Madani High School Homework Policy
Homework is any work or activity which students are asked to do outside lesson time either ontheir own or with parents or corers.
Homework should not prevent students from participating in activities after school such asport, or clubs of any kind.
The purpose of homework
- To encourage students to develop the confidence and self-discipline to work on their own, an essential skill for adult life
- To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding
- To extend school learning, for example through additional reading
- To enable students to devote time to particular demands such as GCSE coursework or project work
- To support the home/school relationship
The amount of homework
All teachers will be provided with a homework timetable that should be followed to avoid pupils receiving too much or little homework. At the start of the term it should be ensured that all pupils have the timetable noted in their planners. Where a new pupil start the form tutor needs to ensure that he/she supplies the pupil with the timetable. Teachers will not set homework to be completed for the next day, butwill give students at least two days to complete the homework. The time devoted to homeworkshould increase as the student progresses through the school.
Students in Years 7-9 should have one homework per week for English, Maths, Science, Humanities, ICT and Modern Foreign Languages, which should take between45 minutes and one hour. In the case of practical subjects such as Technology and Arthomework will be set when appropriate to their current project.
There will be no homework for PE in KS3.
Students in Year 10-11 will have between an hour and an hour and a half per subject, perweek.
Students are encouraged in addition, to read as widely as possible
around their chosen subjects to broaden their knowledge.
Homework will be differentiated where necessary to take into account individual needs.
Types of homework
Homework might include such things as:
1. Writing assignments.
2. Learning assignments.
3. Preparing an oral presentation.
4. Reading in preparation for a lesson.
5. Finding out information/researching a project.
It is important that students should have frequent and increasing opportunities to developand consolidate their competencies as independent learners.
Homework: What is it for?
- independent learning
- self-discipline
- consolidation l research
- practice learning by doing
- pupil/parent/teacher partnership
- completion of course work assignments
Organisation of homework
All students have a Planner which they should carry with them at all times to recordtheir homework. Tutors and parents/guardians are asked to check and sign these on a weekly basis.
Non-completion of homework: DETENTION STAGES
(Run on a term by term basis)
H1 / No homework / incomplete 1st time / Warning given to pupil and recorded in the mark bookH2 / No homework/incomplete 2nd homework for a subject not completed in a one term cycle / 20 minute lunch detention issued by subject teacher. Teacher to complete detention slip that can be found on the Q drive under forms. Details of this detention MUST be logged on to SIMS. An email should also be sent to the HOD and CC the form tutor to advise them of the detention.
If a pupil misses the detention he/she will automatically move onto the next stage
H3 / No homework/incomplete 3rd homework for a subject not completed in a one term cycle / Pupil to have a 1 hour detention after school. Teacher on duty is responsible for leading the pupils out of the corridors as they are locked.
Teacher must call home to discuss the matter with the parent/guardian. Details of the call must be noted on SIMS.
Teacher to complete detention slip that can be found on the Q drive under forms. Details of this detention MUST be logged on to SIMS. An email should also be sent to the HOD and CC the form tutor to advise them of the detention.
If a pupil misses the detention he/she will automatically move onto the next stage.
Subject teacher will also email Saleena who will arrange for a standard detention (1_hour_detention_letter) letter to be sent out to the Parent. Teacher to inform Saleena of the reason for the detention.
H4 / No homework/incomplete 4th homework for a subject not completed in a one term cycle / Pupil to have another 1 hour detention after school for 1hour. Teacher on duty is responsible for leading the pupils out of the corridors as they are locked.
If a pupil misses the detention he/she will automatically move onto the next stage.
Teacher to also email the HOD and cc the form tutor who will arrange for a meeting with the parent to discuss strategies that will help the pupil to complete homework (after school clubs, more support, additional support at home) HOD to provide the teacher/form tutor with the feedback from the meeting and update SIMS.
H5 / No homework/incomplete 5th homework for a subject not completed in a one term cycle / Pupil to have another 1 hour detention after school for 1hour. Teacher on duty is responsible for leading the pupils out of the corridors as they are locked.
If a pupil misses the detention he/she will automatically move onto the next stage.
Teacher to email the Assistant Principal and cc the HOD/ Pastoral/ and form tutor. Assistant Principal to discuss the situation with the Pastoral team and HOD and thereafter will arrange a meeting with the parent and issue the parent with a learning contract.
AP to provide the teacher/form tutor/HOD and Pastoral with the feedback from the meeting and update SIMS.
School’s responsibilities
The subject teacher is responsible for setting appropriate homework and marking it regularly. S/heshould check that students are recording details of homework set in their organisers. InYears 7-9 homework should be set to ensure that there is more than one night in which to do it.
This allows students to plan their time, participate in out of school activities if they wish, and still beable to do their homework.
Heads of Department are responsible for ensuring that all teachers in their department are settingappropriate homework regularly and marking it.
This should be checked on a monthly basis as part ofthe Department’s QA process Where a HOD is not in place the Assistant Principal will be in charge of this activity
Parents’/Carers’ role in homework
- Parents/carers should support students with their homework but accept that their role willbecome less and less important as students become more responsible and independent.
- Parents/carers should try and provide a reasonable place where students can work orencourage them to make use of the school’s facilities.
- Parents/carers should encourage students to meet homework deadlines.
- If parents/carers feel that insufficient or too much homework is being set, they should contactthe form tutor who will investigate the situation.
- Parents/carers should make it clear to students that they value homework and support theschool in explaining how it can help them to progress
- Parents/carers should encourage students and praise them when homework is completed.
Students’ responsibilities
- Students should always carry their Personal Organisers with them
- Students should record the homework set even if they have written it in detail in their planners
- Students need to accept that deadlines must be kept
- If students are absent, they need to find out what work has been missed and catch up on it
- Being away on the day that homework is set is not an excuse for not doing it.
- Problems with homework should be resolved before the deadline. If necessary studentsshould see the member of staff concerned for help.
- Students should take a pride in doing their best.
Review of the Policy:
Date Policy Approved …………………………
Signed by Chair of Governors……………………………………………………
Next Review Date……………………………….