solve problems involving rational numbers.
6th – What are the steps to combining like term?
What is the difference between the distribute
Property and an equation?
7th – How do you identify the key math terms in a word problem?
How do you interpret information from a graph?
8th – How do you solve problems involving scientific notation?
How do you solve problems involving Pythagorean Theorem? / EQ:
How do you solve problems involving Rational Numbers?
Data Discussion/Assessment:

Teacher: PooleTopic: Rational Numbers Date: April 19th

Unit: MCC6.NS.1, MCC7.NS.1, MCC8.NS.1 – Numbers and Operations / Grade/Subject: 6th – 8th
Standard/Element: Students will be able to understand how to solve problems involving Rational Numbers? / EQ: How do you solve problems involving Rational Numbers?
Launch/Anchor Concepts: Students will review how to represent various types of Rational Numbers.
Work Period
Practice /task/activity: Students will complete computer assessments utilizing Study Island Math Program. (Checkpoints- RTI Data)
6th – Fractions, Decimals, Ratios, Word Problems
7th – Fractions, Ordering Numbers, Compute Solutions, Ratios
Ticket out the door – Vocabulary Check
Data Discussion/Assessment:
Informal: vocabulary review Formative: Equations Quiz Summative: N/A
Students will have individualized instruction based on V-Math Program, while other students work on Study Island Assessment

Teacher: PooleTopic: Rational Numbers Date: 4/20/16

Unit: / Grade/Subject: 6th – 8th
Standard/Element: MCC6.NS.1 and MCC7.NS.1:
Students will be able to solve problems involving mean, mode, median, and range (7th)
Students will be able to solve problems involving Order of Operations
6th - 8th
Students will be able to solve problems involving Pythagorean Theorem(8th)
Students will be able to solve problems involving equations (6th) / EQ: How do you solve problems involving rational numbers?
Launch/Anchor Concepts: Students will review vocabulary
Work Period
Practice /task/activity:
  1. Students will complete Smart Board Response Activity – Using Smart Board System, students will complete 5 problems involving order of operations.
  2. Scholastic Math Magazine –Thrill Rides p.9 – Students will be able to explain how to solve word problems by finding key terms and identifying math operations. (p.7)
Students will review how to divide decimals p.16 (1-5) (Use calculators to check problems)
  1. Laptop Activity – Students will utilize and
in order to complete computer assessments
7th–Students will complete practice problems involving decimals.
8th – Students will complete practice problems involving Pythagorean Theorem
6th – Students will complete practice problems involving equations and formulas
Describe how you will facilitate the closing. Students will be competing against one another with the Smart board game on fractions. (6th – 8th)
Data Discussion/Assessment:
Informal: Teacher will call on students for oral responses on vocabulary and warmup Formative: Class Participation Summative: N/A Data Discussion:Teachers will discuss computer assessment scores and grouping students for
Peer tutoring or individualized instruction
Teacher will work with students in small groups. Students can choose which computer activity to work on based on learning style and learning levels. Teacher will match the high scores with the low scores for peer tutoring on Thursday based on computer assessments. 8th – Students will create their own Pythagorean Theorem flipbook after lesson notes and practice.

Teacher: PooleTopic: Rational Numbers Date: 4/21/16

Unit: Numbers and Operations / Grade/Subject: 6th – 8th
Standard/Element: MCC6.NS.1, MCC7.NS.1, MCC8.NS.1 / EQ: How do you solve problems involving Rational Numbers?
Launch/Anchor Concepts: Review Integers and Equations (6th – 8th)
Work Period
  1. Warm Up 1-3 – Order of Operations (6th and 7th) 8th – Warm Up – Pythagorean Theorem 1- 3 (Review)
  2. Smart Board Response – Order of Operations Quiz (6th and 7th) 8th – Pythagorean Theorem Practice
  3. Laptop Activity – Students will utilize or
and complete the following practice assessments
6th and 7th – Students will complete practice problems involving decimals and percent.
8th – Students will complete practice problems using Study Island Program on Pythagorean Theorem
Some students will work on Scientific Notation Computer Assessments
Describe how you will facilitate the closing.
Ticket out the Door – Vocabulary Check
Data Discussion/Assessment:
Formative: Computer Assessments Summative: N/A
Data Discussion: Teachers will discuss results of quiz for remediation and small groups
Teacher will work with students in small groups. Students can choose which computer activity to work on based on learning style and learning levels. Teacher will match the high scores with the low scores for peer tutoring on Thursday based on computer assessments. 8th – Students will create their own Pythagorean Theorem flipbook after lesson notes and practice.

Teacher:Poole Topic: Rational Numbers Date: Friday 4/22/16

Unit: Rational Numbers / Grade/Subject: 6th – 8th
Standard/Element MCC6.NS.1, MCC7.NS.1, MCC8.NS.1: / EQ: How do you solve problems using Rational Numbers?
Launch/Anchor Concepts: Students will review test taking strategies for multiple choice questions.
Work Period
  1. Practice /task/activity: Scholastic Math Magazine – Thanksgiving Statistics – Students will be able to explain how to solve word problems by finding key terms and identifying math operations. (p.7)
Students will complete word problems
  1. Laptop Activity – Students will utilize and complete computer assessments
7th – Students will complete practice problems involving decimals.
8th – Students will complete EQUATION PRACTICE 1-20 ALL
Discuss and review vocabulary
Data Discussion/Assessment:
Formative: computer assessments Summative: Based on test results – Students will be placed in Remediation
Groups for 8th grade