P.O. Box 490

Veribest, Texas 76886

Bobby Fryar-Superintendent Jim Meredith–Secondary Principal

Denise Dusek-Business ManagerKalum McKay–Elementary Principal

Tara Molina – District Secretary Leah Zaruba -- Campus Secretary

325-655-4912 325-655-2851


TEACHER:Donna TaylorSCHOOL:VeribestHigh School

COURSE:Algebra ITEXTBOOK: Big Ideas Math Algebra 1

COURSE DESCRIPTION: A two semester course in which the student will become proficient in various linear, quadratic, and exponential functions. We will emphasize applications of these functions in the real world beyond school.

GRADING PROCEDURES: Each six weeks will consist of 40% tests, 60% daily work (quizzes, projects, homework, labs, and groupwork). Students should know their grades at all times by keeping their own record or logging onto the gradebook. At the end of the six weeks, two daily grades will be dropped.

In accordance with grading guidelines (Student Handbook, Page 40) a student who meets the criteria detailed in the grading guidelines will be given a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing grade.

  1. Assignments—Students who attempted but failed an assignment can redo all the questions missed to earn a grade up to a 70. Assignments not attempted cannot be corrected.
  2. Tests—Preparation for taking a test is essential for any student’s success! Content mastery is the ultimate goal. With this in mind, any student may retest regardless of the original test grade. Test corrections must be completed during Falcon Period before a retest is available. Students must show all work, get the correct answer, and explain what he/she did incorrectly or explain how to properly work the problem. Upon completion, the student will complete the entireretest similar in material. The studentmust take the grade on the retest. Ample time will be given to complete corrections and the retest.A due date will be given at the time original test grades are known. Test corrections, along with all other work, will not be accepted late.

ASSIGNMENT POLICY: All homework must be turned in on the assigned due date. NO LATEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED! Any assignment not turned in on time will result in a zero. After two zeros are earned, the parent will be contacted. A student with three zeros will be referred to the principal (see page 51 of the student handbook).

Book Assignments: Students will be given an assignment sheet for each chapter. Students will have a choice as to which assignment he/she completes. Blue has the least amount of problems with maximum grade of 88. Gold has a few more problems than blue with a maximum grade of 93. White is the assignment with the most problems, but the most beneficial for the student with a maximum grade of 100.

Additional Problems: Extra even numbered problems from the Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency section in each lesson are assigned to help students earn more points, a maximum of one point each.

MAKE-UP POLICY: We will follow the guidelines as stated in the student handbook.

PLAGIARISM: Copying other students’ work is not allowed. Grade reductions can occur as stated in the student handbook.

Grade Reports: Progress reports will go out approximately 3 weeks into each grading period. These progress reports must be signed by the parent/guardian and brought back the next class day. Getting a progress report signed and brought back will result in a daily grade of 100. Not returning a signed progress report will result in a daily grade of 0. Report cards are issued every six weeks. These must be signed and returned to your second period teacher.

Math is not always about getting the correct answer. Most of the time,the mathematical process is more important. This is why I require that all students must show their work at all times unless instructed otherwise by the teacher. Writing down answers only will not be accepted.



  1. Be polite.
  2. Be prompt.
  3. Be prepared.
  4. Be productive.
  5. Be positive.


COMMUNICATION: Parents should feel free to call (655-2851) or e-mail () me with any questions regarding your child. I will respond as quickly as possible.

REMIND 101: Please join the group by texting @vhsalg1718 to the number 81010. (If you have trouble, text @vhsalg1718 to (832)678-8484). You should receive a welcome message.

TECHNOLOGY: Students will be using a graphing calculator and with prior approval a personal electronic device. Students will be issued and responsible for a graphing calculator owned by Veribest ISD. Should students choose to provide their own calculator, please purchase a TI-84+ or TI-nSpire.


Step 1:Go to demo site

Step 2: Click on New to Big Ideas Math? in the login box.

Step 3:Enter your districtAccess Code: PZXG-XSYB-PDZP

Step 4:Fill in fields for steps 1-4 (record your password ______) and click next

Step 5: Please record the generated username ______and click next

Desmos, GeoGebra

TEXTBOOK APPS: Big Ideas Math, Big Ideas Math Solutions, Big Ideas Math Videos, Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally,Desmos, GeoGebra

ONLINE TUTOR: Sunday – Thursday 3 pm to 11 pm

Google: We will use Google Drive and Google Classroom. Students should have received an email requesting you to join Google Classroom. Please join. (If needed, the class code is 48y4np0).

Quizlet—Go to To utilize my quizzes, search for dTaylorVbest

I look forward to an exciting year!

Mrs. Taylor

Course Syllabus and Classroom Management Plan Acknowledgement

Subject: Algebra 1

This is to certify that I/we received a copy of the course syllabus and the classroom management plan.

Parent/Guardian Name (Printed): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______

Parent’s E-mail Address: ______Date: ______

Would you like to be notified of student’s class information using Remind 101? (Please circle.)


Student’s Signature: ______Date:______

Student Name (Printed): ______

Student Email:______

Book Number: ______

Calculator Number:______