
Subject: Islam and natural science

Specialisation: Classics Philology and Mediterranean Culture

Faculty: Philological Faculty, Institute of Classics, Mediterranean and Oriental


Language: English

Lecturer: Olga Kotynia.


1) Theory of evolution in Islamic culture- arguments of the supporters and

the opponents. Teaching biology in schools of Arabic countries.

2) Theory of I’jaz. Explanation of scientific facts on the basis of Coran and

sayings of the Prophet.

3) Classical Islamic medicine- the influence of Arabs and other Muslim

nations in the progress of medical treatment.

4) Medicine of the Prophet- Islamic form of folk medicine. “Divine”, natural

remedies and treatments.

5) Bioethics- Islamic view towards the most important bioethical issues.

6) Arabic alchemy and its influence on the progress of modern chemistry.

Effects of teaching:

1) Student describes the achievements of Islamic nations in the field of

natural science.

2) Student describes the clash of creationism and evolutionism in Islamic


3) Student defines the role of the authority of the Coran, the Prophet, the

Muslim lawyers and theologians in the life of the Muslims.

4) Student defines the ethical dilemmas of the doctors and patients and the

ways of resolving them by the Islamic authorities.

5) Student describes the medical pluralism characteristic for Islamic culture.

Form of getting a credit : oral.


Subject: Islamic philosophy

Specialisation: Classics Philology and Mediterranean Culture

Faculty: Philological Faculty, Institute of Classics, Mediterranean and Oriental


Language: English

Lecturer: Olga Kotynia.


1) Sunni kalam.

2) Philosophers inspired by Hellenism thought.

3) Sufism.

4) Prophetic philosophy of shiites.

5) Philosophers of Andalusia.

6) Islamic ethics.

7) The nature of knowledge.

8) The nature of time.

9) The understanding of mind in Islamic culture.




Philosophy of politics.

Effects of teaching:

1) Student characterizes the views of philosophers belonging to different

types of Islamic philosophy.

2) Student describes the basic issues considered by Islamic philosophers.

Form of getting a credit : oral.